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Foal Play! (open, please apply in OOC)


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Pocket had noticed the black foal had sat in her corner. Not next to her and Pocket was sure she was still hidden but the foal did something. Pocket was unsure as to what it was but for some reason Pocket could sense an aura around her. Something Unicorns could do was to sense when a large amount of Energy was used to cast magic and it was covering the foal. Pocket then saw a foal by the name of Siren sit next to her. He asked her why she came to ponyville. Now this interested Pocket. She remained still and eavesdropped on the whole conversation.

(Need a new teacher? How about zoidberg? XD Seriously though I think we should let Siren give it a shot... Up to you ashcloud. You made this topic.)

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(Okay then! Take it away Siren :razz:)

Cloud stood in between Fresco and Bluemoon and pushed the door open, "W-well, time for school..." He got really nervous again but walked over to a desk and sat down, hoping one of his new friends would be there next to him

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The school bell rang and a pinkish purple earth mare walked into the class room. "Okay, my little ponies! Take your seats!" She said in a happy, upbeat tone.

Siren looked from the teacher to Chrysalis. "I'll talk to ya later!" He nodded as he quickly grabbed a desk by a window.

Cheerilee walked to her desk and opened her book to reveal the faces of all the children she had to teach this year.

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Cheerilee finally entered the room. Knight laughed as he saw how Cheerilee was late on the first day, something that usually rarely happened. He ran up excitedly to her desk. [colour=#b22222]"Hey Miss. Cheerilee, look! I got my cutie mark!" [/colour]He flashed the two swords on his flank to her. Although he had a large record of trouble making in the class, him and Cheerilee were generally on good terms.

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Cheerilee was happy with Knight. Knight hopped back happily to his desk, remembering his shun on Pawn, and putting his hoof by his face so he wouldn't have to look at him. He waited for the school year to start. Pawn sat to his left, not yet noticing Cheerilee, and Siren was to Knight's right, making Knight know that the year would be awesome. Other then a small annoyance.

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Pocket noticed the teacher walk in and she trotted over to her chair which was next to the black foal with 'mystical' powers. Pocket could care less about those powers. She knew where she belonged in the shadows, listening to the conversations of others. She could use some of the information she learned as a bargaining tool and as a way to persuade her if push came to shove. Pocket looked over at the black foal for a short time.

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Flashbomb looked up and saw that the teacher had entered the room. He stared at her with his orange eyes. she looked friendly enough, and he thought he would get along well with her. His wings flapped with anticipation. He opened his back pack and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil. He smiled slightly as he watched the teacher take attendance.

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[colour=#FF0000]"Exploring sounds like fun! I've never really gone exploring before.. Maybe we could go exploring at recess." [/colour]<< [colour=#40e0d0]Hey yeah! THats a Great Idea![/colour] >> Bluemoon said While hoping around << [colour=#40E0D0]I've got a feeling that this is going to be fun![/colour] >> Bluemoon Waved Good-bye to her mum as Cloud opened the door << [colour=#40E0D0]Hello Everypony[/colour][colour=#000000]>> She said with Enthusiasm as The door swung open.[/colour]

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Fresco followed behind Bluemoon's tail, entering the classroom. She made SURE to sit by her new friends, Bluemoon and Cloud. Cloud sat down first, so Fresco plopped her plot down in the seat next to him. Looking at the teacher.. Fresco decided that she didn't look so scary after all! Fresco thought that the teacher looked like a nice and happy lady who would give them cookies instead of homework. [colour=#ff0000]All that worrying..... for NOTHING![/colour] She thought to herself.

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[colour=#ff0000]"Totally!" [/colour]Fresco said aloud, then crossed her hooves in front of her like the perfect little student she was not.

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"All right class, before we begin, I want each of us to go around the class and introduce oursel-" Before Cheerilee could finish Siren shot out of his seat.

"Hello! I am Air Siren! I love the outside, big buildings and talking with others! I don't have a cutie mark yet, but I think I'll get it soon!" Siren gave a confident smile.

"Okay..." Cheerilee nodded slight before looking back to the class. "Who would like to be next?"

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Fresco unnecessarily made her way to the front of the room for her introduction, standing up by the teacher. [colour=#ff0000]"My name is Fresco! And I like making up stories with ponies[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..and pretending [/colour][colour=#ff0000]..[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]and cookies[/colour][colour=#ff0000]..[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]and my friends[/colour][colour=#ff0000]..[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]and drawing is fun[/colour][colour=#ff0000]..[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]and I prolly like exploring[/colour][colour=#ff0000] too..[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]Oh! And recess and lunch, those are my favorite[/colour][colour=#ff0000]![/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]and cooking[/colour][colour=#ff0000]..[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]and Cloud[/colour][colour=#ff0000]..[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]and Bluemoon[/colour][colour=#ff0000]..[/colour]

[colour=#ff0000]..[/colour][colour=#ff0000]and uuuummmmmm........." [/colour]She looked around the classroom, then pointed at Siren. [colour=#ff0000]"HIM!"[/colour] She giggled and ran back to her seat.

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Cloud stood up and looked at the class, "My name is Cloud, I like reading and writing.. I'd like flying too if my wings weren't so little." He smiled, "Drawing and exploring and building forts are fun, but I haven't got to do much of that since I moved to Ponyville." The little blue colt shuffled, "In fact, the only other foals I've met are Fresco and Bluemoon, they're pretty nice." He went back to his desk and sat down smiling.

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Cheerilee stepped up to the front of the class. As with most years, she asked for everypony to introduce themselves. Air Siren was giving his normal ramblings, making Knight smile, and somepony else named Fresco gave an introducation, basically saying everything she liked. Knight stood from his seat to give his introduction. [colour=#b22222]"Hey everypony! I'm Knight, the super awesome dude! Ya' better watch out, or I'm gonna' getcha'!" [/colour]He threatened the rest playfully.

Pawn's reading was interrupted when the teacher stood up to introduce the class. Pawn sighed when it was his turn. Every other pony managed to say more then anypony needed to know about them. Pawn wanted it to be over with. [colour=#808080]"I am Pawn." [/colour]That was all he said before sitting down again to restart reading.

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Flashbomb smiled with amuzement as everypony introduced themselves. He stood up, well floated from his seat about a foot. And introduced himself.

[colour=#0000FF]"My name is Flashbomb. I like flying, racing, making new friends"[/colour] Flashbomb smiled at Light. [colour=#0000FF]"And i have yet to get my cutie mark but i hope i will soon!" [/colour]He squeaked. He blushed with emberissment and smiled poorly. He floated back into his seat.

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[colour=#800080]"Might as well get this over with..." [/colour][colour=#000000]Pocket said now standing. [/colour][colour=#800080]"My name is Pocket Watch. I like to play tricks on ponies and not talk." [/colour][colour=#000000]She then sat back down. She liked sneaking around for a reason...[/colour]

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Cheerilee asked for Pawn to elaborate. As she is a figure of authority, Pawn couldn't say no. He put his book down to try and say more. [colour=#808080]"I am perfect. The one next to me is a lowlife. Anything more you need to know?" [/colour]Knight, naturally, didn't take kindly to Pawn's insult. [colour=#b22222]"He's crazy, that's all you need to know." [/colour]He told Cheerilee, still refusing to look at Pawn.

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