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Honesty: Limes say of the previous year and the future.


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WELP Time to hop on the bandwagon Allura started! Though mine will probably be less lenghty! And I'll be going by Lime here for my real name is most vile indeed!

Okay so when I started Canterlot I was easily the brattiest little brat on the site, I thought I knew everything and that I was right and if you disagreed with me you were wrong! I was a nasty bitey little mess and it took time and a lot of patience to temper me to be a less bitey and nasty pony.

I want to thank all of you that stood by me through that time where I was the worlds biggest pain in the flank, with my moral black and whites :razz: I also want to thank the helpstaff and mods that have stamped numerous applications of mine!

My first App I was terrified to but once it got stamped they just kept coming, mostly because ya'll are a great inspiration! And over the year I'v become a better rper because of it!

Since this is the new year I feel it is time to bury old bitter feelings and to start anew! I'v made up with people I'v previously bickered with that I know will give me a second chance, and I'm overall working on being a better person..

Robi, Helix, Magi, Phil,Scotchy, Steel, Rosie, LM and Mane I don't know what I would do without you people! You've been true friends for the long haul!

StarSwirl and Em? You two have become a great seed to plant for the new year, I want to try to be more like you two every day :)

Allura I'm glad we are finally burying the hatchet and are starting anew!

From the ashes springs forth new life, and I wish to cast off the irritable and itchy pajamas of last year, to put on the clean ones of this year. I have celebrated 2 birthdays, 2 christmases, and 2 New years here and I am thankful for them.

Canterlot and MLP are my port in a storm, the one sanctuary where I can truly feel safe and protected and loved.

This site means so much to me you lot have no idea! The staff, the mods, the community! It's like a thousand twinkling threads in my tapestry of life! I wrote something to that extent and I'll quote it here.

We are all threads, we come in several colours, and textures some of us shine brilliantly and highlight all that is around us, while some of us are slightly dull and muted and make up the background, however without both the tapestry of life would be bare and uninteresting, because it takes many different threads to weave a beautiful image, and that's what life is, a beautiful tapestry woven from experience and coloured by the people we meet that enter our lives and make an impact on us.

It might be the bold crimson hue's of a teacher that touched our eyes and opened our minds to the glory of reading, or the silver sheen of a mother whom gave birth to you and helped mold you into the person you are today.

It could be the muddy browns and greys of the people that pushed you around, making you feel awful by pointing out your imperfections, or even making the things about you that you love seem trivial and small, The gorgeous peacock shades of the friends you hold dear and close to your heart, that make your soul glow with a deep warmth that can't be found anywhere else

The best part about the woven tapestry of life is when bits of your own are clearly visible on your friends tapestry as well because that means you have touched their lives as well.

I want to thank all the threads in my life that make me who I am, to my nearest and dearest friends

I love you all and thank you for being a thread in my tapestry.

I want to thank all the new threads in my life that have made every day worth continuing! And I want to thank you all from the bottom of my Limey heart for being part of my past and my present

Canterlot here is looking forward to the future!

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