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Out of the Shadows [Invite-Only; Ice Storm]


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The magic emanating from behind Icy was still strong, and magic that strong always has an effect on Myth's emotions. When her vision is obstructed to it, though, it makes it easier to ignore. She continued to try to relax more, jumping a little when the pegasus touched her and broke her concentration for a moment, which she immediately tried to get back. She took a deep breath "I-It's okay.... I-I'm okay... a-as long as Icy stays right there." she managed a pained chuckle "I'm sorry I can't address him directly, but.... I-I'm doing my best..." she gulped "I-I... w-would like to.... g-get to know him..... i-if I can." as she spoke about him, her breathing shook more and more and she decided she should talk to Icy about it later when his magic wasn't pressing down on her. she took another deep breath and redoubled her effort to focus on Icy "I-I need to talk about other things... I would love to go with you, Icy. N-Neighpon? I don't think I've been there b-before...." it was hard to think about things like that at the moment, but with what mental faculties she had available, she couldn't think of having heard of a place called Neighpon. She nodded "E-excuse me. I-I'll be in the lab.... c-calming down.... j-just... you know... come get me?" she started backing away cautiously before she looked at the pegasus and said "Goodbye. I-I'll have to get your name again later." then she steeled herself and turned slowly toward Sombra "G-g-goodbye.... Ssss.... Sombra...." with that, she ran out of the room.


Once outside, she stood by the door, leaning against it, hyperventilating with her hoof on her chest. She held back a scream and just sat down and let the tears she'd been holding back flow quietly for several minutes before rubbing them out of her eyes and turning to walk toward the lab.

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As terrible as Sombra knew the situation was, mainly for Mythic, he couldn't help feel some level of old pleasure to know at least somepony was still afraid of him. While most citizens in this kingdom were known to take a fright upon seeing him or keep a wide berth, none really trembled at his hooves unless they were of a particularly spineless or easily frightened sort since they weren't used to much interrupting their otherwise idyllic lives. Nothing like him. Others, for some odd reason, hardly gave him a second glance or so much as blinked at his presence, which he found to be sorely disappointing. The pegasus fluttering about above them was certainly one of them, as was Ice Storm. He supposed being 'one of them' lessened whatever effect he might otherwise have, as if he were tamed or now harmless.


The promise given to Mythic Vision by the pegasus mare that was soon introduced to him as Feather Blitz was enough to draw a low, rumbling chuckle out of the umbrum. Protect her. Well, maybe from others, but not for him if he was ever given to cause mayhem..


As it stood, he wouldn't. STAR was going to become of some use to him and he'd rather not ruin what would be a nice source of information for him. Hou had her own informants, Sombra knew, although who they were were a mystery to him. STAR would be his, as well as any sort of help that he might deign to use when he needed it.


It wasn't hard for Sombra to peek over Ice Storm's back a little as Mythic stammered out her answers and her want to get to know him better later. Well, perhaps after she got over her initial fright of him and however he must look to her (an empty void? a mass of shifting darkness?) she might just have that chance. He wouldn't mind talking to her later if she actually wanted to.


"See you later," Sombra replied, watching the mare scramble out of the data room. His gaze returned to the other two mares once Mythic was out of sight. His expression was clear with his unspoken question: what now?

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“Neighpon sounds good to me, Boss. Don’t think I’ve ever been before, so it ought to be interesting.” Feather replied, nodding at Icy’s words about the Neighpon mission. Bureaucracy was kinda a gray area for her, she had made her way into this organization because there was less of it to deal with than the general military, but she wasn’t sure she would like the freedom that came with mercenary work. Besides, she had avoided that path because she was willing to deal with some restrictions to serve Equestria, and it gave her ponies to call her out on her mistakes, keep her more humble and prevent her from going too far. 

In any case, Myth was leaving, and the pegasus frowned a bit. It was unfortunate, but she supposed it made sense if Myth could see magic, especially with the kind of magic the stories attributed to Sombra. Well, it was probably for the best that she leave the other mare alone for now, so Feather watched her go out the door before turning to the other two. 

“So, what’s Neighpon like? Have either of you been there?” She asked after a moment of silence. 

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~~~Ice Storm~~~




Ice Storm nodded to Myth as she spoke. It was good that she was able to at least somewhat see past what Sombra was, and she apparently wanted to try to get to know him at some point once she was able to get past his magic. She imagined that was going to be an issue for her a bit. She smiled though when she said that she would be good to go to Neighpon with her though. She would just need to come down to the lab and get her when they were ready to go.  Feather Blitz said that she was up for the mission as well. "Then the matter is settled," she said before teleporting over to where the console was once more and pushing the button in the far right corner and then three buttons that had numbers on them. She could also be seen scribbling away at a scroll before she lit it up in a blue fire and sent it away.  "Officially," Ice said with inflection. "I've never been to Neighpon... Unofficially... I may have done a collection of personel mission there at some point," Ice said in response to Feather's question.




I send this letter to you with the utmost of urgency. Vice-Admiral Sombra has returned to me with a potential eneme of Equestria and one that he has fought before and one that he considers Dangerous. If Sombra feels that she is a threat then this is something that I do not take lightly. This Mare is apparently an evil sorccerous under the name of Hou Shuren. I have rececived word from some of my contats that she is currently in Saddle Arabia. With your permission I would like to send Sombra there to see what he can figure out and what she might be up to there.


