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Fears and Phobias


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I'm so afraid of offending/disappointing people or doing something wrong, that if I feel like I've done harm, I almost feel like throwing up.

Aww :smirk:

I'm afraid of heights, but if I feel secure I'm not. If I'm in a rollercoaster I'm not scared, but if I'm on top of the monkey bars I'm scared out of my wits.

Also... I'm sort of like Angie's third fear, so I resort to lying and conniving :/

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Okay, let's see here....



And letting people down...

That pretty much covers it :/

The heights and the bees I can understand, and even tolerate, but I can't stand to think I've messed up something important D:

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I absolutely hate that I can and enjoy it. It's like a game to me when I begin to convince someone's way of thinking or get out of a jam.

If I were in teh Fantasy Landz I'd be a Bard. ... Only I can't sing or play any instruments.

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I know it can sounds silly because I'm male, but I have Arachnophobia. I really hate spiders, when they are moving on me I act very weird. In some games when creatures looks like spiders (not in all games) I can't stand some of the levels because of this, in Gothic 1 I always had problem in doing chapter 3 in this mine with this spider-looking thing.. Ugh...

Another phobia I have is Nyctophobia, but I'm not scared of night or anything like this. I'm scared when it is dark in room and I'm alone without any light, it is so horrible felling being in rooms without light >.>. (Ofc not when I'm going to sleep)

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I love the night. I prefer it. Idk why. I was terrified of arachnids and insects from the age of 8 until I was 14. Now I love all things creepy and crawly. I was doing a science experiment for the city science fair back in 8th grade that involved tarantulas. I bought 8 different species for it. On the first day I opened the container to transfer one of the arboreal species; it immediately ran out from it up my shoulder. I freaked out and started to panic. I quickly stopped though when I saw that it stopped on my shoulder. I took a chance and moved my hand near it to see if I could move it onto my hand. It crawled onto to it no problem and I moved it into its cage. That cured me of my fear. I also decided to keep them as pets afterwards.

I really don’t like dogs. I have been attacked several times. I fear them so much that I often cross the street just to avoid the larger ones (This often sends the wrong message to the one walking it :lol: ).

I hate wasps. We have too many of them flying around here and they are super aggressive. I actually had one come in and kill one of my tarantulas. I hate them. I panic whenever I see them in my house.

I fear talking to members of the opposite sex to an extent. I am usually fine after a couple of minutes though. I am pretty sure that this is the reason I was turned down after a few job interviews. I am also afraid of public speaking. Why? I don’t really know. Hmm…

I don’t like needles. I usually pass out at the doctor’s office. They just pull out the needle, I pass out, they do the deed, and then it is over. I suppose it is much simpler that way. I find it odd since I have no problem around knifes and saws.

I am afraid of heights. Anything above 2 stories scares me. There is a sporting venue here that has a lot of steps and they lack a rail. I hate having seats near the front because of this. My friends often scare me half to death there when they pretend to push me.

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I am deafly afraid of needles to the point where I couldn't even give blood due to it.I need to see the needle to be able to deal with it. But not seeing it *shudders*.

I also am afraid of heights to the point where after twenty feet I freak out. It's to the point where I tried to get off a roller coaster while it was going. Those things scare the hell out of me.

Also deafly afraid of any flying bugs. Especially bees. I have gotten stung in the eyes multiple times by those little *bleep*ers!!!

Yes I am a guy. Yes I am 20 years old; but I will still admit to being scared.

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know what else freaks me out that I forgot to mention? other people's babies. maybe my own babies would freak me out too, but I wouldn't know since I don't have any :P

well, I guess it's not so much scared of babies as it is completely disgusted by them. once they know how to walk and talk, I have no problem with them, but before that I avoid them at all costs. the worst is when people force me to hold their babies, then that's two of my fears on me at once. my fear of gross babies and my fear of doing something wrong.

I love kids and babies. However, I was terrified of babysitting for my best friend and his wife. I love all three kids, but one of them is still potty training. The problem? I am scared of diapers. Or that I woudl have to change one. So I almost never offer.

Edit: woot! I'm officially a Brony. I've got to slow down now that I am at my favorite rank.

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One of my fears is spiders. They scare me so much, I can't even decribe it. Needles, I used to be scared by them but now, not so much. I've had to get shots, blood drawn, and even an IV once so many times that I've kinda gotten used to it. Though, it still gives me the nervous feeling right before the doctor is about to poke it in my arm. My last fear (I think) is probably heights. I get nervous around ledges and I get that feeling that someone is going to be mean and try to push me off or something.

