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Hearts and Hooves Day (Open till Valetines Day)

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Applejack relayed to her the whole story, from the meeting on the park bench, to him asking her to the dance, to her emotions running wild while Flashbomb was in the hospital, Big Macs thoughts, everything. It felt good talking a bout it. Though, there was still a note of... Uncertainty.

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Flashbmb waved to his friend as he went up the stairs. "Will do pal. " He responded to him. He lid down on his back and crossed his hindlegs and crossed his arms behind his head. He turned his music up and relaxed.the song that played was Loyalty. (reference)

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Rarity listened intently to Applejack's story. She talked about how they met to when she asked him to the dance. She finished the note on what Rarity thought was a note of uncertainty. She went on with that. [colour=#800080]"You don't sound certain. Are you... Confused about something?" [/colour]Trying to think of what the uncertainty met confused Rarity. [colour=#800080]"If you love him, then what's the problem?"[/colour]

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"Well, Ah've never felt this way before with anypony. What if we're doing this all wrong? What if Ah'm misinterprfeting my feelins? What if..." Applejack would have continued with the usual list of new coltfriend doubts if Rarity hadent stopped her there.

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Razor looked up from his preening, "I'll get this done, then I'm getting something to eat. So let's go."

Razor walked off, following Pinkie as she lead him to Octavia's.

Razor looked at the note he was given again, the rainbow thing had been....odd. But....he still didn't believe it. It didn't make sense to!

Razor shook his head, "This town isn't good for my mental health."

Pinkie pie laughs at Razors comment. "Or cleanliness. It's not very far from here." She leads him out of the ruckus in the market, and into one of the cleaner parts of Ponyville. They come up to an inconspicuous house. Pinkie pie walks up to the door. As Razor Approaches he can hear a loud base thumping from the house. "Here we are." Pinkie smiles.

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Applejack was listing off her worries. Rarity stopped AJ, knowing exactly what to say. [colour=#800080]"Applejack, there is no way to 'do love wrong'." [/colour]She began. [colour=#800080]​"Love is an unexplained, spontaneous emotion. There is no right or wrong way to interpret it." [/colour]Rarity tried to explain it another way. [colour=#800080]"It's like asking the correct way to understand Pinkie Pie. There is no correct or incorrect way, because it's impossible. Do what your heart tells you." [/colour]Rarity remembered Applejack's second worry. [colour=#800080]"And you can't misinterpret your feelings. If you feel you're in love, that's what it is. It's like every other emotion in that way." [/colour]Rarity began remembering about every romantic novel she ever borrowed from Twilight's library. Except that one with the sparkly vamponies, that one simply bored her. She ended her thoughts on her and Angel, and how her feelings for him might be more than just 'friends who want to go to the dance together'. [colour=#800080]"But you may want to hold off on the wedding for a while." R[/colour]arity joked.

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Pinkie pie laughs at Razors comment. "Or cleanliness. It's not very far from here." She leads him out of the ruckus in the market, and into one of the cleaner parts of Ponyville. They come up to an inconspicuous house. Pinkie pie walks up to the door. As Razor Approaches he can hear a loud base thumping from the house. "Here we are." Pinkie smiles.

Razor walked up to the house and knocked on the door. He held out the package, but as the door opened a loud blast wave of sound blew him off his claws and into a street lamp, the package falling where he stood.

"WHAT THE!?" Razor shouted over the roaring blast of loud techno music.

A pony in sunglasses, with white fur and blue mane appeared and waved over to Pinkie as she picked up the package and closed the door.

Razor fell to the ground, claws over the sides of his head, "MY EARS! MY SENSITIVE HEARING EARS!"

Razor snarled, trying to remove the ringing in his head. Didn't anypony in this blasted town know a griffon's hearing was highly sensitive to loud sound vibrations!?!

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Applejack, reassured by her friend, punched her gently in the shoulder. "Hey now. We're not Big Mac and Cheerilee." She laughed. "Oh! Ah forgot to tell you the best part." She know that Rarity would flip at this.

