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The Return of Discord [Open]

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"so discord it's you and me isn't it" the doctor said leaning agianst the wall "oh it's funny you thought guard imitate me to leave? oh what a joy BY THE WAY here's your choice's A.leave now B.or else" the doctor said next to shakey brick of the temple

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"Fire's a big pony, he can handle Potey on his own." Balance looked at the new maze he was in. He noticed there were 3 different passages to go through. He facehoofed.

Okay, we have no hints as to which way to go. No matter what we do, we'll end up getting lost.

I suppose the only thing we can do is be a bit chaotic.

"Okay, let's go this way!" Balance pointed to the left passage. He didn't want to run away from Amber, with a fear of being separated, so he waited before running off randomly.

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The Spirit of Disharmony rolled his eyes at the Colt's threat,"Sure, I'll leave. I have business in Canterlot anyway! As for you. I hope you will enjoy chaos almost as much as I do!" He laughed as he not only fired a mutation at him, but also sent him to Cloudsdale.His only regret was that he couldn't see the hilarity that was sure to ensure!

"Now that is taken care of..." With a pop, the asymmetrical prankster disappeared, only to reappear a moment later at the place where his rampage began.

Discord surveyed the city of Canterlot from miles up in the sky, oh what a beautiful scene! His followers duking it out with Royal Guardsmen, houses partially destroyed, citizens running through the streets terrified. Whats not to love? "But you can always make improvements!" He laughed to himself, his joyful mood returning at the sight of such chaos. With a snap of his fingers, reality began to bend, the sky began turning from the most blinding of whites to darkest of blacks, the houses not totally destroyed became either inverted, floating, or upside down. Even the ponies themselves began to change, some losing control of their magic while others turned to stone, nopony was spared and it was glorious, it was a good thing he could share this moment with the Mask, which hung in the air by his side, suspended by the glories of magic.

"As much as I would love to watch, I think it's time I visited my old friend Celestia! Oh how pleased she will be to see me!" He laughed darkly, but before he could teleport to the long time object of his disdain, he heard a ruckus from the ground below.

"Ah! The labyrinth! So many fond memories...oh my, is that? Oh now that is just too rich!" He said in disbelief as he looked down to see his not-so-favorite Servant, Potey, facing off against not only that fun-kill Fire-Heart, but also that blue unicorn and the Celestia Fan-Mare.

Deciding that now was too good of a time to play a game to pass up, and deciding that Potey could handle himself until he got bored,Discord teleported to the ground in a flash of light, appearing in front of the two disgustingly normal Unicorns

"Why hello there, my little ponies! Care to play a game?"

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This couldn't possibly get worse, could it.

Don't say that! You'll just jinx us!

"G-game?" No! Stop talking! Don't fall for Discord's trick, you idiot! "Can you explain what this 'game' is?" We're so dead.

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Twin bolts of energy shot through the maze between discord and balance "sorry to interupt" he said as he steped out infront of discord "but I felt like playing too" he charged his cannons once more and aimed them right discords head "you're choice spirit of chaos? live or die?"

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Out of the void between worlds, Bowie reappeared next to Nemesis. Sword drawn and electricity just oozing from the tip of the blade, Bowie stood ready to fight for the helpless and innocent ponies who will suffer under Discord's rule.

"Thought you were rid of me huh? I don't die that easily, as I am the savior of Granseal and the one who sealed away Zeon, the demon Alicorn! With this blade of justice and divine light, I shall strike a mighty blow against you and your forces of chaos!", he shouted at both Potey and Discord as he led the charge. Galloping behind him, his elite unit, "The Shining Force", entered the maze spells, arrows and weapons at the ready.

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Discord laughed as the tin-can charged up his cannons,"Oh worry not! My computerized friend! Everypony will play my game! Whether they like it or not! There are just a few rules we all have to follow!" Discord raised his arm, but before he could snap, but a familiar Earth Pony with a magical blade appeared next to the robot, ranting about peace and order and a demon Alicorn before charging at him,"Ah. So that is what happened to Zion. I never liked him, he was so bland with the way he committed genocide!" Discord grumbled, he on the other hand was much more varied in his techniques!

"I guess you want to play as well! That means no sword or jewelry for you!" He cackled and snapped his fingers, removing the robot's wings and cannons, the horns and wings from all the Unicorns and pegasi present, any other objects of magical orgin, and closing off the exits.

"Now let the game begin! You shall search through my ever changing maze and TRY to find an artifact that may defeat me! No cheating,or I win!" He laughed as he began floating into the air,"Oh and Potey, sense I don't want you getting brutally murdered yet. You will start at the other end of my maze. Good luck!" With that, he teleported to his previous position in the air to watch the resulting fun.

"Oh and Fireheart. Don't get in my way or I will destroy Fillydelpia. Also, I want Strife back." He shouted at the Alicorn as he rose into the air.


The Crimson Former Guard cringed as the health salve stung his open wound,"Hey! Watch it why don't cha!" He barked in pain.

