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no, you needed progenitorivox! its a life enhancing miracle that bests diet and excersize! the pills are only 12 dollars each, and if you bought generic you could cut your costs in two, but you really want progenitorivox more, cuz you saw it on TV! but there are some things you should know...

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if you listen to the list of side effects, the zombies might die if you give it to them. ill list some for you so you dont have to. no no, no need to thank me.



excessive salivation

(im gonna leave this one out)

(this one too)

rust colored urination


bad vibrations (whatever that is)

mild electric shock sensations

but dont worry. its worth it for the drugs you need.

there are more.



debtors prison?

and deportation

dark depictions

dire predictions

something long

empty pockets

court dockets?

may cause eyes to pop from sockets

but dont worry, like i said: its worth it for the drugs you need.

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ht tp://vim eo.co m/3 470 6700

this taught me to share, so i shared it with you.

but it doesn't seem to be working so you wont learn to share. sorry.

and if this doesnt work i will share the sharing if it kills me.

and i didnt want it to kill me so i killed IT and cut it into teeny tiny pieces. uncut it and share!

Edited by Cathalos
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you should share that hug with more people. and if you have trouble doing that, which you seem to, you should go watch the sharing video. now. pleeeeeaaaassseeee??????

How can you hug Angie while Angie hugs my face? :I

have you ever hugged someone who didnt want a hug? i imagine it would be similar.

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I'm hugging Angie while Angie hugs your face because it's a hugception.

its not a hugception! its a confused fail of a group hug!

or a combo hug. combo hug combines in to cug sounds like chug means drink goes in a glass is what windows are made of course i like potatoes are yummy sounds like tummy hurts when people ignore the sharing video. :mad:

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Well, I saw my Aunt Martha and Uncle Bob. They didn't ask me about my pony stuff, which made me a little sad. I showed my bag to my aunt and she said it was cute and cool. We played a few games and the dinner was excellent!

7 Layer Salad

Roast Beef

Chicken breast brined in 2 cans of beer and then covered in rub, and then grilled.

Potatoes that had cooked with the roast beef in the same pan.

Broccolli in a cheese sauce.

I was happy to see them but now I must bid farewell to a close friend who is leaving for basic in the morning. Caramel is holding him close and crying her eyes out in her room. I have given him a bro hug and wish him the best of luck at Fort Benning.

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Well, I saw my Aunt Martha and Uncle Bob. They didn't ask me about my pony stuff, which made me a little sad.

see, if you gave them a pony coloring book, they wouldn't have been able to avoid the topic, and it might have gone more funnily. but NOOOO you was all like "oh thanks for saying yes, which shirt should i wear?" :P

see what happens when you dont follow my advice?

on the other hand, following my advice may lead to things much worse than little amounts of sadness. if you look at it from THAT perspective, you made all the best possible choices. :D

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