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Foal Play! (open, please apply in OOC)


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Flashbomb looked closer at pocket he figured he had seen her before but justshook it off and thought that all ponies look similar at times. He looked forward and noticed a weird looking mare who looked like a incect. she had holes in her legs. He thought that she had a disease but smacked himself subconciously. He knew better than to think like that.

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(Talking to Dreamy ^^)

As much as Fresco would hate to admit it, starting school was kind of scary! What if the teacher was mean? What if nopony liked her? She couldn't do it. She just couldn't trot through that door! The blue little pony watched through her piercingly red eyes as everypony went in, all of the little fillies and colts her age, some nervous, others not so much. She watched until that sweet moment when the door had finally closed, and school had officially started came. [colour=#ff0000]I'm home free![/colour] After a couple of minutes, Fresco was starting to wish that she had just gone in with everypony else, but now didn't want to come in and have to admit that she wasn't in class like she was supposed to be. As fun and cool as it was to skip, Fresco was relieved to see Blue Moon coming in late. She called out, trying to get the pony's attention before she went in. [colour=#ff0000]"Hey!! Are you late too?"[/colour] Fresco quickly caught up with the blue little pegasus, who was still with her mother at that point. [colour=#ff0000]"Can I walk in with you?"[/colour] She sat back on her hind legs, put a front hoof to her chest, and introduced herself, hoping to make a friend. [colour=#ff0000]"I'm Fresco, and I like to draw and pretend. What's your name?"[/colour]

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Chrysalis told them that she was found in Canterlot, and that the princess took her in. She also mentioned 'a power' that needed to be monitored. Knight brohoof'd Siren when he mentioned how she probably got a lot of food. [colour=#b22222]"Probably the best food in Equestria!" [/colour]He tried to imagine the meals that royalty had. Then it reminded him of nobility, and Knight cringed as he remembered meeting his brother. Pawn, meanwhile, was interested in something else. [colour=#808080]"Power? What would that be? Must be strong if the princess' themselves must monitor it."[/colour]

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Chrysalis looked down and sighed as she took pawns shape and form, "[colour=#a9a9a9]This is my power, I can change form[/colour]" she said as she stayed in his form so they could she it wasn't just a magic illusion.

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In demonstration of her power, Chysalis transformed into Pawn! Pawn stared at his clone in surprise, and then began admiring her power. [colour=#808080]"That power... It's perfect! You have made a perfect transformation of me! It IS absolutely perfect, is it not?" [/colour]Pawn ranted. Knight slapped Pawn again. [colour=#b22222]"Seriously dude, shut up." [/colour]Knight turned to Chrysalis. [colour=#b22222]"Your power is awesome! Why don't you seem to like it?"[/colour]

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Chrysalis' fear wasn't of her power, but of being tempted by using it. Knight laughed at it, saying that it was a stupid reason not to like something. Pawn slapped Knight this time. [colour=#808080]"I know it's hard for lowlives to be considerate, but do at least remain quiet!" [/colour]He yelled at Knight. Knight didn't take it well. [colour=#b22222]"You're saying that?! You, Mr. 'what are you' Mr. 'You're a lowlife', Mr. 'I'm not above ponies, lowlives are just below ponies'!" [/colour]The two brothers began fighting, calling each other names and yelling loudly at each other.

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Cloud fluttered his wings into the hallway and stopped outside the classroom, next to two fillies. He swallowed and his wings twitched nervously. He looked at the other two, "U-um... hi.." He said nervously, "I-I'm Cloud... are we late? If we walk in while we're late it'll be embarrassing..." He looked down, obviously a little sad.

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"I actually got to agree with Stuck up on that one..." Siren commented to the two fighting. He turned to Chysalis. "Then I guess the answer to your problem is obvious! You just need to learn to control you power better! Oh! And as your friend, I GET to do it! This is going to be so much awesomesause!" Siren nodded.

(So... is there a teacher or...?)

