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Your zombie plan


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Admit it... you've thought about the Zombie apocalypse... you know what you're going to do if it happens... So tell us, what is your zombie plan?

If you honestly havent thought of your zombie plan, i'll give you a bit of a starter... You wake up and turn on the TV, and find that a mysterious virus is causing chaos (Discord is not involved) and you immediately recognize the signs as being a zombie outbreak... What do you do next?

Me? I plan to go to my mother's boyfriends house and raid his closet... he's got a bunch of knive and plenty of woodcutting tools like machete and a small sledgehammer. (Firearms are too loud and bring a lot of unwanted attention...)

then i gather up whatever family i can safely get to and go out far into the country if possible... if not, i'll head down the highway to the county jail and get in... Think about it, prisons are great at keeping people IN, so it should be pretty good at keeping zombies OUT.

If that's not an option, we live close to the river... find ourselves a large boat some of the rich people have, snatch it, and casually move down the river until we get more information on a safe place to sit... (as for why a boat, zombies don't float after theyve rotted a certain amount... so they'll just sink. It would be hard for them to get on a boat anyway...)

So, that's my plan, what's yours?

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Funny that you've asked.

Few years ago, me and a group of friends (literally, three others), thought about this case. And we had everything taken care of.

We assigned our duties according to the direction our studies went. I was assigned a logistics coordinator. Taking care of cartography, food and 'munitions supplies, water, survivors and all that kind of stuff.

1st friend, was a mechanic, as his studies concerned jet piloting in military school. He was supposed to take care of mechanical gear of all kind, be a driver to a modified armor-clad truck and our secondary shooter.

2nd friend, was supposed to built us a static hideout, some kind of bunker, so that we had a place to take cover in case of some... hot situations.

The last one was supposed to be our main gunner and guns conservator, as he was interested in weapons heavily, including heavy weapons as well as precision ones. He had a good eye, so he'd prove himself helpful.

Considering the fact we all lived in one city, it would be fairly easy to gather up and oppose the threat.

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mine is quite simple actually

living in australia i grew up around guns i go shooting every weekend in a nice little place by the name of liverpool anyway

i know how to get into my pops gunsafe (they only live about three houses up) i take all the guns and ammo i can and drive off in the hilux after that simply stay in the thick australian bush living like the abbos did of animals and bush tucker never staying in the same place for to long and sleeping in the highest eucalypts i can

also i got a scythe for me birthday (that i've managed to cut myself on several times) and while heavy and unwieldly one swing from this could easily bisect someone and will help for clearing fields of razor grass and harvesting aforementioned bush tucker

also ill carry lots of salt and flour to make damper should i get desperate

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I'd be one of the first to die ._. I'm really in no shape to deal with any sort of threat.

I suppose my plan would be to lock myself in my upstairs bathroom and hope for the best

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My friends also discussed this and we settled on the farmhouse defense, with barbed wire, alarm trip wires and mines. We'd have a well and grow our own food. We'd have a modified truck for ammunition runs and to get other supplies. We'd be armed to the teeth.

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I have this written out across seven word documents for no apparent reason. Anyone want me to copy and paste?

You too? Me and couple of my friends have an elaborate, flexible plan. And it doesn't hurt that all of us are in some way trained in fighting, firearms or both.

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I will do the most logical thing, plant a garden

bro hoof!

Illl get the corn cannons if you get the sunflowers!

okay but my real plan is to get a cricket bat and go to the windchester tavern, and have a cold beer until this whole thing blows over.

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okay but my real plan is to get a cricket bat and go to the windchester tavern, and have a cold beer until this whole thing blows over.

If this isn't a reference to Shawn of the Dead, then I am disappoint.

My plan was, with my friends, to raid stores for food, go to the nearest Home Depot/Lowes/home improvement store, grab as many dangerous, gas/battery powered power tools as possible (like, oh, say, a chainsaw?), find somewhere secluded, and wait it out. I have a (t)rusty fire axe out in my garage, as well as some other heavy bludgeoning devices, on top of a broadsword in my attic. I think I have at least a decent shot of getting to my car and friends' houses.

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If anything was legal, I'd grab my trusty Vampire Killer whip and kick some serious zombie flank. Hordes of unholy undead? No problem when your whip is a divine weapon....

