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Hi Persons of Equestria!


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About Myself: I am best pony.

How I found Canterlot.com: Google.com.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: This is gonna be short because I accidently backspaced after writing a long cool paragraph and I don't wanna do it again. I was a hater, but I saw an episode, the episode was "Read It and Weep" where Rainbow Dash broke her wing then had to go to hopsital and was majorly bored as a weeping angel when being stared at, then read a book and liked it, and the episode was at least 2350836% better then I expected with good voice-acting, animation, personalities, plot, lesson, EVERYTHING DARNIT. I was hooked, and began to watch all of season one and two, then secretly posting ponies while parents were asleep. My mom discovered my love and ponies, and after that, my room was filled with toy ponies and pony drawings and ponies (I wish) and pony clothes and pony items AND PONIES AND PONY ACCESSORIES. This isn't short wow. Well, thats my story.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Pinkamina Diane Pie
Hello peoples of the internet! I am a newcomer named Tree. Its not my name but a good hint of what it is, I live Fluttershy's dream. I'm new here, and I have no idea what to do so I'm posting on this board. Seriously I don't know what to do now. What do I do.

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Hi! Welcome to Canterlot! As for what to do... posting an intro thread was a good first choice :D From here you can check out some of the other boards and maybe jump into a discussion thread or two. Get to know people here, most of us are nice ;) Check back here to see who greets you too.

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FireFoxx is right! Weigh in on discussion threads. Are you interested in joining our roleplaying communities at all? If you are, check out this thread. Post in other peoples intro threads, get to know other users.

In short, make some friends. :)

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