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blurp blurp

questions about why people are removed and stuff like that are supposed to be done via PM o)3) which I forgot about until you said that. I'm really just hoping a newbie asks for us. maybe we should bump some more EoLPinkie topics

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My pony senses are tingling.

It seems that's an issue far beyond my comprehension, as the forums were witnessing my absence back in those times thou are speaking of.

Shall the feeling I should follow be regret?

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it does, but have we had any other members get in trouble for multiple accounts? I know MrBubbles was banished, and he seemed like a normal kid. maybe he was a double account? ._.

I also know of a good handful of people with extra accounts that nobody has caught yet

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And now my pony senses passed away.

I understand. So it's about double accing? Hmm..

Perhaps somepony could explain my, hopefully not, a bit ignorant and clueless personality, why would a unit need more than one account on forums?

Moreover, how many times you presented this question at the neurons assembly in your head?

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why would you use multiple accounts? conor has a second one by accident, Rocky's brother made a bunch for spamming, some other people who I will not name have one as a back up plan, just in case, and Aria had a bunch so she could use different personalities on each.

you shoulda seen EoLPinkie back before anybody knew she was Aria. she was exactly like pinkie. it was like pinkie had joined canterlot.

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*Nods, smoking a pipe*

Thank you, dear Watson.

My predictions have been confirmed.

Although... *Breaks the pipe in hands* I regret nothing. Considering that Pinkie is my least favorite cast char from mane 6, I shall feel no remorse nor regret.

But, I am forced to believe it was... ... fun. Truly, I am.

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....Déjà vu.

With time, Davy, with time.

With time, they all learn. Either this, either they become obsessed with their target, pleading their lives in order to reach it, and before they realize, they belong here, forfeiting or forgetting the ultimate goal.

No matter the outcome, the victory belongs to LPW.

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