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Applejack made a joke about Big Mac and Cheerilee, which made Rarity laugh. Applejack then mentioned something about 'the best part'. Rarity gave a long 'oooooo', then quickly asked; [colour=#800080]"What is it?"[/colour]

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Flashbomb sat up and kept his music going he trotted to the kitchen to make hiself some tea. He loved the stuff like how pinkie pie loves cupcakes. he grabbed a kettle and some tea bags. and began to fill the kettle with water.

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Puzzlebeat looked at Discord [colour=#008080]"you sure this will work?" [/colour]

"oh yes i've used this many times..." discord replied

"ok if you say so." Puzzlebeat said still a little wary about the idea.

"ok then I will be right back." Discord told the DJ before disappearing


Discord appeared right next to Pinkie and Razor "look, since you two have been walking all day round town i think you might need a little refreshments." he said and two cups of punch appeared in his hands. He handed a cup to Razor "i know might have preferred a sandwich, but i already made the punch." then one to Pinkie. "Here you go Pinkie." he said in a deceitful manner

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Razor walked up to the house and knocked on the door. He held out the package, but as the door opened a loud blast wave of sound blew him off his claws and into a street lamp, the package falling where he stood.

"WHAT THE!?" Razor shouted over the roaring blast of loud techno music.

A pony in sunglasses, with white fur and blue mane appeared and waved over to Pinkie as she picked up the package and closed the door.

Razor fell to the ground, claws over the sides of his head, "MY EARS! MY SENSITIVE HEARING EARS!"

Razor snarled, trying to remove the ringing in his head. Didn't anypony in this blasted town know a griffon's hearing was highly sensitive to loud sound vibrations!?!

After waving back at vinyl Pinkie rushed over to Razor's side. "Razor! Are you okay?"


Puzzlebeat looked at Discord "you sure this will work?"

"oh yes i've used this many times..." discord replied

"ok if you say so." Puzzlebeat said still a little wary about the idea.

"ok then I will be right back." Discord told the DJ before disappearing


Discord appeared right next to Pinkie and Razor "look, since you two have been walking all day round town i think you might need a little refreshments." he said and two cups of punch appeared in his hands. He handed a cup to Razor "i know might have preferred a sandwich, but i already made the punch." then one to Pinkie. "Here you go Pinkie." he said in a deceitful manner

"Thanks Discord! I'm parched!" She chugged the drink quickly. "That was great! What kind of punch was it?"

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"Hah!" she laughed, "Like you actually care!" she coughed a bit and glared at them, "But no matter, with you three out of the way Hearts and Hooves day will be no more!" she glared but her eyes were not as bright as usual

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After waving back at vinyl Pinkie rushed over to Razor's side. "Razor! Are you okay?"

"Thanks Discord! I'm parched!" She chugged the drink quickly. "That was great! What kind of punch was it?"

Razor rubbed the areas of his head where the holes that made his ears were once more. Everything sounded slightly muffled, but he felt sure he had no severe hearing damage....he hoped.

"I'll be fine. I just can't handle sudden changes in sound volume like that. Griffon ears are slightly sensitive to sound vibrations." He said

When Discord appeared and offered punch, Razor took the offered drink but felt...unsure. Still, he didn't see how anything else could get any crazier so he drank down the liquid.

"Thanks." He said, finishing the whole cup.

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"When Ah told him Ah love him... He kissed me..." She blushed. Rarity was the pony she went to talk to whenever she had a problem or question on manners of the heart, so Rarity knew full well that this was Applejacks first kiss. "Oh! And he gave me this..." She showed the white unicorn the gem Flashbomb had given her.

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The kettle had filled all the way. Flashbomb picked it up and set it on the stove. he placed a tea bag in it and then turned the stove on to let it prepare. He walked back to the chair and sat down. He turned down his music so he could hear the kettle when it whistled.

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Puzzlebeat waited. Then out of nowhere a cup appeared. He quickly grabbed it then downed it in one chug.


Discord watched Razor and Pinkie drink and chuckled to himself "It's berry but yours had an extra ingredient that most griffons are allergic to so I didn't put it in to Razor's. Anyway when you finish your deliveries call my name." He took the cups and disappeared.


