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Brony Convention Etiquette

Kirby Krackle

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First: the disclaimer. I actually have been to conventions before! Otakon in Baltimore and NYCC specifically, for many years now. I have awards from them too, but that's another thread. So I know how to act at a Con but...

And here's the point of the thread...

How does one act at a Brony convention? I ask because my wife TortoiseShell has graciously bought me tickets to Big Apple Pony Con! Isn't she a doll? But anyway. I want to say that its nothing I haven't done before, that its standard fare and I should just be my usual charming self. But this seems more personal, guys. It's a smaller venue. It's a smaller demographic! Heck, some of you guys might even be going to see AlexS and Tara Strong and then run into me and my stupid hair! I cannot help but clam up at the thought.

Help me out here, lads and ladettes. Before I go all a flutter.

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My son and I went to 2 Pony cons last summer, Trot Con and Canterlot Gardens. Both were pretty small venues, but CG really packed the people into their hotel. I've also been to Dragon*Con in Atlanta several times, which is a huge Con in Atlanta.

At a small con, you can expect fewer panels, because they just don't have the rooms. CG had a big conference room for panels, a dealers room, a gaming room, and an autograph room. That was it. Really, I think the only difference between a Pony Con and a SciFi con is the subject matter. You still have cosplayers posing for pictures, you still have cool stuff to buy, you'll still have points where you'll go "I'm not really interested in anything on the schedule, lets go outside for a bit."

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Well, I've been to a 300 person con, and a 1200 person con, and in the middle of those I went to the 50,000 Emerald City Comicon. The smaller ones are pretty much the same. If you see a VA, feel free to wave or something, but they'll likely be with a liaison and/or security and on their way somewhere. However, if they're walking through the vendor hall or something, and just appear to be browsing, try not to bother them. I know at Everfree Northwest, many of the talent went to check out the vendor hall or Traveling Pony Museum, but they were always with a staff member. They have signing times for a reason, so if you want to talk to them for a couple minutes, save it for that. Don't go asking for hugs or junk like that, there is a time for that and the time is when they are signing autographs.

Basically, just use common sense, and treat people how you'd like to be treated if you were in their situation.

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General con etiquette? 1. Shower. 2. Shower. 3. 1 and 2. That about covers it -- have fun!

With VAs and stuff, you can always ask them for a hug or something. No real harm there, even if it's outside of their designated signing time. They're there to have fun and commune with their fans!

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General con etiquette? 1. Shower. 2. Shower. 3. 1 and 2. That about covers it -- have fun!

With VAs and stuff, you can always ask them for a hug or something. No real harm there, even if it's outside of their designated signing time. They're there to have fun and commune with their fans!

Looking back at all the convention handbooks I collect (and then later lose), it saddens me to see how much 'shower' is posted as close to the front of the book as possible. Because some people really are that bad.

I'm not sure if you should bug them for hugs outside of the hugging time. Its not fun having to tell people no, or hug everybody around because they saw you give a different person a hug

There's hugging times?!

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Looking back at all the convention handbooks I collect (and then later lose), it saddens me to see how much 'shower' is posted as close to the front of the book as possible. Because some people really are that bad.

There's hugging times?!

Yes they are. I sometimes bring along some perfume or body spray and nail anyone who is offensive.

Anytime is hugging time! *hugs*

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621 Rule applies.

At a convention, per day, you MUST have the minimum of;

6 hours of sleep

2 meals

1 shower

I'm going to put the shower as the most important thing.

Those who have been to conventions will know what I'm talking about (if you don't know why I'm emphasising showers, you might need one most).

Urg, there are so many disgustingly smelly people at cons. Harsh reality. :(

Problem is... you can't smell yourself. You're used to your own odour. So regardless if you you think you're 'okay', first thing you need to do, before you go out and meet people, when you wake up is go take a shower. Please... for the love of Yahweh, wash that stank off you! XD

We have a small guide for going to and staying safe at a convention. Click the banner below;


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