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Oh, Irockz. I could hardly ever beleive someone as tastful and musically diciplined-thus paitent- as you could ever hate anyone over such a trait.

Well... The only thing I question about myself is the paitent part... I'm not the most paitent pony you could meet. :blush:

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This is the last post of this thread.


Oh, I never meet you before. I am so happy you came to the thread. Hi, My name is Sulvuss and I am the resident spreader of love and cheer, Imagination is my partner in the task.

Its wonderful to finally meet you, I can't wait for us to become the best of freinds!

That post by the way was pretty witty and funny. I can tell you have a sense of humor


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Uh Imagination?

I don't know if you saw my earlier post but...

How is that dirt picture of me and penumbra coming along?

Coming along pretty good! Just waiting for the scanner to become avaliable and touching up a few last things! I'll make sure to send you and Penumbra a PM that it's been posted :3

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" Occasional inteligents is productive, with a side of political conference and visual hypothermia" ~Me (Date: Whenever)

These words of wisdumb are very meaningful! Read 'em well!

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