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Stop SOPA 2014. (It's was a hoax.)


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NeoExlucky brought it to my attention in his status thingy. It might be a hoax but might as well sign it just in case, right? Also if anyone's done any research on rather or not it's a hoax that would be awesome.

Petition is here.

Edit: It was just a hoax. Sorry about that. :blush: Someone can delete this thread if they want to.

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And yeah SOPA2014 is a hoax

That would be awesome but I'd have to do some research myself before I come to that conclusion. And, if it's not a hoax there are only two days left before reaching 100,000 signatures.

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Yeah... and DOS attacks are also pretty illegal as they involved other people's computers. If the person really wished, they could contact the police, and they can track their IPs via Deep Traceroot. It's not to hard to find out who did the attack these days. Even if they have the IP well hidden.

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Oh dear, I was worried enough to actually do research for this, and argue rather loudly with a classmate about why SOPA was a bad thing. Good to know it's a hoax.

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