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If this isn't a reference to Shawn of the Dead, then I am disappoint.

My plan was, with my friends, to raid stores for food, go to the nearest Home Depot/Lowes/home improvement store, grab as many dangerous, gas/battery powered power tools as possible (like, oh, say, a chainsaw?), find somewhere secluded, and wait it out. I have a (t)rusty fire axe out in my garage, as well as some other heavy bludgeoning devices, on top of a broadsword in my attic. I think I have at least a decent shot of getting to my car and friends' houses.

was a refrence, thxs for noticing

okay my true plan is to grab a backpack and load up on supplies in my house. then, get my bike out of the garage, and ride to the country side (Less humans= Less zombies) Secure a semiattomatic rifle and a bolt action, and lock my self in a rural house

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was a refrence, thxs for noticing

okay my true plan is to grab a backpack and load up on supplies in my house. then, get my bike out of the garage, and ride to the country side (Less humans= Less zombies) Secure a semiattomatic rifle and a bolt action, and lock my self in a rural house

Ever seen a zombie flick? The country and the middle of nowhere always have MORE ZOMBIES.

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Am I the only one that's read the Zombie Survival Guide? :P

Move all non-perishable foodstuffs, water, and other necessary supplies to the second floor (if you have one. If not, find a building that does) and destroy the stairs. Zombies can't climb, but YOU can!


Bicycle! It requires no gasoline, is fast, maneuverable, and can last as long as you have energy.


Melee - Crowbar. Can be used to break into buildings to gather more supplies, and heavy, blunt shape plus sharp ends can make it a very effective weapon.

Firearms - Semi-Automatic rifle. Most hunting rifles will do, ammunition is easy to find, and prevents people from wasting ammunition by getting 'trigger happy'

Groups are also a must, as a lone survivor doesn't stay a survivor very long. At least 5 is best.

What's the best place to take cover?

A building with two stories is good, though if one feels EXTREMELY lucky, they may try to find an old fashioned prison. One with tall, concrete walls and a metal gate. In the case of a global pandemic and emergency, the prisoners would likely be released and the prison in control of the guards. Be cautioned, though, as hardened criminals are ten times more dangerous than zombies any day of the week! If they are in control of this fortress rather than the guards, LOOK ELSEWHERE.

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Am I the only one that's read the Zombie Survival Guide? :P

Oh good God, that book. It's so ridiculous that I already forgot about it.

Why would you bring this up, WHY!?...

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I would high tail it over to one of my competent friend's dwellings, then curl into the fetal position and cry softly.

If part one fails, I can do part two at my own place as well.

But I am not expecting a zombie problem in Alaska; we worry about vampires here.

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My brother and I have had a lot of fun thinking about this one. He has just about everything that we would need: 4 months of dehydrated food, 3 rifles, A shotgun, several bottles of a water purifying solution, a variety of melee weapons, TONs of camping supplies, a few survival packs, a super secret camping spot, tons of rice, and kool-aid.

The only flaw with our plan is that I would actually need to GET to him once the zombie outbreak starts. Hmm. I might need to come up with a plan B.

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Statistically, I will probably die. I mean, zombie invasions always wipe out a huge chunk of the planet's population, and yet everyone think they will survive it or something. Nuh-uh. We're all going to die.

But on the unlikely chance that I win the lottery survive the intial infection, I'll probably grab my car, find a good place for shelter (second floors are good) avoid gigantic places like walmart and raid houses for food. Or something.

I don't worry much about zombie invasions. Perhaps I should !

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Scientists arw actually doing reports on this. They say it'd be possible, and would probably target older people with weaker immune systems. They would also be slow and reliant on animal instincts. They wouldn't be like in the movies.

Just thought I'd share.

Now let me find that article...

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Personally, I would gather as many firearms, ammunition, melee weapons, and fellow survivors as possible and barricade myself in a large building that has alot of food. Like a store. Yes, I know it's going to be hard to clear out and set up defenses. But once it's up, it can be the start of a zombie outpost so more survivors can come and we can all try and survive together. Once the outbreak strikes, that's exactly where I'm going. However, if that fails, I'll probably go out with a bang then get mobbed by a ton of zombies.

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