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Media other than My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic


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What about other media, too? Surely everypony reads, or at least listens to music.

I personally enjoy The Beatles, Billy Joel, Muse, etc. My favorite decade for music, personally, is the 80s.

And as for books, Fantasy (usually the works of J.R.R. Tolkien) tickles my fancy.

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oh right, other media

music: I dunno ._. I don't know where most of the music I know came from. rave/trance/techno I guess? I don't know any artists, and nobody else seems to know them either...

books: manga ._. I also read lots of self-help articles online

what other types of media are there? um, movies? wall e

I dunno, everybody calls me a hipster ._. I don't really get it

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It might actually be more appropriate to start separate topics for other forms of media. :blush:

But to respond anyway:

Music: I like a wide variety of music. Mostly rock, but not just one genre or era rock. I tend most toward 60's -70's stuff, but there's stuff from every decade I listen to. My favorite variety is folk rock though, and my favorite artist is Bob Dylan. I also like some country music, but generally not anything popular from the past two decades. I don't hate pop or rap, but I don't listen to them much. R & B is a mixed bag for me, though I do like some. I can get some enjoyment out of most genres actually. I just kind of really don't like dance music though, and a lot of electronica type stuff. Too repetitive to me. Oh, and I hate a lot of modern metal; far too much screaming.

Books: I like don't read anything... Seriously. Don't remember the last time I read a book. Don't even really read manga or comic books these days...

Movies: There are certain directors I love to follow. The Coen Brothers and Quentin Tarantino top the list. Basically anything they direct is great for me. I also get a sick level of enjoyment out of absolutely horrible films. I'd probably say The Room is the most entertaining movie I've ever seen.

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Oh, and I hate a lot of modern metal; far too much screaming.

You must not be listening to the right modern metal then. Nightwish, Within Temptation, Ayreon, and Sonata Arctica come to mind. A good chunk of what I listen to is metal of various kinds, and I don't generally like the deathmetal growling myself, I prefer actual singing. Most of the time, at least. I also listen to a decent selection of almost everything else.

As for books, I just finished Revelation Space, which was excellent. I also often carry around a Dresden Files book or two for light reading, and I love the short stories of Lovecraft and Lord Dunsany.

My taste in film is a little harder to nail down. I love quirky or surrealistic films most of the time, but I absolutely hated Sucker Punch, so it needs to do more than just have pretty, meaningless imagery on its side. I like plenty of horror films, but I hate the stupid torture-porn slashers that pass for horror flicks. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I also still watch a lot of the children's films in the vein of Disney/Pixar or Dreamworks' stuff. And that still doesn't touch on the kung-fu, or the weird indie movies, or the over-the-top action films, or the occasional murder-mystery.

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Oh, and I hate a lot of modern metal; far too much screaming.

You must not be listening to the right modern metal then. Nightwish, Within Temptation, Ayreon, and Sonata Arctica come to mind. A good chunk of what I listen to is metal of various kinds, and I don't generally like the deathmetal growling myself, I prefer actual singing. Most of the time, at least. I also listen to a decent selection of almost everything else.

That's why I said a lot of it and not all of it. :) There are a handful of modern metal bands I like (mostly because I have a friend who's really into the stuff and always tries to find metal bands that I'll actually like, to varying results). For instance, I've heard Ayreon and Sonata Arctica before, and thought they were pretty cool. I think I'll give those others a listen and see if they work for me too. :smirk:

I was just generalizing, as I've heard a lot more modern metal that I did not like than I did.

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I was negligent in my previous posting in mentioning Doctor Who, which I have been loyally watching since it rebooted back 2005. I guess because like a lot of television shows, I download the episodes and watch them on my computer (as I don't receive BBC America and Syfy edits the episodes). Been a Who fan since the Eighties, so I am a avid watcher of both classic and the new series. Even have most episodes from Third through Seventh Doctor, as well as all of the Ninth through Eleventh ones.

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You must not be listening to the right modern metal then. Nightwish, Within Temptation, Ayreon, and Sonata Arctica come to mind. A good chunk of what I listen to is metal of various kinds, and I don't generally like the deathmetal growling myself, I prefer actual singing. Most of the time, at least. I also listen to a decent selection of almost everything else.

That's why I said a lot of it and not all of it. :) There are a handful of modern metal bands I like (mostly because I have a friend who's really into the stuff and always tries to find metal bands that I'll actually like, to varying results). For instance, I've heard Ayreon and Sonata Arctica before, and thought they were pretty cool. I think I'll give those others a listen and see if they work for me too. :smirk:

I was just generalizing, as I've heard a lot more modern metal that I did not like than I did.

I'd recommend Skiltron too. An Argentinian Celtic Metal band I just discovered. They rock the bagpipes. :D

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Project: Runway.

And sometimes The Rachel Maddow Show.

Also sports: The MN Vikings, the Timberwolves if they don't entirely suck this year, and any local team. If they make it deep into the postdeason.

That said, if I'm living alone, I average probably a half hour of TV a week, and if I'm living with an avid TV watcher, maybe 4-5.

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I saw someone posted about movies (can't remember who).


Goodfellas, LOTR, The Godfather (First 2. Third is baaaaad.), The Mask, Roxanne, A Clockwork Orange, Planet of the Apes (Original), Jurassic Park, The Lost World, etc. The list goes on. I'm more into older movies than modern ones. Oh, and The Blair Witch Project.

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So I will limit myself to current stuff, otherwise this will take all day



Ugly Americans

Adventure Time

Thundercats reboot


Big Bang Theory

American Dad

Doctor Who

That's only the tip of the iceberg, though

As for alltime favorites:


Torchwood Children of Earth


Gurren Lagann


Fullmetal Alchimist Brotherhood

Clone High


Arakawa under the Bridge

Venture Brothers

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  • 3 weeks later...

ah, all my friends watch adventure time. I'm the only mlp fan in our group of six :( I watched an episode and I didn't see what's so great about it, but I still want to see the other episodes because I may have just watched one that isn't as great as the others.

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Adventure Time is just off the walls crazy. It's natural that it doesn't appeal to everypony.

That said, this show gave me candy people smashing zombie candy people like pinatas and then ate the candy innards that spilled out while blindfolded, because the princess didn't want them to panic. In the first episode. It was love at first sight for me.

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Seen Adventure Time a couple times, it's OK. Nothing THAT good, IMO. Except for Marcus Fenix as a DOG. I have seen internets stuff that suggests it has a kind of cult following, like MLP and it's 'colt' following.


'colt' following.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm I watch quite a bit of other shows . In fact I can't even watch FIM on TV. Most people watch FIM on the boob tube. I have to watch all of the episodes on Youtube.;) Because I don't get the channel. Hmmmm let m see what do I watch.....................


2. Yankees Games

3. Big Bang Theory

4. Family Guy

5. Most ESPN shows.

That's about it.

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