Anyways, that's just me. Spiders and heights are probably my only two big fears.

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I don't really have any phobias... I do have fears (of course. I mean, who doesn't?).

I'm scared of the dark. Especially when I'm in the woods.

Mostly the dark for me... Everything else I'm afraid of kinda revolves around that one fact.

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I have no idea what happened in my life to lead to it, but I am psychologically diagnosed with algophobia, or, an unnatural fear of pain, for those who don't know what it is. The idea of getting a scrape gives me the willies, and papercuts will be the death of me, I'm sure. Don't even get me started on all those cut-em-up horror films, I don't like horror for a reason. I have been working for a very long time to fix up this issue, with some success, but I still have a ways to go.

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I have an unusual phobia that I developed sometime last year, and I have no Idea how I got it.

I have a phobia of feces. It's gotten to the point that I can't look at it, and even thinking about it makes me hit myself. Even looking at the word feces or any synonym of it (except horseapples for some reason) stresses me out. What's worse is that my phobia of has associated to the disturbing thoughts I get, and most of them are now associated with my phobia of feces. I don't know how I got this, as I used to have to clean up after my pets all the time. And yes, my phobia has effected me and taking care of my pets. Lately my family has been having to do it for me.

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Well folks, I knew I'd have to do this sooner or later...*braces everyone before they face a plethora of text*

1. Flying and/or buzzing insects in general. For the exeption of bees and wasps, I can tollerate it when I see insects...that is, when they're on some sort of surface. But when they're not? Let's just say that, unless they can't sting or give bug bites, I'll stay away from them as far as possible. And when they make noise? I was once startled by a vibrating phone because I thought there was a bee in the living room, so I'll just point out that it only amplifies my flying insect paranoia. Oh! And ladybugs, moths and house flies will send me running. Especially ladybugs, those sneaky *******s.

2. Being upsidedown in midair/falling. The latter fear isn"t quite as strong as of late, but ever since I went on this one ride called "The Ring of Fire" (aka, one giant rollercoaster track in the form of a circle that goes around and around and around...), I've never been able to stomache going on any upsidedown rollercoaster ride. I'm somewhat alright with going down one at a fast speed, since I usually go from "GET ME OFF OF THIS THING!" at the beginning to "THAT WAS SO AWESOME! LET'S DO IT AGAIN!" once it actually finishes, but anything else...*shudders*

3. Talking in front of groups of people while being (or feeling) unprepaired. I'll admit that I used to be ridiculously timid, and maybe I still am to an extent, but even when I was little I was good about keeping calm durring school plays, choir concerts, and the like. But anything else, however, is a different story altogether. Unless I do something, like doing a ton of rehearsing what I might have to say, and unless I feel that I have everything I need, I have an extremely hard time with making presentations, even if I'm part of a group rather than alone. Even if I double-check that I have everything down, I then worry about how I present myself, because looking at an audiece (size reguardless) makes me feel really uncomfortable, and attempting to look at the wall or some random object while talking just makes me look like I'm spacing out (which has been and can be a problem with concerts and past plays, but in those cases, for some unknown reason, it's a lot easier for me to overcome them).

Also, when I'm really anxious/nervous/stressed out in general, I'm particularly prone to pausing and doing TONS of stuttering while possibly being prone to making lisps, which thusly makes me look like an idiot who knows absolutely nothing on the subject of which I'm talking about, even when most people would have no difficulty at all. Or sometimes I don't even bother to speak at all when I'm nervous, just so I don't have to deal with said stuttering/lisping/looking like an idiot. Combine that with fear number 3 and, well...

4. Dying a gruesomely painful death/being killed. I'm pretty sure this should be self-explanatory. I'm not afraid of death in general, but of how I'll meet said death. I would rather die peacefully on some sort of deathbed, no matter how long or short my life turns out, than being stabbed in the heart, getting run over by a car...

And last but not least...*takes a deep breath*

5. The idea of meeting either one of my biological parents. Yes, I just so happen to be adopted, and yes, I live in a supportive/caring/loving family that may or may not tend to treat me like their little baby girl (being the 'youngest' has its pros and cons, trust me). While I'm not going to harbor over the details reguarding said adoption (other than that I young enough not to remember my biological parents), I will say that knowing about my birth parents in the first place is...well...kind of surreal. And to better explain it: I've known about them for a good portion of my life, while being filled in on specific delails about them as you get older/mature, but I don't actually know them. Which, now that I think about it, it's surprisingly similar to knowing about a celebrity without ever meeting/getting to know one...for the HUGE exeption being that they're not famous, and that, obviously, they have a MUCH stronger connection to me...and now that I think about it again, comparing celebrities to biological parents is a really bad analogy, but I'm not sure how else I could explain it.

