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About Myself: I snowboard. I draw ponys. I make pony Pixel art.

How I found Canterlot.com: A friend from my Brony Group brought me here.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I had been going through my stuff and i found 1 of my old MLP plush and I was wondering what had become of MLP so I did Some research.

My favourite main cast pony/s: Twilight Sparkle
I'm Homeschooled with Khan Academy for my math and I have a brony friend Tutor me for history and the rest of the internet does the work, yes, that includes you.

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Welcome to Canterlot! I hope to see you in the RP section as well! If you need any critiques on character apps, feel free to ask me anything! I have several approved characters and have a firm grasp of the requirements. Another tip, heed the suggestions and guidance of RP Helpstaff when putting the finishing touches on your apps. What they have to say is backed by a wealth of Roleplay experience. They know exactly what constitutes an app that will be accepted for use in the mane and crossover Roleplay sections.

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my gourd, your avi D:

I saw you on the new member list, and I just had to come here to tell you that it's the most amazing avi ever X3 SO adorable

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My image was done by the Great and Powerful Christina. Also, I'm gonna try to get in the RP area ;-) Heres something I just made today: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/527392_397428503611745_100000337956179_1288950_2073882774_n.jpg Sadly, I dont have any of my Pony Pixels on my computer so I cant show them right now but here R some of my tiles: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/562749_374251209262808_100000337956179_1225165_49287221_n.jpg

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*inhales deeply*

Hi! Hello! How are you? Welcome to Canterlot! Top of the morning to ya! A fine day to you, dear sir! Evening! Welcome yall! Welcome, welcome, welcome, a fine welcome to you! Velcome to ze herd! Greetings! Live long and prosper! Howdy, partner! Sup! Good day to you, mine fine fiendish friend! Hope you enjoy your stay! Have a good day! Welcome aboard, captain! Ohayo Gozaimasu! Aloha! Guten tag! Hola!

*Gasps for air*

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