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After a few minutes of yelling at each other, Siren commented silently that he agreed with Pawn. Knight turned to Siren. [colour=#b22222]"How could you agree with him?! The only reason he said that is for his stupid, selfish reasons!" [/colour]Pawn then jumped up to Knight. [colour=#808080]"At least I'm not lying to her for stupid romantic reasons! Brutish lowlife!" [/colour][colour=#b22222]"Stuck up jerk!" [/colour]The two brothers turned away from each other, with a 'harumph'. Pawn walked away without looking back, and forced himself back to his book. Knight turned to Siren. [colour=#b22222]"Seriously dude, agreeing with him is NOT. COOL! Have you SEEN how selfish that little dude is!" [/colour]Knight didn't mean to direct his anger at Siren, but he decided ignoring Pawn was best, and now that he couldn't direct his anger there, Siren was the closest pony to him.

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"It won't be so bad Cloud, we can all go in together" Fresco gave him a playful punch in the shoulder and a reassuring smile. She swallowed, secretly a bit nervous to go in herself. "A.. are you feeling alright?" Fresco could see by Clouds demeanor that he was a bit worried, but to her it almost seemed like it might have been a little more than that. He looked down, and it caused her young mind to search for an answer as to why. When she couldn't figure it out, she was blunt. "Are you sad or something?"

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Bluemoon Walked toward her class acompannied by her mum When she noticed a pony atempting to get her attention [colour=#FF8C00]"Hey!! Are you late too?" [/colour] << [colour=#40E0D0]Unfortunatly, yes [/colour][colour=#000000]>>She said While giving her mum a small glare <<[/colour][colour=#0000FF] Sorry [/colour]>> [colour=#000000]. Bluemoon continued to walk when Fresco Said [/colour] [colour=#FF0000]"Can I walk in with you?" [/colour][colour=#000000]<< [/colour][colour=#40E0D0]Uh Ya sure ok. [/colour][colour=#000000]>> Bluemoon tried to play it cool but on the inside she was super exited at the thought of possibly making a new friend. She Though about introducing herself but The now Identified Fresco beat her to it << [/colour][colour=#40E0D0]I'm Bluemoon I love Exploring And to pretend too. What about you [/colour][colour=#000000]>> She said while looking at Cloudy.[/colour]

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(Are we in need of a teacher? c:)

[colour=#ff0000]"Well okay." [/colour]Fresco, like most foals her age would, didn't argue when Cloud said that it wasn't important. Besides, whatever it was, it was probably good to get his mind off of. Fresco got excited hearing that both Cloud and Bluemoon liked exploring. [colour=#ff0000]"Exploring sounds like fun! I've never really gone exploring before.. Maybe we could go exploring at recess."[/colour] After entering the class with two new friends by her side, Fresco scanned her surroundings. It didn't look so scary once inside. The walls were decorated with colourful posters with happy ponies on them, and the teacher.. She didn't see the teacher anywhere!! [colour=#ff0000]Maybe she's even later than us..[/colour]

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Flashbomb sat in his desk he watched all of the ruckus of the fighting brothers and The green pony. The Tall funny looking one (crysalis) Had gone quiet. He also saw some new ponies walk in (fresco,cloud,Warpaint, and Acryllc.) The classroom was absolutley full of foals. And not one teacher in sight. He pulled out a piece of paper and drew abit, he wasnt good but he did it to pass he time. When he finishd he sighed and decided he didnt enjoy the picture. He crumpled it up and threw it above the foals's heads and landed it in the trashcan. He smiled slightly at the accompolishment. He flicked his tail to the side as he tried to think of something else to do, Boredom was setting in.

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Pocket sat back in her little corner watching as the new foals walked in and loved watching as Knight and pawn fought. It made her laugh for a little bit. She stayed in the at corner and looked at the clock. [colour=#800080]"The teacher should be here any moment now..." [/colour][colour=#000000]She said under her breath.[/colour]

[colour=#000000](We don't have a teacher...)[/colour]

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Siren started by asking why Knight was angry, then began trailing off and talking about shell fish. The odd things Siren was saying made Knight smirk, and he was back to his normal self. [colour=#b22222]"Sorry dude. Some colts just bug me a bit..." [/colour]He gave a quick glare at Pawn before returning to Siren. He looked over at the door. [colour=#b22222]"Why is the teacher so late? IT'S AWESOME! Did we get a new teacher? One who's always late and gives out candy all the time?!" [/colour]Knight had Cheerilee the year before. She was a good teacher, but he could always do better. Especially when candy was involved.

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