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I'll be honest with you guys...


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I gotta come clean my brony friends... I can't listen to the opening song for Friendship is Magic... even after watching every episode at least once if not more than once, i can;t bring myself to listen to the opening theme... It's just WAAAY too sugary for my taste... Even when the guitar hits, i still can't bring myself to listen to it, it's just too much to handle, so i skip it every time...

I'll turn in my Brony card now if i must...

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Whoa man, calm down, seriously :)

Just because you don't like the show's opening doesn't mean you should give up being a brony...I mean even I cringe sometimes at the opening theme and sometimes skip it...

And I'm not ashamed of that, or consider myself any less of a brony...

Unless it's more than the opening and you genuinely can't stand the show anymore, I don't see a problem really :D

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Were you naysayers ok with it the first time? Is it mostly the repetition? I can listen to songs nearly endlessly if I like them. My iTunes counter shows that I have listened to "How it ends" well over 300 times, and it is a 7 minute song. I've been listening to "Kids" by MGMT all day on repeat, and this is not the first or the last day for that song.

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Were you naysayers ok with it the first time? Is it mostly the repetition? I can listen to songs nearly endlessly if I like them. My iTunes counter shows that I have listened to "How it ends" well over 300 times, and it is a 7 minute song. I've been listening to "Kids" by MGMT all day on repeat, and this is not the first or the last day for that song.

I didn't like it the first time. Grew to like it a little bit, then got tired of it.

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Were you naysayers ok with it the first time? Is it mostly the repetition? I can listen to songs nearly endlessly if I like them. My iTunes counter shows that I have listened to "How it ends" well over 300 times, and it is a 7 minute song. I've been listening to "Kids" by MGMT all day on repeat, and this is not the first or the last day for that song.

Nahh, always had that feeling. It isn't a bad song, just a little too saccharine for me. I don't fault fellow fans for loving it though; I certainly don't have anything against the show using it.

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I think it goes along the lines of "so sweet it's probably fake."

I have to say that the first time I saw the opening with Rainbow Dash appearing and doing that loop de loop toward Ponyville was breathtaking. The whole sequence is pretty sweet and girly, almost like it was made to appeal to little girls.

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The opening gets me in the mood, because honestly I tend to watch violent, mystery related or otherwise not so happy shows (though I do watch some comedies like Louis, the Community and TBBT). So really, the opening as sugary as it is, kinda puts a smile on my face because really... MLP is like a drug for me, it makes me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I have it on my PMP, do I listen to it often? Not really, it is probably my least played song as I tend to skip over it. But when I watch an episode, I tend to watch the opening as well. It is still a well written song too (compared to some other openings, especially some anime openings).

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When I first heard ht eopening, I almost screamed.

Mainly because the "My little pony" line at the very beginnning made me think I was watching G1, and I'm like "Oh heck no!"

I like it more now, its just that very start that still annoys me a little bit.

I often sing the bit about friendship, where they all sign a line.

That's my favorite bit :)

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It took me a while to get used to the opening, actually. For a while, when watching on my computer, I skipped. I'm over that now. I enjoy it. Sometimes, I find myself singing it as if I were William Shatner.

I imagine you shouting "Tambourine pony!!!" on Canterlot Voice...

my skin itches now for using that reference... But sometimes I skip the song, and sometimes let it be, and sing along too...

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(wow, surprisingly popular topic)

First off, was kidding about the brony card thing =P It's one ofthe ONLY things i dont like about the show...

When i first saw the show i almost quit watching right there... but i forced myself to continue.

I'll be honest, i think it's mostly the 'my little pony' bits that get me... I still have a problem with the original brand and how it seemed to be just a way to sell toys to unknowing girls... so even when i hear the words 'my little pony' in the show itself, i cringe... So you can imagine them saying it like 10 times in a minute would make me lose my marbles.

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(wow, surprisingly popular topic)

First off, was kidding about the brony card thing =P It's one ofthe ONLY things i dont like about the show...

When i first saw the show i almost quit watching right there... but i forced myself to continue.

I'll be honest, i think it's mostly the 'my little pony' bits that get me... I still have a problem with the original brand and how it seemed to be just a way to sell toys to unknowing girls... so even when i hear the words 'my little pony' in the show itself, i cringe... So you can imagine them saying it like 10 times in a minute would make me lose my marbles.

I think you bring up an interesting point, and what you are referencing is some of the deeper psychology behind what makes FiM so popular, and why we all enjoy it. Would we still enjoy the series if it was called something completely different, and the ponies were, say, birds? Or squids? What "X" factor in particular makes the series so enjoyable?

I think the answers are as numerous and multifaceted as a gem in Rarity's collection, though I think we can all agree that the property has changed (for the better!), and we're sort of stuck in the middle as the "unintended audience." Viewers liking material targeted toward young girls is nothing new, it's just never happened on this scale, or in a way that's so accessible and, more importantly, accepted. To challenge that is to challenge the values you were sociologically embedded with since birth, but I am glad to see it's happening, as it can only mean good things for everyone -- especially Lauren's intended and original audience.

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