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Closet Bronies


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The topic I chose to start is that of Closet Bronies. At my school, Bronies are greatly frowned upon. When people found out I was a Brony, they started calling me Dash as a joke. But I love it :)

I'm just wondering, are you an open or closet Brony? Do you have any Brony friends? Are they still in the closet about loving and tolerating? ;)

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Whelp, I'll come out now. One of the few open bronies at my school. I take stuff every day for it, mostly from only one or two people, but they are pretty dumb anyways, so it doesn't matter much. It is easy enough to just ignore them, or if I feel like it explain to them why they are wrong. Now, I do have friends that are "closet bronies" and wish to remain such. It isn't so much a school or friend thing for them as it is a family thing. A lot of people don't want their parents to know about it, and I can see why. My parents give me grief every day, in one way or another. When I bought a plushy I got a lecture and interrogation that lasted about two hours. Am I proud that I came out and opened up to the world? Yep. Did I buy awesome bracelets to wear just to prove how awesome it is? Eeyup. Do I mind people that don't want to come out? Of course. Everyone's situation is different, and they know and love different people that would react differently than the people I know. My 2 cents... Why do I only have 2? I spent the rest on pony stuff :P

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I like your attitude man :D I broke the news to everybody by coming to school with 20% cooler written on my cheek, and a RD shirt on. Then, I changed my last name on facebook to Dash. You get a lot of hate, but then again, there are also great communities like this online...

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Odd tidbit, I don't actually identify as a brony. Some of my friends know I watch FiM, and none of them care because I only really get along with people that are both intelligent and open-minded, and we're all old/mature enough to realize our tastes are what they are and they are not necesarily indicative of our personalities, or more importantly our capacity as human beings.

I can imagine that this might matter to petty teenagers in jr high school, or perhaps yammering gradeschoolers, but frankly I don't believe that there's any real connection between taste in entertainment and personality. Popular and-or common correlations, possibly, but not actual connections.

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Nah, I prefer to keep my "Brony" affiliation on the internet. Not because I see watching the show as being negative or anything(In fact I might rekindle my joy of drawing and writing at the end of this year.) it's just easier keeping it as a "hobby" I guess on a personal level. Though I did tell my best mate (and partner at the gym) and he didn't hate or like the show but yeh.

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I'm pretty much out in the open with it, to the people I know. I dont have any pony clothing, so I dont broadcast it in my classes, but my family and friends know. Parents dont really care, though my grandmother finds it kinda weird. And my friends dont care either, they just have no interest in a cartoon about improbably colored talking ponies.

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I'm not completely closed off. I tell people of it's relevant. I just say "Yeah, it's not terrible. I kind of like it." But I'll only say it if it ever comes up in conversation. I'm not the type of guy to go, "HEY! I like MLP and I'm proud" out in public. Also, I always put that I'm a fan in my profile on most websites.

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I have a wierd status on this.I told my friends and they bring it up more than me.I used to bring it up alot but know it just comes out.I always do some refrences to the show though hopefully finding fellow bronies in my school.Actully one time I helped a fellow classmate with a predictimate about Alicorns.I think my friends are now close to turning.

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I don't hide it anymore. And I will defend it if necessary. Most people who initially were off put (or dare I say even tried to make fun of me for it) by me watching it, I have learned started watching it themselves! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

But, yeah... Its not like I announce it to the world... If it comes up I'll discuss it, if I'm asked about it, I'll not deny it. I see no point... It takes more effort to deny something anyway. And usually my defense is pretty easy.... Nerds... I jump straight to John DeLancie... Nonnerds with class... Barbra Streisand and Music Man all the way... Everyone else? Fluttershy "killing" a bear. Man... how many people I have flabbergasted with that one clip... its amazing. It's like the creators made that especially for bronies to show to "neighsayers."

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I'll have to stop you there Rosie.I don't want to keep telling them and bothering them about it.If they want they can watch and get themselves into the herd.Maybe they are already in the herd and they aren't telling me!

I agree with you, Colt. You don't want to push them too much, especially if you've already tried!

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I'm a closet brony. If asked about it I would explain it. The only reason I don't make it obvious is because I don't want to explain it to people that wouldn't get it, or not have the chance to and be seen as strange. I'll be telling my friends soon though, as I know they'll understand...all are fans of old 90s cartoons, just like MLP is like.

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Odd tidbit, I don't actually identify as a brony. Some of my friends know I watch FiM, and none of them care because I only really get along with people that are both intelligent and open-minded, and we're all old/mature enough to realize our tastes are what they are and they are not necesarily indicative of our personalities, or more importantly our capacity as human beings.


Back on topic - I do have a couple shirts that I wear regularly and draw the characters in public but other than that, I only talk about it if questioned or the person I'm talking to just so happens to bring it up.

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My story is kind of an odd one...

A few weeks ago, I was a closet brony. But...over the past few weeks I've become more and more open about it. I've told my parents, some of my friends, even my English teacher (Please don't ask).

So, technically I'm still a closet brony, but I'm getting closer to fully shouting it out, for lack of a better phrase. Although...there's always that apprehension...especially when everyone you've ever asked said they hate the show but, not much I can do about that I guess :P

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