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First video game you've ever played in your entire life

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Well, lets see. The first electronic game I ever played was the portable Mattel Football game from the late 70s early 80s.


The first video game I played was probably when our family got our Atari clone. Atari actually licensed Sears to market an Atari 2600 clone called the Sears Video Arcade or Sears Tele-games.


It came with a game named "Target Fun" which is actually a clone of "Air-Sea Battle" from Atari.

By the way I still have the console in my closet, and it still works :)

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I think I need to dust off my atari tonight.

Is that. . . Tron?

Let's see. . . this is tough. . . Oh! It was an Elmo game for Nintendo 64. And. . . and Starwars: Rogue Squadron! Oo! Oo! That. . . that Pokemon photographer game! Oh, and a bunch of Games on the Atari (2600?)! It was my dad's old one, and I remember playing it on a tiny old TV in what used to be his room at my grandmother's. THEN my dad and uncle talked her into throwing it out. I was young at the time, and didn't know what happened to it. I was outraged when I found out. She had TWO of them!

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The earliest games I can recall playing are the Commander Keen episodes on PC. Lovely little shareware platformer controlling an 8 year old boy with a ray-gun and a pogo stick.

I rarely played without cheats enabled so that I could powerfinish stages.


I remember playing the Keen Dreams one where you fight evil fruit and veggies in your attempt to take down the evil King Potato.

The most prominent episode I remember is Aliens Ate My Babysitter, which I think is the only one I ever played through completely.

tbh I don't think I played the games past the age of 6 or 7, not sure why. I do remember getting the GBC game for christmas one year much to my chagrin, though I don't know why I ever lost interest.

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Pokemon Snap I think. I didn't play it so much as I wildly mashed buttons and hoped I could somehow figure it out.

I'm a miserable gamer.

Yes! That was it! Come to think of it, I have my N64 hooked up to my TV in my room, along with that game. Oh! And Golden Eye!

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For me? PC-wise it was either Putt-Putt Travels Through Time or the first Freddi Fish game. *doesn't remember the full name*

As for when I used to borrow my bother's Playstation 1 before I got a PS 2...'twas either the first Spyro The Dragon or the first Crash Bandicoot. Either way I had played the original games and then some. You can tell that I'm a young 'un.

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Game I played like a no-life at my friend's house - Leon the Lion (I don't know the original title and it's origin - I assume it's polish). This game made me a gamer...

But the first game I bought myself was "Pink Panther: Hokus Pokus"... Oh, I think I completed this one like 50 times. :)

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For me? PC-wise it was either Putt-Putt Travels Through Time or the first Freddi Fish game. *doesn't remember the full name*

I can't believe I forgot about those Humongous Entertainment games. They may rival as the first games I played, specifically Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon.

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I was not but 3 years old when late one night, after the sun went down, my dad came home with a couple of big cardboard boxes. After pulling stuff out and plugging them into the TV, blocky colors flew all over the screen and I was mesmerized. He handed me a controller, told me to have fun, and I started playing Duck Hunt.

Yeah, I was playing first-person shooters age 3.

Like a bawss. :)

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Let's see... I was playing video games back when I was 2 so the SNES ad Genesis were my consoles. If I wasn't playing Super Mario World or Sonic and Knuckles I was watching my parents play them. I also have fond memories of Sonic Spinball, Mario All Stars, and Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse. Good times...

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I think the first game I played was something called a video tron....I have no idea how old that is but I couldn't even find anything about it on wikipedia

The first video game I really had was Pokemon Yellow which I got along with gameboy colour when it first came out (And yes, I got the gameboy colour at the same time, I even received the promotional Mew)

The first T.V. game I bought was Pokemon Snap (though for the first year or so I didn't really play it as much as I had my mom play it and I directed her, the controllers were too big for my hands) and the first non-Pokemon game I ever played was Kirby Chrystal Shards

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Gosh, that is a hard question to answer.

I don't think I can name off the very first video game I played, but I did have an Atari 2600 as a kid and I played a lot of Space Invaders on it, Combat, Warlords, Maze Craze (remember Maze Craze??), Pitfall...

Arcade games, I think my first was Battlezone, Asteroids, Missile Command, Tempest, Berserk, Pac-man, then Krazy Kong, which was a rip-off of Donkey Kong, and I found Donkey Kong was much harder. :/

Anyone remember Popeye Pac-man? :o


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my brain hurts.

but for as far back as i can remember

lego racers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Racer ... eo_game%29

was the first game i played.


spyro 2: ripto's rage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spyro_2:_Ripto%27s_Rage!

was the first game i loved to death, with all my heart =/

and final fantasy tactics advanced http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fant ... cs_Advance

was the first game boy game i could never stop playing, even to this very day.

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my brain hurts.

but for as far back as i can remember

lego racers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lego_Racer ... eo_game%29

was the first game i played.


spyro 2: ripto's rage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spyro_2:_Ripto%27s_Rage!

was the first game i loved to death, with all my heart =/

and final fantasy tactics advanced http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fant ... cs_Advance

was the first game boy game i could never stop playing, even to this very day.

Lego Racers was amazing. I loved all of the customization options that were available.

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My first video game....Hmm.

Honestly, I couldn't tell you what the first one was. The first one I ever played all the way through though, would be Spyro the Dragon. Before then, I'd play a game, but I wouldn't have a chance to finish it because usually, the console would be owned by someone else. I beat Spyro all the way through when I was six.

If we're going for very firsts, either Rayman or Croc for the PS1. I was 3 when those games came out.

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Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt for the Nintendo Entertainment System. My dad and me used to play together before he decided video games had gotten too realistic and were therefore evil if they contained any violence. Luckily enough now I can buy any game I desire (Age restriction on M in California). I am a massive fan of the Metal Gear Solid series and still play the first one. I've beaten it with both the good and bad endings... Never give into Ocelot guys. NEVER. Tap the O button for you life!

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