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It's not soft porn. Soft porn implies much less clothing than that. She's merely aerodynamic.

As for the other flavor Peggly it's infused with the ecstasy of angels.


Don't ask. Tastes like heaven.

Yeah, I obviously don't count because I love those point&click heroes the princess despise so much. ;D

Annie can go die in the fire she likes to throw at everyone else. And she got buffed today! I'm going to Yi my heart out against her. Noob champ vs. noob champ.

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*is annoyed Fawkes got the post AGAIN, but is happy that at least it wasn't someone she dislikes, since she wasn't here to compete*

also Davvy, this is exactly what I was expecting to come back to. if there was no spam battle and arguments afterwards, I'd be pretty disappointed XD

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*grabs whatever Silver is smoking with magic, crushes it in on itself with a small implosion, freezes it, sets it on fire, and banishes it in a cascade of glowing arcane runes. ALL WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE*

We do not smoke in my presence.

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-tastes the heavenly tea-

Oh, wow, that is good...

You simply MUST give me the ingredients, so that I can make it for you and Fawkes :3


Oh Peggly~

I already get MORE than my fill of THAT particular flavor of tea~ ;3

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I can see why, and it is annoying when tapatalk is brought in, but it's all parta the fun XD

You'll be happy to know that Tapatalk now has flood control.

Tis partially why I lost the 2000th page and only gotted the 40K post out of shear luck :'I

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that thing

in your sig

is that your new mark thing, or just a thing in a sig?

Something I found googling that someone did for someone else as a cutie mark request on DeviantArt. It was called "sun_and_moon_cutie_mark_commission_lnsdlknalkwlg" or something or another. I just thought it looked cool. And Peggly, the ingredients are unsafe for mortal eyes. And Davvy... Get on mah level. <3

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This is surprisingly close to what I had in mind when I suggested a solar eclipse cutie mark for the princess. Though I think the with and dark yellow part should be switched. Or something.

Also, intriguing suggestion. On which of your levels would you like me to get on, my princess? ;3

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I just read one of the most WTB Fics ever... Trixie summons a human and thinks he's a demon and wants his assistance to get her revenge against all the neighsayers. Has adult content and themes... But I laughed so hard at it...

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