Wait...did she say higher then Cloudsdale? If he wanted to escape, he would need an airship or something...

Did he even want to escape lest he face the wrath of Discord?

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So much is happening... This is the point were either Discord wins or we win.

All right, with this large group, there's no way we can lose!

At that thought though, Balance realized how the land around them was changing, pulling everypony apart. Balance was separated from everypony, except Amber. "Alright, looks like we're in this together. Let's go this way!" He trotted off in a random direction, Amber following him. "Keep your eyes open for anything. Make sure it doesn't look like a trick though."

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Potey gaped, Discord took his horn away? How could he? Suddenly his stomach grumbled, and he felt a pain... The gems didn't sit well with him. After a few minutes of him walking, he threw up, the gems spewing into the bushes. He began to feel weird, as he kept walking, searching for the gem, He felt as if something was leaving him... In 10 minutes of him walking, he shook his head and gaped, suddenly aware of his situation. WHAT AM I DOING HERE? He called out, his memory fuzzy from when he was discorded, his color then returned to him, and he began running through the maze, knowing that he now needed to find the artifact that would stop Discord, I'M NO LONGER YOUR SLAVE DISCORD! He called out triumphantly.

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Bowie was shocked that the jewels were taken from him and his sword but the innate abilities he was born with remained. "Well, it seems I must get back to the others and retrieve my sword!", he said to himself as he trotted through the shifting maze.

Confronted by his memories of that horrible campaign as he walked the maze. He began to question his actions as he saw the faces of every pony and creature he defeated in his quest. They were all asking, "Why? Why did you kill us?". Bowie responded, "For the good of those who couldn't defend themselves and because you attacked first!".

This response silenced them as they disappeared and more of the right path opened up in the hedge maze. Bowie entered the opening, his coat still vibrant and his resolve intact.

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Amber was about to head along with Balance when Discord appeared again "Oh No! Not again!"

To her immense relief, Nemisis and Bowie appeared between them and the master of Chaos.

She had read the reports prepared after the last time by Twilight Sparkle so she knew what was coming next. One of the reasons she had stayed out of the maze before -just n case.

It was still a dizzying sensation to lose her horn as thourougly as if she had never had one.

Shaking her head to clear it "Oh great! My wand and now my horn..."

When she looked up the walls shifted to separate them all but her and Balance... She had to start wondering if there was more to his chaos resistance than luck of the draw...

She nickered as she followed along "You got it, I read what the heroines went through in here, I'm sticking close to you. I dont want to be Discorded and that seems to happen when a pony is alone.

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"Right." Balance agreed with Amber. Being Discorded was the last thing Balance wanted for anypony. To him, it seemed worse than death to be forced away from your friends, to act differently than normal to serve an evil being. He stuck close with Amber, as to not be separated. Suddenly, there was a small earthquake below them! Balance didn't much care, thinking it was just some chaos by Discord, but that was quickly laid to rest when the ground split open, and hooves started coming out. "ZOMBIE PONIES!" Balance yelled, and he began running.

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When Potey was running, he ran into Balance, Balance! He exclamed and threw his hoofs around him I'm so sorry! He cried, Discord made me do those things, but I'm better now! I promise!He cried and looked to Amber Amber! I'm so sorry I turned you to amber!

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Amber nodded as she trotted along, trying not to miss any detail around them, like that spreading crack in the ground...

She gasped when it spit open before she could say anything and decaying hooves reached for them. " RUN!"

The mare kept close to Balance since now would be a perfect time for the maze to seperate them.

Suddenly, Balance ran full tilt into another earth pony... no, wait! It was POTEY, Without his horn!

Amber yelped and recoiled in panic, but he was apologizing to her, and his colors werent' greyed anymore...

She ulped and glanced back the way they came "Um yes, I-i forgive you. We are r-running from zombie ponies right now. If you'll tell us how you got un-discorded when we stop, I suggest more running and less talking..."

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Bowie felt the earth shake beneath his hooves and saw the hooves coming out of the ground. "Oh Celestia.... Why now!?", he shouted in exasperation as he fled further into the maze.

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in cloud'sdale the doctor gripped his key the tardis appeared then the doctor dashed in and sent it to canterlot when he landed he fell in straight of the group opening the door when they ran in and dog piled on the doctor "ahh potey haven't seen you in a while are you still being controled by discord?" he said getting up "ohhh amber haven't seen you in a while"

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(I don't think anything except pegasai and alicorns, and the occasional enchanted unicorn/earth pony, can be on clouds. You could just say something like 'the sonic screwdriver allows him to be on clouds' or some weird thing like that)

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(what if i was in a place on cloud's dale that had a hard floor non cloud?)

(I don't think anything except pegasai and alicorns, and the occasional enchanted unicorn/earth pony, can be on clouds. You could just say something like 'the sonic screwdriver allows him to be on clouds' or some weird thing like that)

((well he's not really pony either would that count?))

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