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Ponies Falling to Earth (Looking for Pinkie Pie!)


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SHOCK. Connor's mouth hung open a moment, as his mind was still taking time processing what Rarity had just said. "I think you need to tell Charles as soon as you can... And tell Colette as well. She can miss things sometimes." He said finally. "Well, that bit of news was certainly a shock!"

((I'd insert a shocked reaction face, but I don't know how from my phone…))


The twins went about explaining this wrong, and they knew it. "You're not going to. And you don't have to eat meat. We only meant to make you aware, so when you do see it, you wouldn't freak out so much..." Stephen said. "Some humans are vegetarians, so you really don't need to eat meat. So we won't get any meat whilst you're with us. Okay??"

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Time Spinner had gotten lost in the town. He searched up and down the streets and couldn't find the way to that tree. He did find a brown...flipy thingy. It had five green papers in it. Time wasn't sure what it meant but each one had a one on it.

[colour=#696969]"Maybe it's for decoration?"[/colour] He thought

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"My point is you gotta let her know you like her! The worst that could happen is she turns you down..." Colette said.

It was just a short a drive back to her house as it was to the hospital. Colette parked the Chevelle just in front of the garage before killing the engine and stepping out. "I'm gonna nap for a few hours, get Queenie's photo, then take her clothes shopping. I'll take Rarity with if she wants to go with..."


Connor pulled up and parallel parked on the street corner, climbing out before opening the door for Rarity. "I am beat!" He called out. "I'm gonna head straight on into bed…"

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Jim cook

"Spike...You are Human...i don't..oh, here we are!"

They had managed to leave the forest, and were standing in front of a heavily battered Red Ute. Jim opens the passanger door, before walking over to the driving side.

"Come on mate, get in..We can talk as we get into town"

Shadow Flare

[colour=#FF0000]"S-so, i don't have to eat, or kill, anything? I can, eat like i used too?"[/colour]

Inside the former Pegasus's mind, hundreds of Questions demanded to be answered, but he surpressed them, for now. He needed to think straight

After a few minutes of nothing but breathing rather heavily, Shadow looked over at the twins.

[colour=#ff0000]"I-i think i'm going to...to be ok"[/colour]

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(Waiting is hard. XD)

Matthew walked in the busy streets of New York. They were filled with people from all types of places. Matthew was on the phone with his mentor, boss, and friend Allison. The clouds were dark and it looked like it was about to rain.

[colour=#FF0000]"Allison are you sure it was a 7 out of 10?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He asked unsure. She replied with a strong Yes.[/colour]

[colour=#FF0000]"Okay I'll call the apple and fax them your review. Bye." [/colour][colour=#000000] He told her and turned his phone off. Matt was an assistant movie reviewer and was learning from Allison who was famous for her honest work. Matt walked into a tall building. [/colour]

[colour=#006400]"Hi there Matt!" [/colour][colour=#000000]The attendant at the desk said.[/colour]

[colour=#FF0000]"Hello sir." [/colour][colour=#000000]Matt had forgotten his name and walk into the elevator. He pushed the number seven and it took him to his floor. He had a small apartment in this building. He walked to see the door that said 742. He unlocked it and put his stuff on the counter. It was small and only held a bedroom, living room, kitchen, and a bathroom. Matt sat on his couch and sighed. He turned on his TV and watched the news.[/colour]

[colour=#000080]"There were large charges of energy being recorded on our charts today. No one was injured but the police are confused about where these blasts came from. More at 11." [/colour]

[colour=#000000]Matt rolled his eyes. [/colour][colour=#ff0000]"It's just someone trying to get famous." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said.[/colour]

"[colour=#000080]The weather tonight will be a big storm, so stay indoors."[/colour]

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"I'll be getting you up in few hours, so sleep good!" Colette called after the Queen as she stepped in. She sat across from Rarity as she turned on her laptop. "Is something wrong??" She asked her. She was in the process if checking her messages, and saw that she had a new one. She wanted to type a quick response, then hit the sack.


Connor followed Colette inside, saying nothing as he too went downstairs and onto bed. It had been a long night, and all he wanted to do now was sleep.

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Josh sat indoors and played video-games all day, the weather outside was freezing, well at least to him anything below 89 is cold. Josh heard some footsteps down the hallway, " Hey just come in, I've been waiting for it." The pizza hasn't arrived for hours, either the pizza guy was mugged or he ate it all. Josh didn't see anyone step in so he got up and went out into the hallway, " I said....Hey you're not the pizza guy. Hmm hey! I have a new idea for my youtube channel, all of my fans are going to love it, just picture this....Strangers gaming with Josh." He pulled the stranger into his room and set him on the couch, " Here is your controller, now lets resume this gameplay." Josh starts to narrate everything thats happening in his minecraftian world.


