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A question about griffons.


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Can they have a cheetah body? This is probably a stupid question but I want to make sure because a future character is centered around this concept and would be very hard to change if I later discovered they were not allowed.

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LIES! Don't listen to Rarity! We have a sandcat griffon! And sandcats are wonderfully small and cute!

:-o Sandcat griffon? Does that mean any cat is acceptable? Also, is there a size limit to griffons in terms of being small?

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So yeah, I don't really see a problem with most species of cat. Though I would personally keep it to more exotic forms of felines.

I suddenly want to make one that's a calico just cuz calico's are awesome ;):P lol

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I had another griffon related question. Can they manipulate clouds? Like be weather griffons and such?

In canon we see them standing on/sleeping/etc clouds, so there is a basis for it, though we've never seen nor heard of a griffen doing things lick bucking lightning from a cloud nor making one pour rain (of course they also have had no reason to...)

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I would probably say no. That's not something we've even seen Pegasi do that I can recall. They can stand on clouds and probably break them apart. Not sure much beyond that would be allowed/

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I would probably say no. That's not something we've even seen Pegasi do that I can recall. They can stand on clouds and probably break them apart. Not sure much beyond that would be allowed/

But it has been allowed. Now I'm confused. XD

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Ah, well, for a pegasus, being able to do some manner of skywriting is plausible enough though we haven't seen it specifically. For griffons though, there's nothing in the lore about them being able to directly manipulate clouds in any real way.

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