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The Return of Discord [Open]

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Zilean shook his head,"At least there is still a chance. I have vowed to do anything I can to a protect my home. Even If I must make pacts with the likes of him. But enough talking." He said and delivered a brutal punch to the sheild, before beginning a flurry of jabs and the occasional buck as he danced around the sheild.

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but before the doctor heard the voice he already locked the tardis to guarantee there safety "oop's" he said with a smile "they're not goin anywhere there goin to sav the world he said to the strange voice then he ran to the fight of amber and the minion see if he could help in any way

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Amber saw the guards, Spike And Rainbow Dash enter the Tardis safely, and the Doctor coming to help her. She gave ground to Zilean's attacks to keep his attention on her, giving a frightened squeal to lead him on. She waived her wand and shield trying to stop the rain of blows coming at her. "If Discord turns you all one color -or plaid *pant*, I'm going to laugh, if I still can... *Huff*

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Nemesis walked back and forth waiting for the others "I do hope they haven't ran into trouble" he said with worry over his comrads

"Oh darling I'm sure there fine, besides my friends are with them, they will keep them safe" rarity said with confidence as she kept looking over nemesis, thinking what colours would suit his armour.

Nemesis sat down again and did a check of his systems "Power: 126%. Armour: 88%. Weapons: 93%" Everything checks out. and he will be ready should discord return...

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the doctor saw the fight happening so he ran and jumped hoping to tackle Zilean he did it but Zilean striked back he kicked the doctor off he flew and hit one of twilight's book shelve's then he got up and wiped his face he noticed blood from his cheek he got angry "AAAHHHHHHH" he yelled then he centered himself next to amber waiting for Zilean's next move

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Zilean stopped his barrage suddenly as he felt his left fore-arm strike a pony out of muscle memory, who would be stupid enough to try and intrupt this battle? It didn't matter now, he had a new pony to question.

The Zebra warrior began looking around the room to find and interrigate the earth colt leaving the Unicorn to her own devices(Plus, the insults were tryi, he didn't think she would be a threat at the moment.(Plus, the insults were trying his patience.),

"Hm, you're up already? Alright then. Please tell me where Miss Sparkle is, she will not be harmed. If you do so you shall be left in peace. If you do not I will be forced to hurt you. Neithar of us wants that." He explained as he saw him up next to his Magical foe, if pushed come to shove then he would have to resume his barrage, but maybe his show of force would convience them to talk?

He hoped so, he didn't want to have to hurt anything more then he was forced to.

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Nova flew across the sky at high speed towards Ponyville his wings glided in the sky as he maintained his airspeed and altitude, his goggles covered his eyes in the high altitude.

"Ponyville sighted moving to lower altitude and watching for bandits." he dived lower spiraling above Ponyville to get a closer look

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(OoC: I really this thread go.... Bowie is dropped and it's easier to start fresh.)

Red, an earth pony stallion carrying a futuristic pistol, entered Ponyville. A member of the Gunstars, he was a combat specialist and single-handedly rescued the gems once from the Empire. "Yo, magical bully! How about taking me on?", he taunted before setting the weapon to chaser lightning.

"I'd stand down if you know what is good for you. I'm Red, the Gunstar Hero. My weapon is set to fire penetrating beams that lock-on to the nearest target and chase them relentlessly.", he threatened. He had his weapon held in a forehoof and a determined expression on his face. What a hell of a way to start a mission....

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"i don't know" said the doctor towards amber then he noced the book shelf the book were almost falling off there was a dangling shandelier "i do now" the doctor pointed at the light source the chain broke ith hit the shelf caused the books to fall and pile up on zilean but the doctor didn't know if will hold him

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Amber Wands perked her ears as the Doctor suddenly had a plan. The mar gasped in surprise as the wand-like Sonic Screwdriver did its work in a chain reaction of books. "That works for me! Hurry!" as she spun about on one hoof, and ran for the TARDIS...

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(OOC: since The guy playing as paired with Twilight hasnt popped back in since we started going for the element bearers almost 2 months ago now, our next target is Twilight Sparkle ^_^

Amber Wands nodded to the Doctor "That depends on Spike. If he can tell us where Twilight is, we should go to her. If not, we go back to the hidden cloud city."

She looked to the door "And before that zebra finds a way in."

The baby dragon ulps "Ummm, If she isnt at the refugee camp, she would probably be heading to the town hall to help organize the evacuation -before Discord makes it impossible to move anypony."

Amber smiles triumphantly "We have a destination, Doctor."

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((why is nobody posting lately? im going to keep playing hoping someone finds my character))

Lightning kept sending the message hoping somepony would find him...... ((remember only GOOD ponys can hear his mental message))

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(OOC: *bump* -was waiting for others to post so I could "hear" Lightning since it was pointed out. will do so now)

As Amber felt the mchine mae its disorienting lurch in a short hop to the refugee camp. She got the feeling of someone needing help. once the machine rematerialized she could hear it more clearly. "Is that... Lightning I am hearing? He's in trouble!"

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Lightning was awake......but still in pain......his right wing was broken and he could barely pick himself up off the ground......he tried to focus his magic without disrupting his message......he couldn't......he just kept mentally calling for help......

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(I'll bring myself back here, I'll just pretend I escaped the place)

Balance, with the help of Fireheart, who stayed behind, managed to escape through a second portal in Skyhaven, with Fluttershy, and was brought out at the refugee camp. He felt slightly guilty that he couldn't help the cursed ponies, but got past that when he noticed Amber. "Amber? Good, I can't take care of Fluttershy without help, or I'll just punch her through the ground. No offense, Fluttershy. And I'm not the only one hearing that voice, right?"

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