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[colour=#ff0000]Wh[/colour][colour=#ff8c00]at'[/colour][colour=#008000]s [/colour][colour=#0000cd]u[/colour][colour=#800080]p?[/colour] :)

Hey guys! StarStorm here with a new rp idea. This rp is going to be for school fillies and colts who have an overnight field trip to the coast with everypony's favorite, dangerously irresponsible science teacher, Miss Licorice. I'm thinking that it would be fun to have a group who accidentally gets left behind in the unfamiliar, beachy town of Red Rock, and has to venture and make their way back C: Would anybody be interested?

It would be awesome if you guys could fill out some character apps for meh!


[colour=#ff0000]Th[/colour][colour=#daa520]e Ap[/colour][colour=#008000]plic[/colour][colour=#0000cd]ati[/colour][colour=#800080]on[/colour] :smug:

Name: (..You HAVE a name, don't you?!)

Gender: (In the words of Professor Oak... Are you a boy or a girl?)

Race:(Wings? Horn? Neither? Lemme know! But please, no alicorns.. ^^ Tanks)

Brief History: (Where are you from? Where do you live now? Have you had a good life so far?... Also, PLEASE don't write six pages on it.. K tanks ^^)

Looks: (Whatcha look like? Are your character's eyes red, bold, and burning with desire, or are they green and cool as a sea cucumber? Lol, those are ridiculous examples, I'm sorry.. x3 But still, lemme know colours and style)

Cutie Mark: (If any.. If not, it's oki:3 Also, a story of how your character got it would be ROCKIN! ^^)

Personality: (How do you act? Are you a shy little bugger, or would you turn a table sheet into a toga and then dance on the table? Are you good at picking up on boys/girls?)

Likes and dislikes: (What does your pony like or not like to do, eat, throw, strum, whatever!)

Random fact: (Did you once wrestle a bear? Can you make 10 minute brownies in only 8 minutes? This stuff is important!)

Anything I left out..? ^^ : (Can he not go 20 minutes without sunflower seeds? Do you still just need someplace to mention about how she collects pet rocks?)


If I like your app and it blows my mind with it's awesomeness and I want you to play wiff us, I'll give you one of these, which is your cue to get to posting!!


There won't be a posting order, but do be courteous and try not to get TOO far ahead of your fellow rp'ers ^^


[colour=#ff0000]Ap[/colour][colour=#ff8c00]prov[/colour][colour=#008000]ed c[/colour][colour=#0000cd]har[/colour][colour=#40e0d0]ac[/colour][colour=#800080]ters [/colour] :D

Slick Pelt

"Shade" Britches







Flash Bomb

Pocket Watch

Broken Chords



The rp itself ;)

(Rainbows are awesome :kissy:)

Edited by StarStorm
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[colour=#282828]Name: Slick Pelt[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Boy! Can't believe Oak can't recognize that...[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Earth pony! Tough as nails![/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: Pretty normal life... but this will probably change that! [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: A light grey, almost like an un-shinny silverish colour O.o light-ish green hair and grassy eyes :3 'like a sea cucumber...'[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: Leaf in the wind! Not sure how he got it yet... maybe it will be revealed!? [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: sparatic! Thats a word right? Aka pretty odd, a bit ott with his actions and what not. Kinda contrasts with his mark![/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes and dislikes: Likes anypony up for a good laugh! Anyone else?... not so much...[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Random fact: Random fact? Slick IS the randomness of fact![/colour]

I hope this is good enough Star! Thanks again for this :3

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Slick Pelt is in!! :D He sounds very friendly and fun. I'm excited to see his sparaticness! That IS a word, right? O.o Haha :) Approved!


I think that I'll start this once we get five, excluding me ^^ And you're welcome What Went Wrong!! c:

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Name: Britches, but prefers to go by "Shade"

Gender: She's a gurl C:

Race: Unicorn, but she isn't interested in magic all that much :)

Brief History: A writer at heart, and a rebel by choice, Shade tends to keep to herself when at her (and her father's) Canterlot home. Her father, Rainbow Dancer, (He's a big guy who works as a concert bouncer) is very over-protective of her. She blames him for her name because, although he's never directly said it, she was sure he was unhappy with his own. Or, another theory of hers is that maybe bad names just run in the family. She tries to act as he feels she should in front of him, but as soon he turns his back, she just does as she pleases. She ran away to Appaloosa once and stayed with a pen pal for a short time, who she decided to try dating, but she decided that the pony wasn't as cool as she'd thought from the letters, so she took the train back home. She has a diary in which she writes absolutely positively EVERYTHING down in. Her old classmate stole it from her once, and it absolutely TERRIFIED the poor unicorn. Luckily for Shade, the pony wasn't a very good reader, but it certainly gave her a strong fear of ever losing it again. She keeps it with her at all times.. Almost.



