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Is RP worth it?


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I am a writer.

I've been writing stories since I was six and books since I was 8. I've spent most of my life writing (besides other hobbies). I've recently got into writing fanfic. People always tell me that I should try RP. I haven't yet. The question is, should I? And if I should, should I let MLP be my first RP topic? I mean, I'm not really a brony as much as I am a fan...

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RPs are kinda like writing a story, but not knowing how the other character is going to react to your character. It's rather entertaining, and can be pretty awesome with the right people and the right story. So should you RP? Yes. Should MLP be your first RP? Depends. As far as this board goes, the Mane RP (The World of Equestria) has no real 'plot.' It's all based on character-to-character actions and reactions, kinda like the real world, but with ponies. However, you might be able to get a Free-For-All or Crossover RP going that DOES have a plot and make something awesome. You also have to take into consideration "Do I really want to RP with ponies?" The answer should be "Yes," but it's your call.

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RPing combines reading and writing, because even if your leading the story, you never know where the other players are going to go. You can sometimes force them your direction (called 'railroading') but there is a lot of mixed control going on, and soemtimes things just dont go your way (especially since in a forum environmeny, as opposed to, say, DND, you cant *force* a skill-check)

On the other hand, these hops off the rails can be awesome, funny, touching, etc. I've had one or two RPs that were so powerful I actually found myself crying.

Personally I love to RP, more than to write at times, but you need to really care about the characters to RP them properly, and tbh, if your just a casual fan, you might want to try another Genre (please do not take offence at this! I just feel you need to REALLY REALLY REALLY care about your character and his/her home/world/etc to really have a fufilling experience and to give the best experience to those your RPing with - just like any game or sport, if you only half-arse play nobody will have fun)

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I'd say it can be fun, as long as you have a good roleplay partner. There are a few things that really bug the crap out of me like those who seem to already have a story in mind, and they're playing it out while you just go along for the ride with no real input...

But, other than that it's usually fun to do.

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It's a very fun writing exercise for a writer, I think.

It takes the control out of your hands. It forces you to cooperate on the direction of a particular story with others. it's a nice challenge and it forces you to really explore a character. I'd definitely recommend at least trying it.

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Speaking for myself, I don't see the point in it... Like, I don't know what it results in? A published book? Or just.. a mass of text somewhere on the web?

I don't see how it would appeal to other people outside of the rp. I've tried to read some, but I lose interest so easily because they just seem like people being other people, to other people pretending to be other people, messaging each other. It feels disorganised.

I know many, many people enjoy it for entertainment purposes, but it's just really not for me. I never got the appeal. If you do, by all means go for it. :)

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Short answer : maybe. Probably, even!

If you like writing, it's great fun. Those that don't actually understand what the point of it is aren't actualy likely to know what they're talking about, since there isn't any particular goal for it. I mean, you don't go to play videogames so that you have something to show for it in the real world afterwards. You do it because it's fun.

Unlike videogames? It can give you something to think about, and can really help a budding writer learn how to write better, depending on the sceario and who you're playing with. It can be dramatic, comedic, introspective, philosophical... just like a book, there are any number of themes and genres that can apply! You do, of course, have to look for them, but they're there!

Oh and it can help with expanding your vocabulary and improving you typing skills. A bit.

So yeah, if you like reading and writing, I'd say go for it! If you don't like writing, well, different story there, but heck, no harm trying, right?

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I love RPing, and I get really into my characters. I often feel as though I...BECOME them. Like in my Jurassic Park RPs....MAN is it cool to be a raptor...

It's like a more grown-up version of playing pretend, and you never know where the plot's going to go when the next person thinks of something CRAZY! Where, if it were just you writing a story...you have to piece it together all alone. :cry:

...I've done it since I was in middle school, and I think it's really enjoyable. Yes, it is only for entertainment purposes, but....what else do you really expect from the net? It's not like the random comments made in chatter and chit chat mean anything. And who knows? You could end up actually making friends with the people you RP with, I know I have. :D

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I think some people have one OC that they consider their "main character," whether it's just their first one or the one they resonate the most with, or that just shares their username. I'm sure if you used your OC from your fanfic, everyone here would be okay with it.

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I have one more question. Do people usually use one overall OC? (OC used for both fanfic and RP, of both applicable, etc.) I've been wondering for awhile, because I have a main OC I'm writing a fanfiction about, and I'm considering trying RP.

I use my OCs both in fanfic and RP. I don't consider any one of them any more main than any other really though.

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