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Last post wins

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Guh... I REALLY don't feel like retyping all this >(


I realized why this thread isn't QUITE as good as it was back then...

And I was trying to rectify it recently but then... I forgot D:

It was the competition.

Last. Post. Wins.

Everypony wanted to win back then. That's what made things so fun.


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ah, I think you're right D: I've never been competitive about anything before, aside from tickle fights. this is the sport I play.

also, I'm going to be the winner. it says so right on that 100% accurate drawing U^U

as for why you guyses aren't in my wonderful work of art, it's probably because you weren't posting enough at the time. I poured my sweat, blood and tears into making that. I was too exhasted to add people who weren't around much.

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What is that behind the brownie? Banana pudding?

I look into it's black, soulless eyes... and I can hear the abyss calling to me... just whispers... but they echo behind my eyes...

And in that instant... I know... I mustn't sleep. I can't. If I do... Banana Pudding will come to take my soul, to sink it into the depths of it's creamy, banana-ey goodness. Just like Brownie did... his eyes alight with the twinkle of a newly reaped soul.

I look into the eyes of Banana pudding... and the wicked things whisper to me... and I know they're coming for me...

Don't fall asleep. Banana Pudding will find you.

Celestia save us all.

for those who weren't here...


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it's funny 'cause banana pudding is a lemon tart, eeeehhh *awkward dance*

actually, my friend had a really strange reaction when I showed her the tale of banana pudding. I can't tell if she was ammused or disgusted. but that's her reaction to most things :P

(she's supposed to be the lemon tart)

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