It has also been brought to my attention that we have very little information on Hou herself or the artifacts that she has stolen. In this regard, I would like to pursue an avenue of interest. Based on her name, I would presume that she is Neaghponese in nature. With your permission I would like to Seek Council with the Shogun and any other resources that we might have in Neighpon to acquire information on this potential enemy.


Ice Storm



As soon as she sent that letter away, she started working on another letter. This one to an old friend of hers. On that had trusted her with what she was doing and had enough confidence to back her in secret when she wasn't ready for the rest of Equestria to know what she was doing yet.






I know that you are not acting as princess any more, but I also remember the displeasure that you had shown about retiring. I am sending you this letter as a friend... I need help tracking down a very dangerous mare. One that could be quite deadly if we let it get that far. Sombra has brought this threat to my attention and it has been brought to my attention as well that she is in possession of several powerful magical artifacts, including the Remembrance Stone from the Canterlot Magical Archives. I don't know what this pony is planning but it can't be good.


The name of the pony in question is Hou Shuren. STAR is currently organizing a trip both to Saddle Arabia and to Neighpon in search of information for what she is after and what her plans are. We also heard that she is currently in Saddle Arabia from one of my agents but I am unable to confirm if she is still there at this time. I was hoping if you would care to accompany me on this mission.


Ice Storm



IT was about that time that she got a response from the first letter as she sent that one to the retired princess. She opened it up to see Twilight's Response.


Ice Storm,


She is not Neighponese, though she has been to Neighpon. Having said that, you are authorized to do as requested. Shuren is potentially very dangerous, so exercise caution. I have EPIC agents on the case as well and will inform you of what they discover.


Good luck and Harmony be with you,

Princess Twilight Sparkle



With that the crystal that was in front of her lit up as she activated it.


"Docking... Commander!"


"Lieutenant, I need two airships fueled up and ready to go immediately. One of them will be escorting Sombra to Saddle Arabia for a recon mission, and the other will be making way for Neighpon with myself and an insurgent team. I need them ready by fourteen hundred," Ice Storm commented.


"Yes ma'am!" The officer saluted.


"I suggest that everypony start making their preparations. I know now how far it is from here to Saddle Arabia, but I do know that from here to Neighpon is nearly a week and a half just to get there. We will be gone for quite a bit of time. We will depart as soon as the ships are able to do so," she said.

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"I haven't been anywhere outside of the Crystal Empire up until a year ago now when I came to Equestria. I only know bits and pieces about other kingdoms that exist outside of this continent, at least that I came across in any books I happened to be reading," Sombra gave his own answer to Feather's question with another, brief glance for the pegasus. As Ice Storm made her way down to the console that controlled the library's lighting, he gave the books a last, regretful look and chose to follow her. Maybe when Hou Shuren wasn't a current, pressing issue, he might be able to return to the base's data room to do some more reading if they happened to have anything that wasn't in a public library.


He idly stood by and watched as Ice Storm fiddled with the buttons on the console, trying to figure out what exactly those buttons did. As much as he'd like to ask, Ice Storm looked to be busy writing a couple of letters and sending them away, with the first answer arriving quickly enough in a flash of familiar, magenta magic. The same shade as the purple princess's was when she used it to show him pictures of two different artifacts and the giving of what Sombra guessed was a reward: the staff.


His ear turned towards the sound of an unfamiliar voice emanating from the crystal on the console, and Sombra was fascinated by the means of communication.


"Well, then, I should be off on my way myself. I intend to get there as soon as possible," Sombra replied, heading off towards the door.


Elsewhere, a certain moon princess was briefly startled by the arrival of a letter, one that she recognized from a pony who she hadn't spoken to in some time. With all that had gone on and the wrapping up of whatever she had left as princess, she'd been busy. Luna unrolled the scroll and read Ice Storm's familiar writing, her brow furrowing. It was unexpected that the next pony King Sombra went to about the Hou Shuren situation was Ice Storm.. Luna didn't really know what angle Sombra had with doing any of this, if there was any angle at all; she would remain wary of him, after what she knew of him and his past role as tyrant.


It appeared that Ice Storm wanted her to join her to a trip to Neighpon, regarding Hou and the stolen Remembrance Stone. Luna remembered that particular little meeting in the throne room well enough. She was quick to grab a quill and parchment to write her own answer, which she sent on its way in a flash of moonlight.




Ice Storm,


I am aware of what is missing from our Archives, and Sombra himself informed Princess Twilight and I of as much and he helped us determine what might be important enough for Hou Shuren to steal. I remember the scant few times I've met her in the past over a thousand years ago and knowing what little I do about her tells me that it is nothing good, though she had a hoof in helping us wrangle Tirek the first time.


With what little else I have left to do here, I think I might like to accompany you on this mission to Neighpon. It is a kingdom I have not yet had the fortune to see yet, on any kind of visit. So, I shall take you up on your offer. I'll be sure to make my way to Las Pegasus then, at the earliest convenience.





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