Or to put it in short, I actually do want to meet them in the future at some point, but I'm also afraid to because it's out of my comfort zone/like jumping into unknown territory/insert-other-reasons-to-ramble-about. I have the feeling that I'll be fine once it happens, but even thinking about it is enough to make nervous at this point...

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Severe pyrophobia (Light a match, throw it into the kitchen sink while screaing so loud the people 2 doors down can hear it, not exaggerating - actually happened before. Got a strange look from my mother... ^_^; )

Magistophobio (Cell phone taken in class, I have a total meltdown and get forced to see the school counselor. Actually happened before)

All of my phobias. Not many, but enough to mess with me.

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My list of Phobias:

-Wasps and bees (A very angry wasp was in the bathroom when I was taking a bath. It freaked me out so much that since then I run and hide when I see them. Also, bees seemed to be attracted to my coat and that freaks me out to the same point)

-Spiders (Can't be in the same room as them or I scream like a banshee)

-Falling (I was out doing a hiking trip with friends and the route took us along a cliff edge. I thought I was going to fall off the cliff and had a nervous breakdown. They spent ages just trying to stop me from crying.)

-Lonliness (Does anyone want to be alone to the point where they don't have a cute fuzzy animal companion? It would be horrible to be alone with no pets.)

-Doctors (I always end up thinking that they're going to take my blood. It's like being next to a vampire. Most of the time it's my blood that they want anyway. The longest I avoided going to the doctors was nine years.)

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I've got Keno-phobia, the fear of empty spaces and voids, some people say its like the opposite of claustrophobia. I'm also scared out of my mind by things that just shouldn't happen, things that don't follow the basic rules of logic, for reference look up some clips of the game LSD on YouTube (Also notice the sky, those are the voids that freak me out) anything along those lines would cause me to drag myself into a corner and just sit there crying (Not if I saw it in the game, but if I saw it in real life) this is coming from a Black Belt keep in mind.

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Oh, that Ring of Fire story, I can relate. When it hangs upside down for what seems like a whole minute, and all your weight pushes down on you...*shivers*

Anyway, here's my fears:

-Acrophobia is my number one fear. I can't tell you how many times I've been in high places and immediately wished to come back down. That leads to my fear of elevators as well. The most notable incident? When we were living in Washington state, our first trip was to Seattle to see the Space Needle. Now, keep in mind that the Space Needle is about 680 feet high. The wait for the elevator was terrifying and while the outside view was beautiful, it was horrible to see only thick steel wire as the boundary between the observation deck and the edge of said deck. Getting back down on the ground was a blessing.

-Deep water. Since falling in a pool and sinking 9 feet before instinctively swimming to the surface, I have been extremely unsettled by deep water. Anything past 6 ft freaks me the math out. It also didn't help that I fell off a diving board not too long ago.

-Falling. They're all connected, and the night jerks you get during your dreams that make you feel like your falling do not help at all. I have had countless falling dreams, so I cherish flying dreams with a passion.

Thing I fear the least that most people do? Snakes. I love snakes, especially since my chinese zodiac sign is the snake. And it's not just boas, I respect and appreciate all snakes. It's not that I an afraid of venomous snakes, either, I am just carefully aware what each looks like and know to avoid them like the plague if one crosses my path. It's a logical threat, not something to be necessarily scared of.

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I've got Keno-phobia, the fear of empty spaces and voids, some people say its like the opposite of claustrophobia. I'm also scared out of my mind by things that just shouldn't happen, things that don't follow the basic rules of logic, for reference look up some clips of the game LSD on YouTube (Also notice the sky, those are the voids that freak me out) anything along those lines would cause me to drag myself into a corner and just sit there crying (Not if I saw it in the game, but if I saw it in real life) this is coming from a Black Belt keep in mind.

I'm clinically diagnosed with Agoraphobia, and that's sounds a lot like what you're taking about. I can't even think of fields or oceans or open spaces and will go into a full-blown panic attack. I also can't go anywhere where I can't easily hide, eg. airports.

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I'm clinically diagnosed with Agoraphobia, and that's sounds a lot like what you're taking about. I can't even think of fields or oceans or open spaces and will go into a full-blown panic attack. I also can't go anywhere where I can't easily hide, eg. airports.

Ya sounds like Kenophobia. Except for the "No where to hide" part, it sounds pretty much like me. (I prefer places where there is a lot going on.)
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