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blrr, actually I was gonna say that davvy and Fawkesequus' styles are somewhat similar and that you two are at about the same skill level o)3)

also dat Ginger Mint banner o)3) o)3) Angie is Jello of it

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Lux, you think I shall ignore Gorgutz in Night Watch and reply?

You can if you want. That thread kind of crashed a little, but I'm trying to bring it back.

Actually all of my threads I was on (either started or jumped in) save for two or three are awaiting other ponies to post.

Now, I understand that ponies have other things to do, and I'm a patient pony. Hopefully though they won't fall into the thread graveyard.

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And now for something completely different.

Tunak Tunak Tun for 10 hours.... Challenge accepted.





EVERYONE should be able to enjoy the pure, unadulterated joy of watching fashionable, turban-wearing, Indian elemental genies do finger spin dances and sing sexy, guttural songs for 10 hours straight~ <3

Also, this should TOTALLY be the national anthem of India :'I

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At first I was like:


Then I was like:


EDIT: Oh man, when I try scrolling down past my post the page dies for a bit and lags to where I stopped scrolling or pressing the arrow thing on the scrollbar, anyone else getting that? Because if you are, I'm not sorry :3

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Hi everypony! *flops*

Day one of the convention was fantastic. I met the VA that voiced/wrote Panty from Panty and Stocking. She's amazingly just like her character. In her panel she asked everyone to ask all questions accompanied with their favorite cuss word. Hilarious.

I found Pinkie and RD earrings! YESSS. Unofficial ones, but they're so awesome! :kissy:

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Now I feel bad, I keep missing cool **** all the time.... I guess Ill be able to laugh more because those who laugh most have experienced the most pain in their life.

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