My first sketch of her :3


Shade running away to Appaloosa c:


Shade in minecraft ^^

Cutie Mark: Shade's cutie mark is a masquerade mask, which she got from writing a story for class. Shortly after discovering her desire to become a writer, she entered a writing contest at her school. Her story had to do with a stallion who was about to get married who went to a masquerade party, but found his soon-to-be wife flirting with somepony else! So yeah, that's where that came from C: She's also write a really big story right now about pirates, which she hopes to turn into a big someday!


Shade's main characters, Captain (Harla) Quinn and Red Stripe, her first mate

Personality: Shade tends to be more or less a quiet and well behaved pony, but has a little bit of a loud and rebellious side if she knows that she won't get caught or when adults aren't around, possibly because her father never really got her in trouble for things. She's always very calm. Shade is highly intelligent, but doesn't always speak up to show it.

Likes: Hearing other's stories, writing, creating and discussing art, chocolate (especially dark), a good book, nighttime, sleeping in on the weekends, school, vacationing and seeing new places, and a little bit of tea with her sugar (She likes a lot of it!)

Dislikes: Breakfast food, waking up early, hyper ponies, the outdoors, and math (even though she isn't bad at it)

Random fact: She's Star Storm's ex, but usually goes for colts :3


Star Storm and Shade (with for some reason a heart cutie mark ^^)

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[colour=#282828]Name: Blizzard Icewing (Blizzy is her nickname)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Girl (Really Tomboyish)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: What does Redbull give you? Yup, WINGS.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: Blizzy was born in Cloudsdale and lived there for a few years until her parents decided to hand her off to a relative because they didn't have the means to support her and raise her. Currently, young Blizzy lives with her aunt in Ponyville, and she's still struggling with the transition. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: Blizzy is a light icy blue colour with a rockin' blue and white tail and a mane to match. Her eyes are silver and full of mischievous plans.[/colour]


[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: Blizzy's cutie mark is a wintry tornado with snowflakes surrounding it. She got her cutie mark one cold winter day when she ran away from her home in Ponyville. She was so upset and angry that it started snowing intensely. It was then that she got her cutie mark. Because of her ability to control snow and any other wintry weather, she was placed on the weather Winter Wrap-Up team.[/colour]


Blizzy's cutie mark.


Blizzy in her Winter Wrap-up vest.

[colour=#282828]Personality: Blizzy is really tomboyish, and she's quite the little troublemaker. Blizzy has always had a hardtime making friends, especially after she moved to Ponyville. She tends to be a loner, so in order to keep herself entertained, she comes up with [/colour][colour=#282828]mischievous schemes and plans that often end up with her getting in trouble. She's the kind of filly that'll try anything once. However, something that nopony knows about Blizzard is that she's extremely self-conscious and fears being made fun of for her parents giving her up. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes and dislikes: Blizzard likes snow, chilly weather, flying at fast speeds and free falling (she loves the adrenaline rush), rock music, and playing the drums pony-style. She dislikes socializing with anypony, school, hot weather, being "grounded", and classical music (unless it's classic rock)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Random fact: Free falling, Blizzy has reached speeds of over 200 miles per hour. She also received a concussion from that particular free fall due to the high speed at which she was falling.[/colour]

Hope that's good :)

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[colour=#282828]name: Puzzlebeat[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: boy[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Pegasus... tends to forget that fact though.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: originally from Las Pegasus, moved to country to get a change of Scenery. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: Cyan coat, black spiky mane, short gray tail.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: star you know what it looks like.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: Very Friendly, is always able to point the positive in any situation and is very hard to hate, all of which make him really good with the girls, but is easily distracted.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes: music, sloving puzzles, meeting people, throw parties and over all have fun.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]dislikes: party fouls... and country music.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Random fact: can solves the rubick's cube in 82 seconds[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Anything I left out..? ^^ : will kill anypony who messes with his head phones.[/colour]

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NameCrimson Tag aka Gearlock



Looks Just a younger form of my profile pic. He has a grey coat with red markings in it. Black mane that ends in bright orange. His tail has a black coloured center outlined in orange. He always has on his goggles, and his white coat. Cutie Mark is a fan over a gear.

