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Canterlot Speed Date and Rave Event!

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I finished my date with Clandestine. That had to be the funniest actually since they were both nervous around each other XD.


Whats my final round? If I get one. If not I'll wait for the rave. Bring out the Cider!

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Update: Rave will be starting soon! probably this weekend and for sure sometime during the next week if I can't get it done over the weekend. :D


I will also be leaving you guys an important message about the rave right now:


To cut down on confusion in the rave thread because I know there's going to be a lot of one on one character interaction; I will be making threads for people that are official DJ-PON3 rave threads but are threads based on two characters interacting. That way we don't get like a bunch of "date" type of posting in the main thread. If you end up wanting to have a thread for just a couple of characters that is taking place during the rave just let me know. That way people won't have the scroll through lots of one on one interaction posts to figure out what's going on.


So yeah, I know it's still an idea in the the planning stage but I really want to keep the rave thread(s) alive and not confusing and I think breaking the event into smaller threads might help with that. You can be involved in more than one smaller thread of course.


There will be one Rave thread that goes over what the general feel of the rave is, you can make intro posts for your characters and basic beginning interactions and all that. Might be a general 'bar' thread too for those going for drinks.


Ideas on this idea????

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Well, I can see a lot going wrong with that idea and I can see a lot going right. I think yeah, having one or two large threads which is say, the bar and the dance floor, might work. Having your character decide to leave those areas with another and go into a smaller thread could work, but it would require a bit of co-ordination.


It's certainly possible, harder to manage but could be worth it if and when people decide to peel off on 'dates' as such, just a little worried people might be left out if everyone does split off.

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I like the way you worded this idea better than how I worded it :D I'm hoping it will go right. We will all just need to do some coordinating. I'm thinking it will work ,if we all help it work. I'm just hoping to create a big sort of themed thread and actually keep it form being overly confusing.


As far as being left out a couple thoughts:


People could post in various threads at the same time say at the bar, and in a one on one thread. Like at two different times during the rave. Kind of like show casing various interactions during the event. I've got plenty of OC's that could drop by if someone's character looks lonely. ;)

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Hehe, well you must have explained it really well then.  :)


Yeah, I can see it working, it's just that we would need to co-ordinate a fair bit to get it working and for everyone to be happy with it. But yeah, I can understand if you do it that way to keep everyone from getting confused, it does create quite clear boundaries in everyone's head.


I can see a couple of issues with that though. Firstly, if someone does something big that could effect all the areas at the same time, what happens? We need to work out how that is resolved (though I can't see that happening really unless someone decides their character needs to have some sort of public outburst). Also if we're highlighting what happens in an evening, how will we stop things from earlier in the evening turning out differently, leading our characters down a different path. 


Like person A is talking to person B in the 'early' part of the RP, though they decide ultimately that they would end up with person C's character. Person A's character therefore ultimately ends up on a date with person C's character in the 'later' part of the RP, however as they RP they figure their character would go on a date with person B as well, in fact they're so good their character might forget about person C's character.


Now, not sure if one can follow that example, and I'm sure that scenario can be explained. But still, it does present an issue, how are we going to manage continuity? We can keep collaborating obviously, but we'll need to keep talking about it just to make sure everyone's timeline fits, so we can avoid those nasty retcons. 

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Yes, i see your points. Thanks for bringing these up. This is a work in progress and I appreciate your feedback.


I was thinking no extremely public outbursts. So that shouldn't be a problem.


As far as time line stuff I was sort of thinking people would just need to keep that under control themselves. Like if I'm going to write that my character will be leaving the rave with another character in one thread, I won't write them leaving with a different character in another thread. I guess I was just kind of thinking we could all work together to manage continuity. Perhaps we could even use this OOC thread so that people can write up what they are planning on.


I think most of the people that are involved with this rave thread arch are fairly seasoned RPers so we may have to work things out as we go.


Let's keep discussing this! ;)

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Indeed, just trying to help so this thing goes smoothly. I've enjoyed it a lot.


Yeah, fair enough. If anyone does, well, maybe their character is escorted out by security or something. That's what would probably happen after all. Hehe.


Timeline stuff, yeah. That's the only way I see that working. Perhaps we all announce intentions before hand and then if we form a plan with someone we let everyone know about it here and we try and guide the RP in that direction as best we can. Using this thread as our common OOC channel. 


As far as things that can go wrong, that's all I really see to be honest. I'll have to think about it some more, but if we could handle those issues this could be quite fun. We could also use this thread to communicate between threads, like if someone calls someone else over from the bar or something, they can do it in character, and just let people know about it here so they can act it out.


Other than that, I think we're good. Anyone else see something I've missed?

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Honestly, the only way I see the main Rave thread getting cluttered is if two very fast posters start interacting with one another, leaving a bunch of one-on-one posts. You could always impose a waiting rule in the main thread (i.e., at least three other people need to post in the thread before you can post again).

But I'd be okay with 'dates' moving away from the main threads to go into separate, secluded areas, though it might be a good idea to let characters initiate them in RP (for example, Inkbrand approaches Clandestine, they exchange a post or two, before they decide to move somewhere a bit quieter). I think letting players set up smaller date threads from the very start could potentially leave the main thread empty right from the get go, rather than letting smaller conversations form naturally.

I think there should only be one main thread though. The dance floor and the bar seem like a natural transition for characters to alternate between dancing and relaxing, so having them in separate threads might be difficult. Plus, more threads mean more timeline issues and trying to coordinate. Again, if two character start really chatting it up at the bar while everyone else is moving/posting rather slowly, they can move to a private thread.

But like Zealot said, I think if players coordinate what's happening in the OOC things should be fine. If there's some big commotion in one of the private threads (someone gets a candle wedged between their eyes, for instance), they can post it here so other characters can choose to react or not. Same for the main threads, to inform people in private threads that something area-wide is happening (a drunken stallion jumping onto the counter to declare his love for a mare, for instance). As long as people communicate, having smaller threads shouldn't be a problem, I don't think.

Edit: Also, just finished Inkbrand and Zelda's final date. Wasn't sure what sort of dancing Zelda was going for, so I just left it open and vague, heh.

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I concur, a single thread would be better. I expect we can handle it fine.


Still, I'll just wait for the thread. Which if my previous character applications are anything to judge by will be in a week or two. Hehe.

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