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My goodness, we've been waiting AGES for you to arrive!

Sit, sit!

Have a nice cup of atmosphere.

Take in your surrounds.

Close to pretty eyes and let the Forest carry you away.

You've finally made it.

Welcome Home, Taiko~

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A tail? Wait, are they people, or ponies?

I'm confused. Don't judge me. Slaving away over two chapters of Modernist and Post-Modernist art, and took a four-hour exam today. XD

Sounds good, but gimme a bit more info, so I can understand :3


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Sorry... I've never been a tea person... Or coffee... I don't like coffee...

Tea is good for you.

Coffee for younger kids are bad for them, stops their normal growth for a day.

For adults, they're okay. Men are healthy to drink coffee when at least 25 years old.

For women, they can drink coffee normally around 18, I think. 'Cuz of growth hormones between genders.


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Well, for you I'm imagining a hairdo like the one on your avatar, the glasses too, obviously, but as for clothing I'm not sure.... I also had a pretty neat idea where the thing you push on to slide the toast into the toaster is on the side of your arm

Sounds good. Reminds me of those old-school shows like YuGiOh XD

I'd say make the mane messier. If you saw my last pyro image, something like that. XD

Apparently, according to my friends, I'l either use kicks, or an axe as weapons, as well. Your ideas sound good, though, since a cord is a good weapon :3

Thanks. Just don't overload yourself and call it off XD

Slowly opens up APP's head and start placing his screw driver in it*

*smell of toast rises, gears and cogs spark*

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