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Name: Vim (vim means "Energy; enthusiasm")

Sex: Female

Age: Filly

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: Pale reddish-orange; #FF5F28

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane Color: #B61301; Mane and Tail are long and unkempt, and wears a red bandana on her neck. Her left ear is torn on the side, and can't hear very well out of it.

Eye Color: Bright Red

Cutie Mark: A compass.

Physique: Average size, a bit slender. Her wing span is wider than what would be expected of a pegasus her size, something she's proud of.

Origin: A small floating town in the outskirts of Cloudsdale. Now lives in Nimbusgait Lakes.

Roleplay Type: "Mane" Equestria Universe

Occupation: Works at a fireworks store in Nimbusgait Lakes.

Motivation: To be the greatest adventurer ever! Alternatively, not to look like too much of a screw-up to everypony in Equestria, and make at least one true friend, and be a great adventurer.

Likes: Adventuring, of course! Also, Vim is actually very fond of social gatherings and music, but would never really try to go to any parties or pick up an instrument, out of fear of being shunned or rejected for it. She has also recently taken a greater interest in fireworks.

Dislikes: Anything boring or bland.

Character Summary: Vim was born into a normal family in a quiet cloud town outside of Cloudsdale, with two older brothers and a little sister, named Wild Eyes, Sunstone and Saccharine, respectively. Her father, Sunbolt, was a very renowned member of the weather patrol, and was looked up to by everypony in town, including Vim. He was almost always busy with work, so Vim and her siblings rarely saw their father. When he was around, she desperately tried to please Sunbolt in an attempt to give him a reason to stay at the house for longer periods of time. It all was in vain, though; most of the things she tried to impress him with got her in trouble and caused him to fuss at her. Vim's mother, Iridescence, was left alone at home to provide for her four children, which left her extremely stressed most of the time.

Vim would spend most of her time out of the house exploring her town and Cloudsdale, usually to watch her father on the weather patrol. Other than that, she would find other fillies and colts to accompany her on long trips to places all over Equestria, to the disdain of everyone's parents. Said parents warned their children to be wary of her, and the rest of her family, so her struggle to find a companion stuck onto her siblings as well. As a result, her brothers and sister chose to distance themselves from her as far as possible, and left her out of most of the things they did together. They had a very strained relationship due to this, and Vim eventually decided she wanted nothing to do with them either.

Sadly, she soon realized all of the other ponies would treat her the same way when she built a reputation based on her fiascoes. Once, she almost destroyed the foundations of the city hall, looking for "storm-cloud monsters". Being the black sheep of both her family and the town, she saw no reason to stay. Vim left in a fit of sadness and anger, and accidentally wandered into the Everfree Forest. There, she barely escaped with her life after running into (and escaping) several monstrous creatures, and managed to successfully find her way out of the dreaded forest. She did lose a portion of her left ear, and most of her sense of hearing out of it. Vim returned home, injured, exhausted and mildly traumatized, but she did gain her Cutie Mark, a compass, from her desire to explore.

After that, she was more determined than ever to partake in these wacky adventures of her's; friends or no friends. It was her special talent, after all. And with this, she willingly and gladly became the black sheep of her family. After finishing school (and Flight School), Vim left her dreary hometown for Nimbusgait Lakes, soon finding a job as a clerk in a fireworks shop. The owner was friendly enough, and being around fireworks as a job was sure to spark something interesting. She enjoys her new life and continues her infamous adventures just about every day.

A picture of her I drew.


Edited by Skye
Changed Prefix Tag.
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Nice looking application you got here.

One thing, though, I think you should expand the cutie mark story a little. How a pony getting his/her cutie mark is the defining moment in his/her life, and for my taste, yours is a bit short, and doesn't really explain why exactly it's a compass.

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Vim is a cute pony and looks good but...her name.

What is particularily ponylike about her name? Does it mean anything in particular? Why would her parents name her that? She might benefit more from having a more ponylike name, such as Cardinal Cross or something like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Vim is adorable!

I'd love to see her in RP, but first I'd like to have a few things clarified in the app.

You mention that her siblings often gave her trouble and ostracized her. Why exactly did her siblings not go along with her? Vim seems to be the kind to lead and yet there's no reason given as to why she never did. Is there anything in particular they disliked about her ideas? Something that happened between them that changed their attitude towards her?

You also mention that she had a reputation built around fiascoes. What fiascoes? If they are an integral part of her past, can you give an example? Also, with her cutie mark, what exactly does it represent? Is it her adventurous spirit? Her ability to navigate and sense of direction? Her drive to explore the unknown?

Finally, what made her decide to work at a fireworks shop? And what kind of adventures does she have now?

Answering these questions will help fill in some holes about your character and give you a solid background to work with when interacting with other characters. I'm looking forward to seeing your revisions!

PS: You mention in the text that it's her right ear that's damaged, but in the picture, it's her left ear. It's no deal breaker, but I just figured you'd like to know :)

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