MorningDawn wondered the streets as he doesn't remember where he was, first he was just chilling with his big brother David, but now he's somewhere else. He see's a house, so he opens the door and walks in. The weather outside was unbearable, it was snowing a lot. Morning shivered and started rubbing his shoulders, wait...something doesn't feel right. Morning feels around his face and then he realizes, " What the? What am i! Who am I!" He passes out on the sofa he was trying to get warm on.

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Time Spinner-

[colour=#696969]"What?" [/colour][colour=#000000]Time said as he was pulled into the room. He was handed a white...something. (I assume this is xbox.). He stared at the something for quite a long time. His notebook was now in his pocket. He had discovered holes in his...bottom clothes. They were blue and made of some material Time could only guess at. His shirt reminded him of a silk cloth he had found in his house. Perhaps the shirt was made of it. It's colours were black and had white horizontal stripes. He looked at the... thing next to him. He was so confused.[/colour]

[colour=#696969]"Who are you?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He asked.[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Alan Davis- Alan had heard a door open. He panicked. He was just sitting in his room reading a book when this all happened. He panicked. He cautiously went to his closet and went through all his junk until he came to a baseball bat. He grabbed it, not wanting to wake his brother. He opened the door slowly and crept out into the hall. He walked through his kitchen and into the living room. He looked around but saw nothing suspicious...except the door was wide open. He closed and locked, then he walked back through the living room. He stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to see a complete stranger laying on his couch, Sleeping.[/colour]

[colour=#0000CD]"What are you doing in my house?!?" [/colour][colour=#000000]He practically shouted.[/colour]

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Both twins breathed a sigh of relief. "For a second there, we thought you were gonna lose it on us!" Shawn said. Before long, they arrived at clothing store. Stephen parked the car and stepped out. Shawn did the same, opening the door for Shadow. "Alrighty, let's get you some clothes!"


"What is it??" Colette asked as she took a seat next to Rarity. "Did something happen??"

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Charles Slowly shut the door. he heard the whole conversation. He let a single tear roll down his face. "why is it every time?"


"Whatever." Spike said hopping out of the car.


Discord chuckled. he loved this world. He came here from time to time to make chaos and was now one of the only places he wasn't tied down as a good guy. Who was he kidding there wasn't any good guys here. he walked into a cafe. He saw a guy and read his mind 'waiting for his Girlfriend? oh what fun.' he changed into some one from the man's past that he hasn't spoken to in a long time. talked with him then exchanged numbers. except he put the number in himself and said his name was 'Linda<3' then left when his girlfriend arrived. Before walking out the door texted him 'That was fun last night. love you babe.'then stood out the window and ate up the anger of the man's girlfriend. 'well that was fun. what else is there to do?'

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" You don't know me! I have 3 million subscribers on youtube, you ought to be one of them! My name is Josh, i record Josh Gaming." Josh turned off the mic, " Don't you know how to use an xbox controller?" Josh instructed him about everything, especially minecraft. All the controls and what everything does, " The question is, who are you? I would like to know who I'm gaming with so i have at least one guest today for Josh and Friends recording session. It all went downhill when Rue decided to leave me and not join my youtube channel, it was all because he thought being a brony was stupid....Ugh....Anyways....Maybe you can get into my youtube channel, I have been looking for a person on youtube, but none are worthy, so i assume you could be." ( These guys will be recording and playing a lot of video games, so if you spot them on youtube then yeah )


Morning was woken up by a shout, " I don't know how i got here! I don't know where this is! Or what i have changed into! I assume we are in Ponyville, right?" Morning started to panic as he saw the man before him was wielding a weapon of some kind, " Please don't hurt me, i came in because of the snow outside...Its practically a blizzard out there!" ( any references to the real world about the giant storm? )

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The spinner of time (AKA Time Spinner)-

[colour=#696969]"My name is Time Spinner." [/colour][colour=#000000]He said [/colour][colour=#696969]"What's a brony?" [/colour][colour=#000000](I see what you did there. XD)[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Aladdin (Aka Alan Davis)- Alan had put the bat down. [/colour][colour=#000080]"Whoa! Just slow down. Tell me what happened."[/colour]

