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Don't Kill the Pig!

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Okay! So this is an old paper-pencil game I play a lot, (to pass the time with people on road trips and such) and so I figured, hey, why not make it a forum game?

So here's how it works: You have a pig. The next person to post in this thread has to come up with a way to murder the pig, and the person who post after that will have to figure out a way for the pig to save himself. And then it just alternates between...well, killing and saving. XD

Couple of rules too....NO MAGIC. NO TELEPORTATION.

And in case you still don't get it, here's a quick example:

Poster 1- I use a machine gun and shoot the pig.

Poster 2- The pig digs a hole in the ground and the bullets fly overhead.

...and so on. Remember, the creative-er the better! Let's get started! :P

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Markiplier is running away from Chris Walker screaming "Little Piggy No No!!!!".


Chris Walker gets distracted by the actual pig and begins to approach it with menace.

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