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Hearts and Hooves Day (Open till Valetines Day)

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"A doozy?" Pinkie scratched her head in confusion. This wasn't part of her idea... That means something big was going to happen. Maybe her idea would work. She hoped it didn't involve a hydra again.

Pinkie ignored Razor's question and ran to a nearby table. She started writing on a piece of paper with a quill, neither of which he could see how she produced. Once she finished her scribbling, she folded up the paper and sealed it shut with a Pinkie Pie sticker. She then returned to his side. She held out the letter towards him.

"You wanted a prediction, that involves you... something that you don't think will ever happen." She smiled as a small blush crept across her face. "Don't open it, until i tell you." Once he grabbed the letter she started bouncing ahead again.

"Onward to Lyra's house!" She said in a sing-song voice.

Razor blinked, confused. He took the note and shrugged, "Alright."

He put the note into a pocket in his bag, and followed Pinkie to Lyra's house.

When the two came closer to their destination, Razor felt curious about what was on that note. But he kept himself in control, and when he stood before the house he pulled out the package and knocked on the door.

He waited till a mint green coloured pony appeared and he handed her the package.

"Razor Deliveries. I get it to you in three seconds flat or your money back." Razor said.

Lyra smiled and took the package and signed a paper. Razor nodded and turned and walked back over to Pinkie.

"Alright. Now to the last one." He said.

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Unfortunately for the trio in the Crystal Empire it was who they feared it was, and Chrysalis stood near the top of the Staircase, "[colour=#00ff00]Hello there,[/colour]" she sneered, "[colour=#00ff00]Did you enjoy yourselves![/colour]" she narrowed her eyes at them, "[colour=#00ff00]You three get so annoying sometimes, I mean why couldn't you just stay down there![/colour]" She growled, but something in her voice was just a little off..she was sick!

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Light trotted through the Palace. He had no idea where he was going or where he was. He looked up and down the walls and looked in more rooms. He had no idea that there were so many rooms in this palace. "I'll probably end up getting lost in here and then I won't ever get out!" He thought to himself. He walked along a hallway and found a window. He sighed a sigh of relief because he wanted to see the outside. He looked outside and realized how high the palace was off the ground.

He kept walking around and eventually found a door that opened up to multiple staircases. He thought to himself, "Down there?.....Eh maybe."

So he slowly trotted down the staircase. He had no idea where he was going.

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Pinkie waited for Razor to return from the house. 'Only one house left. I wonder if the note will be enough.' She thought. Although it was more of a guess then a real sense, Pinkie didn't think her normal sense would be enough enough to convince the griffin.

"Only one stop left, huh. Next up is Octavia. She plays a mean cello." Pinkie turns and leads Razor through Ponyville, this time passing through Ponyville's market. Which is more crowded then usual today.

"So after this last delivery were still on for...." Suddenly her ears started flopping and her knees began to twitch, although he couldn't see it her eyes fluttered. These motions stopped as suddenly as they started. Before Pinkie could verbalize what they ment, her tail began to twitch.

Once it was over Pinkie turned to Razor. " A rainbow is going to fall?" She saod more for herself then him. "I dont really know what that means." Pinkie looked up into the sky, waiting for a sign. Several of the ponies around them that saw Pinkie at work quickly dispersed from the area.

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Flashbomb nodded to Angel snapp. "she likes you and i think she will be delighted to have you take her to the dance." He scratched his head and thought about his suit. He didnt really care for suits but he wanted one for the dance. "I hope she makes it look cool. " he thought to himself.

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Pinkie waited for Razor to return from the house. 'Only one house left. I wonder if the note will be enough.' She thought. Although it was more of a guess then a real sense, Pinkie didn't think her normal sense would be enough enough to convince the griffin.

"Only one stop left, huh. Next up is Octavia. She plays a mean cello." Pinkie turns and leads Razor through Ponyville, this time passing through Ponyville's market. Which is more crowded then usual today.

"So after this last delivery were still on for...." Suddenly her ears started flopping and her knees began to twitch, although he couldn't see it her eyes fluttered. These motions stopped as suddenly as they started. Before Pinkie could verbalize what they ment, her tail began to twitch.

Once it was over Pinkie turned to Razor. " A rainbow is going to fall?" She saod more for herself then him. "I dont really know what that means." Pinkie looked up into the sky, waiting for a sign. Several of the ponies around them that saw Pinkie at work quickly dispersed from the area.