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~Pinkie Pie~

Pinkie took a bite of her cake. [colour=#ee82ee]"Yeah, they're my friends. We were about to take down Chrysallis, but she opened a portal that sent us here. We're probably pretty far apart, though I'm sure they're all alright. Chrysalis wasn't very smart about her portal, because she sucked herself in too, and quite a few bystander ponies who were watching, though i'm not sure why you'd want to watch..."[/colour] Pinkie pondered, downing the rest of her tea. She raised her cup to him. [colour=#ee82ee]"Good stuff." [/colour]She said, setting the mug down. She munched the rest of her cake at an almost inhuman speed. Licking her lips, she looked at Ryan again.[colour=#ee82ee] "So what do humans do around here for fun? I mean, I'm probably stuck here for a while, may as well learn what I can on how to fit in."[/colour] She said, pushing her plate away from her.

>Ryan Avalon Talbot

"I see...Wait, so this "Chrysalis" creature fell into the portal alongside you, your friends and those who were watching?..." Ryan asked curiously but could help but find it absolutely hilarious that Chrysalis's spell backfired and ended up sucking her in too, "I guess she's not a very bright individual as she once claimed after all, huh?..." he thought remembering the two part episode of the show when the Queen and the Changelings first showed up, the show portrayed her as some villainous mastermind set to take over the world and pretty much the standard antagonist agenda. Ryan nodded as Pinkie raised her cup "Naturally we British know how to make an excellent cup of tea." He remarked confidently Ryan almost recoiled in surprise as Pinkie appeared to eat the rest of the cake in one bit but it was later made clear that her speed made it perceived that way. "How...Is that even possible?" He questioned slowly before reminding himself that this is Pinkie Pie, logic with her goes out the window in 10 seconds flat, he regained his composure as Pinkie asked yet another question. "That depends on the person but there's many things we do for fun, however for me? I play video games, watch alot of animation and TV shows and I myself am an Animator and musician, utterly formidable in sword fencing and Read there are plenty more but those are the main ones..." He replied with confidence but unsure of how Pinkie'd react to it hopefully he would show here enough and completely skirt around the My Little Pony show...Hopefully.

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[colour=#ee82ee]~Pinkie Pie~[/colour]

Pinkie's head jolted as Ryan mentioned the things he did for fun. [colour=#ee82ee]"Video games? Are those like board games? Watching things seems boring. Like watching paint dry." [/colour]Pinkie shuddered at the memory.[colour=#ee82ee] "And I've done fencing before! I used to fence with Dashie, but she could never beat me."[/colour] Pinkie giggled.[colour=#ee82ee] "Dashie may be good at sports, but on the ground, she'll never beat me." [/colour]Pinkie said, bouncing slightly in her chair. She leaned forward, as if about to tell Ryan a secret, and put her hand next to her mouth. [colour=#ee82ee]"Not many others know, but I'm actually faster than Dashie on foot. I didn't wanna steal her thunder at the Running of the Leaves though, so I didn't compete."[/colour] she whispered, and then leaned back in her chair. [colour=#ee82ee]"Well, we should probably get goin. I wanna know all that there is about this human world. Lyra will be so jealous." [/colour]She stood up, sticking her hand out for Ryan to lead her to their destination.

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" A brony is either a girl or a boy who likes the show My Little Pony, man you should get out more. Hey can you get me some wood, imma need that for our house." Josh started making his cave house in minecraft.

MorningDawn -

" I was in Ponyville ok now, I'm here...I don't know how i got here, i was just messing around with my bro and then all of a sudden poof i don't see him. And now I"m here!"

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Time Spinner-

[colour=#696969]"My...Little...Pony! You know ponies? Can you tell me how I can get to ponyville?"[/colour]

[colour=#000000]Alan- [/colour]

[colour=#000080]"Ponyville? What's that?"[/colour]

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Well, this was certainly a surprise! Colette had not expected Rarity to say that! She blushed furiously at the revelation, and looked over to the mare sitting next to her, her ears perking up to the sound of the door to the master bedroom closing. "... I think Charles heard you... We should talk more in my room..." Colette whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder.

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Rainbow Dash was excited enough for a while. The show ended with a great finale. Awesome! She can't wait to chill and relax. She looked down at her friend who held her up this whole time.

"You ready to go?"

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" Dude its just a show...Wait...Never mind. What have i just told you! I told you to get wood! Do you or do you not remember how to cut down trees! I showed you!"


" Its where i live you see, I lived there half my life.....I just wish i could get back somehow. Hey! Do you happen to know where we are?"

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