History Due to the nature of this Rp this is a 'reaged' history- Gearlock never had many friends or intrestes outside of metal, the object not the music. He don't see the point in having friends when he has everthing that he needs at home, or at the workshop of his master Sivergear. He just started wearing goggles due to the fact that he has came to age for his familys' curse to take affect.

Personaliy He is a very well mannered pony. He doesn't like to talk to others, but he will talk to you nicely if you talk to him or he needs to talk to you. He hates people that are rude. He carries himself with pride.

Anyother info needed you ask me, and I will tell.

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I can't pass up this awesome RP idea!

[colour=#282828]Name: Knight[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: He's a colt[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Unicorn[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: He was originally from Canterlot, but when his parents got divorced, his father and him moved to -insert town where the school is-, leaving his younger brother with his mother in Canterlot. He hasn't seen his brother in so long, but usually doesn't let it bug him.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: He has a tan yellow coat, with a cute, messy red mane ending in black tips. He always has a mischievous grin on his face, and his orange eyes can melt the hearts of anypony that likes cute things.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: He's currently a blank flank.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: He's a young, mischievous pony who loves pranks. He doesn't care about his blank flank, and tends to be impulsive and stupid. He thinks mares are icky and doesn't like being around them (Older Knight is the exact opposite though XD). He gets feisty when somepony says something he doesn't like, and tends to get in trouble a lot.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes and dislikes: He likes awesome things, including fighting, playing tricks on ponies, getting in trouble, and the crazy things his father does with him to get his cutie mark. He doesn't like fillies, boring ponies, ponies who think they're better then everypony else, and having to sit still for long periods of time.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Random fact: Knight currently subconsciously hates mares because of his secret abandonment issues with his mother! He also has a small wood knife in his back pack, which he uses as a sword when he gets bored.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Anything I left out..? ^^ : KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!![/colour]

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Blizzy is super cute!! Tomboys are always fun, especially when they have mischievous eyes :D


Puzzlebeat, you're in but you may want to doublecheck the spelling of your name ^^ (And yes, I know what your cutie mark looks like but for those of you who haven't rp'ed with Puzzlebeat before it's a rubics cube with headphones around it)


Crimson Tag is pretty cool!! What's his family curse? C: You're still in so long as it doesn't dramatically change the course of the rp, I'm just curious :3


Thanks Fireraven!! C: Knight is one of my favorites on site. Haha, after seeing him in other, older rp's, I found it quite hilarious that he thinks girls are icky!!


Everybody's approved!! :D We have plenty, so I'll start this rp tomorrow :)

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[colour=#282828]Name: Bluemoon[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Female[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Wings[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: (Where are you from? Where do you live now? Have you had a good life so far?... Also, PLEASE don't write six pages on it.. K tanks ^^)[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: [/colour]http://www.canterlot.../4549-bluemoon/

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: Stars and telescope[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: She's a strange little filly, very Oblivious, A little bubbly,Adventurous, curious,, Loving, Stuborn, Can quickly turn th best of situations awkward[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes: Adventure, Ponies, Discovery, New places/things/ponies, wandering, food[/colour]

Dislikes: MANGOS!, Staying put,Doctors(shots),

[colour=#282828]Random fact: Both her parents are earth ponies but she's a pegusas[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Anything I left out..? ^^ : She she is mostly blue[/colour]

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[colour=#282828]Name: Violet[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Girl[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Earth pony[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: She lives in Ponyville with her parents whom running a flower shop, not far from the Sugarcube Corner. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: She is a violet coloured pony with braided mane. Her mane is light blue and yellow coloured just like her tail. Her eyes are blue.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: She hasn't got it yet.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: She is a friendly and talkative pony, but in important questions it's hard for her to decide, because she doesn't want to hurt anypony with it.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes and dislikes: She totally likes the nature. Sometimes she just lay down to the grass and watch the clouds moving while wondering about different places. From the other side, she doesn't like to read except if it's some kind of botanical book. [/colour]

[colour=#282828]Random fact: She's got a secret place where she goes when she is sad or just want to be alone. She never tell about this place to anypony.[/colour]

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The rp is up, scamps!! Every applicant so far has been approved and is ready to go! :)

There will not be a posting order, but as always, please be respectful to your fellow rp'ers and don't overpost. Have fun!! :D

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History: Flashbomb lives with his parents in a local cloud house near cloudsdale. He had just recieved His scars from th esonic Flasboom incident when he first achieved the sonic rainboom to impress Rainbow dash, He is somewhat shy because of his loos now. He is a bright pony who can solve moderate problems. He works hard to impress others but its somewhat of his downfall.