Razor laughed, "Ahahaha, a rainbow huh?" He laughed again.

"Oh thats a good one. Well if you see any rainbows be sure to tell me." Razor laughed as he walked on.

"Oh I haven't laughed that hard since I saw my brother try to impress his life mate with a ritual flight manuever of his own design. Ended up crashing right into a den of wild boar." Razor said, licking his beak.

"Mmmm....boar." He said.

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"Well, it's Flashbomb!" Applejack smiled wide. Now that Big Mac had approved, she now felt like she could begin telling everypony. "He's great. But, I should tell you, some things have happened..." She blushed slightly.

[colour=#800080]"You and Flashmob! Why didn't I ever see it?" [/colour]Rarity was so amazed at how Applejack was acting. She used to act like it was some useless thing, to have a special somepony. She didn't want to hold that over Applejack now though. [colour=#800080]"Things happened? You mean that rock incident? Or... Something else?"[/colour]

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Flashbomb stood up and Trotted to the kitchen he got a glass of water and drank it on the way back to the couch. He looked at Angel snap. "angel i want to tell you something truthfully." he sat down next to him.

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(not taking over RD, just using her for this scene)

Rainbow Dash: Over Ponyville


Rainbow Dash floated over Ponyville on a small cloud, she yawned and stretched. She would Constantly check her Wonderbolts watch for the time. She was hired to do a special job today, and while she wasn't fond of it, it was a favour for somepony.

She had to make a trip to Cloudsdale to gather the items needed for the job ahead of her. She was dressed up in a white skintight bodysuit, like the one she received at the wonderbolt academy. Strapped across her flanks were two saddlebags; one full of red coloured cloud dust and the other of a rainbow coloured powder.

After one last glance at her watch, Rainbow Dash stood up. "One Giant Heart in the sky, coming up! She flew up into the sky to gain altitude. She worked her wings, to ensure she had the proper altitude. She stared down at the whole town of Ponville.

Rainbow Dash dived towards the town, preparing to perform the trick she had been practicing for days. A normal stunt pony would work the bags so they could make the heart in two precise turns. But, Dash was no ordinary pony. She had perfected a midair turn and spin so she could make the heart in one move! It was going to be amazing!

She dived and folded her wings inwards, it was a 30 second\nd fall, she had practiced 40 times over the last two days. When she was a quarter mile above Ponyville she released the first bag, her trail became a bright red. She pulled up In the start of the heart. In two second she curved backward to make one of the upper curves of the heart. In a split second she twisted her body and made a sharp curve, which allowed her to make the v shape of the heart. Rainbow didn't realize she had taken on too much speed, so as she made the second curve and turned down to complete the giant heart she wasn’t able to pull up in time. The second bag of colour exploded open as she lost control and fell toward the ground. She came crashing down on a strategically placed Hay bale cart not too far away from Razor and Pinkie. The remaining powder exploded making a large cloud of rainbow crash over half the market.

Rainbow Dash, quickly checked herself for damage in the center of this rainbow mushroom cloud. When she found that she was fine she quickly flew out of the cloud. She wanted to make sure to spread rumors of the mysterious pony in the white suit that crashed into town.


Pinkie watched in glee as the rainbow cloud swept over Razor then her.

(so many spelling errors.... well i think i got them all.)

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(not taking over RD, just using her for this scene)

Rainbow Dash: Over Ponyville


Rainbow Dash floated over Ponyville on a small cloud, she yawned and stretched. She would Constantly check her Wonderbolts watch for the time. She was hired to do a special job today, and while she wasn't fond of it, it was a favour for somepony.

She had to make a trip to cloudsdale to gather the items needed for the job ahead of her. She was dressed up in a white skintight bodysuit, like the one she recieved at the wonderbolt academy. Straped accross her flanks were two saddlebags; one full of red coloured cloud dust and the other of a rainbow coloured powder.

After one last glance at her watch, Rainbow Dash stood up. "One Giant Heart in the sky, comming up! She flew up into the sky to gain altitude. She worked her wings, to esure she had the proper altitude. She stared down down at the whole town of Ponville.