"did you drink it as soon as it appeared?" Discord asked Puzzlebeat

[colour=#008080]"yeah. why isn't it working yet?"[/colour] puzzlebeat replied

"the next time you meet it will kick in."

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To Queen Chrysalis


"Hearts and Hooves Day was made so that all ponies can share some love amongst each other and have a good time," Lovinity replied, smiling. "Why would you want to ruin that (giggle)?"

"Lovinity," Replied Cadence. "She's the queen of love feeding. She feeds off of any love she can find. She's very dangerous! She trapped you for all those years, and just recently!"

"I know Cadence," Lovinity replied. "But at some point don't we all just get tired of hating our enemies?"

"She's no pony to mess with!" Shining Armor said. "She doesn't compromise!"

"Oh really?" Lovinity asked.

"...Cadence. You harness one of the most powerful things in Equestria, the Element of Love. Love can defeat and change anything... even those who hate love or derive evil from it, like Queen Chrysalis here. The queen just wants some food for her loyal subjects. Now granted, Queen, yes you do get carried away with trying to take over pony's minds and create a bunch of evil. But somewhere deep inside you, there's a reason you do... a cry of pain. There's something inside you Queen Chrysalis that causes you to be evil... something that hurts for you to talk about. But if some pony were to offer to be your friend, wouldn't it feel much easier for you to let it out? You weren't here when it happened... but Fluttershy gave Discord a chance... she offered him a friend. Now Discord is a nice person... and you can be too... if you just had a friend."

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Flashbomb sat back in the chair and listened to his music. He thought of the day. Of everything that happened. He sat there and thought About the kiss between him and Applejack. "was i to impulsive?" he thought to himself. He wondered of what Applejack thought about their moment together. "She knows about what i see in her, But what does she see in me?" "What makes me so unique compared to other stallions?" He figured that she could have gotten any stallion she wanted to but she chose him. His kettle had whistled and boiled over. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." he sighed. He took his headphones off and put them around his neck. He trotted over and took the kettle off the stove and turned off the oven. He wiped up the mess with a rag. "Great....Burned tea." he Said said under his breath. He took a cup and filled it with the liquid and sipped it. It was Hot....Very hot. and had a burned texture to the flavour. He gagged a bit but decided to drink it anyway. Green tea leaves were expensive in equestria. He sat back down and sipped his drink slowly. It was quiet in The house. He felt a little lonely but he sat there sipping his tea.

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Pinkie tried to savor the flavour. She put her taste buds to test to see if she could figure out the extra ingredient , but it was no use.

"I guess we're done. Right?" Pinkie looked over to Razor. "Discord. We finished !" She cried out

Razor nodded, "Yeah, we're done. Finally, now to get some lunch and then get out of here."

Razor looked at Pinkie and asked , "So what do I do with that piece of paper you gave me?"

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The Queen looked away, "Its not that easy" she said as she looked at the ceiling, "You make it sound so easy, but I gave up that hope, especially after Canterlot incident," she turned back and looked directly at Cadence, "Canterlot....that was a mistake...that wasn't how things were supposed to go....things got out of hoof," she sighed and closed her eyes, letting out a weak cough once more and looked away, saying three simple words no pony, well except maybe Lovinity, would ever imagine hearing..."I'm sorry Cadence"

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Pinkie fidgeted slightly before she answered cried. "Open it when I tell you. And if I don't... You can throw it away when." her ears drooped slightly as she finished her sentence.

"Let's get you that food that you have been waiting for! I promise nothing will happen!" She said jokingly.

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Pinkie fidgeted slightly before she answered cried. "Open it when I tell you. And if I don't... You can throw it away when." her ears drooped slightly as she finished her sentence.

"Let's get you that food that you have been waiting for! I promise nothing will happen!" She said jokingly.

Razor's stomach growled again, "Right. Lets go, I'm starving. So where to?"

Razor followed Pinkie, figuring that she would know best where to get some food.

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