(keeping my character's timeline matched with the rp's His full bio is on my profile)

Cutie mark: a cloud with a explosion behind it. His special talent is the ability to bust any cloud whatsoever with one go.

Story time!

Its long so i will give the gist and main ideas :3

Flashbomb went to cloudsdale's school for young fliers with RD and FS

Flashbomb had a crush on RD

RD preformed the sonic rainboom at the great pegasus race.

This looked like a clear way to win her heart

Flashbomb attempted to do one on a very stormy cloudy day.

As he fell he ran through some clouds and then most importantly the toughest cloud of most a blizzard storm cloud.

Flash thought he was done for but to his surprise he broke right through it with ease.

Cutie mark get!

Then he did a sonic boom but his was different it was a flash that blinded and deafened him so he couldnt fly (conncussion grenade effect) He crashed into the everfree forest thus his scars. :3

Personality: Headstrong, Slightly shy because of the scars, A leader sometimes, and kind and considerate of others well being.

Looks: Flashbomb is a dark blue pegasus with Fresh scars all over his body. There is a prominent one over his right eye that sticks out like a sore thumb. He has a bright blond mane that is very long. He has orange eyes and is slightly smaller than other stalions. But he has very large wings.

Likes: Hot tea and music as well as flying

Dislikes:knowitalls, broccoli, and spiders

Fun fact: Flasbomb can preform tricks that an light up clouds and create light sources for the others.

Flashbomb will be in a better mood for 20 minutes from drinking tea

Sorry my xbox messed up my app but its all there :3

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[colour=#282828]Name: Pocket Watch[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Gender: Girl[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Race: Unicorn[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Brief History: Pocket lived on the streets of Canter lot learning how to make a quick kick out with hind-legs by being a great thief and by selling pocket Watches. Eventually she was found and put into an orphanage in ponyville. She went to school there and ended up going on the trip.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Looks: She has a blonde mane and tail. Her coat and eyes are purple. She wears a burgundy newspaper boy's hat.[/colour][colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is a bit to show her ability to be a thief.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Personality: She is very devious but has a heart of gold.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Likes and dislikes: She likes getting money, fighting bullies, helping the weak, and dislikes being mean, and hurting others on purpose.[/colour]

[colour=#282828]Random fact: She is secretly a terrible romantic.[/colour][colour=#282828]Anything I left out..? : I don't think so...[/colour]

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Wow, more rp'ers!!!! You two are both in!! The bus has just taken off, but you can just pretend like you've been there the whole time ^^


-Quick review of what's happened so far-

The bus itself is nice and blue, different than the yellow busses that the students are used to. The teacher is named Miss Licorice, and the bus driver is named Petals.

Slick and Knight became friends and are sitting next to each other in the back. Knight has a wooden sword that he loves and is keeping out of the teacher's view in the seat in front of him because he's worried that she'd take it away.

Sitting in the seat behind them, Shade and Violet started to talk and have became friends. Knight snuck a toy spider in Shade's mane, which made Slick laugh and the two colts grew closer laughing about the prank. The toy spider scared Shade and she screamed loudly and jumped in Violet's lap and then got embarrassed after finding out it was a toy. Shade's friend Puzzlebeat also sat in the row, sandwiching her in the middle. Shade tells Puzzle that she thinks one of the colts in the seat in front of her are cute, but asks him why boys are so stupid.

Crimson Tag and Blizzard have just joined the story and are sitting nearer the front, and have yet to socialize, so they would be good targets if you're looking to make a friend :) Crimson is excited to break away from his boring routine and get out and do something fun with others, and Blizzard snuck her cd player out last minute to be able to take it on the trip. She is currently air drumming to a rock song :)

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Browneh's character, Broken Chords, was apped through text, and I approve of him!!


Just so you scamps can know a little bit about him, his cutie mark is a snapped in half quarter note, he's a unicorn and a wanna-be dubstep artist, and he has a brown coat and a black mane and light blue eyes! He's also rockin the bedhead look, just like Browneh does irl :D

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