Rainbow Dash dived towards the town, prepairing to perform the trick she had been practicing for days. A normal stunt pony would work the bags so they could make the heart in two percise turns. But, Dash was no ordinary pony. She had profected a midair turn and spin so she could make the heart in one move! It was going to be amazing!

She dived and folded her wings inwards, it was a 30 secound fall, she had practed 40 times over the last two days. When she was a quator mile above ponyville she released the first bag, her trail became a bright red. She pulled up In the start of the heart. In two secound she curved backward to make one of the upper curves of the heart. In a split second she twisted her body and made a sharp curve, which allowed her to make the v shape of the heart. Rainbow didn't realize she had taken on too much speed, so as she made the secound curve and turned down to complete the giant heart she wasnt able to pull up in time. The secound bag of colour exploded open as she lost control and fell toward the ground. She came crashing down on a stregically placed Hay bale cartle not too far away from Razor and Pinkie. The remaining powder exploded making a large cloud of rainbow dush crash over half the market.

Rainbow Dash, quickly checked herself for damage in the center of this rainbow mushroom cloud. When she found that she was fine she quickly flew out of the cloud. She wanted to make sure to spread rumors of the mysterious pony in the white suit that crashed into town.


Pinkie watched in glee as the rainbow cloud swept over Razor then her.

Razor stood still looking at the rainbow cloud, closing his eyes as some of the powder fell on him and made him look all rainbow coloured.

Razor blinked, "Well....it wasn't exactly a rainbow."

He shook himself savagly to get the powder off, and began to preen his feathers.

"Gah, this powder is going to be a pain to get out. I'll be preening for hours." Razor said.

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Flashbomb looked over to Angel. "You know applejack right?" Well her and i have been hanging out." He tried to phrase his words correctly. "You know that there are 4 stages of love." He tried not to sound dumb. " first there is a interest, then a crush, the on to special somepony love. Then just straight on love right?"

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Angel Sighed "I believe, Even thought I have never had A special somepony" He pointed out "That love is something you feel when your attached to someone, You want to keep them close. Sorta like a childhood stuffed animal you would snuggle at night." He said "But only you can know when your in love, You shouldn't be asking me, Ask your heart" He realized how cheesy that sounded.

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Flashbomb looked down and blushed with humilty. " Oh.....your right..." He sighed and got up. " thanks angel." he smiled slightly and walked to the basement. He looked in his bag and puled out his over ear head phones. He put them on and turned on his music player. He trotted back upstairs.

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Rarity tried to act skeptical to what Applejack was saying. She just told her that she loved Flashbomb! Rarity LOVED everything that was happened, and believed it was good enough to have been in some weird story type thing! [colour=#800080]"I'm so happy for you Applejack!" [/colour]Rarity suddenly yelled, now no longer pretending to be skeptical. [colour=#800080]"This is WONDERFUL! How did you meet? When do you think you fell in love? Tell me EVERYTHING!"[/colour]

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Razor stood still looking at the rainbow cloud, closing his eyes as some of the powder fell on him and made him look all rainbow coloured.

Razor blinked, "Well....it wasn't exactly a rainbow."

He shook himself savagly to get the powder off, and began to preen his feathers.

"Gah, this powder is going to be a pain to get out. I'll be preening for hours." Razor said.

Pinkie giggled. "If that's who I think it was, then it was most definitely a falling rainbow!" She blew on one of her fore hooves, and instantly the powder expelled outward from her. "It could be worse." She walks back up to Razor. "Did you want to clean up? Or do you want to finish the last delivery?" Pinkie asked as she patted his rainbow coloured back.

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To Queen Chrysalis


Lovinity, Princess Cadence, and Shining Armor suddenly stop and gasp.

"Chrysalis!" Princess Cadence shouted. "What are you doing here?"

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Pinkie giggled. "If that's who I think it was, then it was most definitely a falling rainbow!" She blew on one of her fore hooves, and instantly the powder expelled outward from her. "It could be worse." She walks back up to Razor. "Did you want to clean up? Or do you want to finish the last delivery?" Pinkie asked as she patted his rainbow coloured back.

Razor looked up from his preening, "I'll get this done, then I'm getting something to eat. So let's go."

Razor walked off, following Pinkie as she lead him to Octavia's.

Razor looked at the note he was given again, the rainbow thing had been....odd. But....he still didn't believe it. It didn't make sense to!

Razor shook his head, "This town isn't good for my mental health."

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