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Epic Spelunking Adventure in the mountains near Ponyville![FULL]

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Renliss and I are planning on holding a spelunking tour of a rather impressive cave that Pierce found while in the foothills east of ponyville. We are looking for ponies interested in a little slice of adventure, without going completely off the map.(There is a map of the cave, mostly) Ponies from all backgrounds are welcome, so long as they are capable of listening to instructions. The spelunking tour will take most of the day, and ponies will be required to bring their own food; there is a natural spring inside the cave, so water will be plenty.

Ponies must also be prepared to make a short walk through the fringes of the Everfree Forest.

The meeting place will be under a large old oak tree on the eastern border of ponyville.

Feel free to post here if youre interested/have ideas

List of ponies attending, and their role:

Pierce: Spelunking Leader

Silver Heart: Assistant Spelunker

Jade: Spelunker Security

Cloudchaser: Spelunker

Geary Twist: Spelunker

Herbal Cure: Spelunker

Ironmane: Spelunker

Insight: Spelunker

Dunder Blust: Spelunker Security

Here is the map of the explored tunnels.


Basic Descriptions

Basic Cave Description:

The cavern runs deep into the hills east of ponyville. The rock in the outer caverns is mostly limestone, with streaks of granite, quartz, and various other igneous rock. There is a narrow, shallow stream flowing out of the cavern before snaking its way through the forest.

Basic Description of each cave section:

Entry tunnel: The entry tunnel is rather smooth compared to deeper in, due to exposure to the elements.

Bat Cave: Just past the entrance to the caverns, on the right, is a short, low tunnel leading to a small, round chamber. This area is home to a rather unusual breed of bat, with yellow stripes on them. Not much else of interest here.

The Hub: The hub, as its name describes, is the central chamber of the caverns, if not the largest. The first noticeable feature of the hub upon entering it is the massive limestone column in the center of the chamber. Dotting the walls are tunnels of varying size. The stream is wrapped along the south side of the hub, before going down a side tunnel and into the wall. There are several stalagmites and stalactites scattered around the room, with one being nestled happily in the center of a small pool of water, where the stream had widened.

The Crystal Hall: The large tunnel connecting to the north-east wall of the hub leads to the Crystal Hall. As the tunnel gets further away from the hub, the limestone gives way to solid granite, streaked with precious metals. About halfway down the tunnel is a massive violet crystal embedded in the wall. Upon close inspection, the crystal is emitting a faint glow, somewhat reminiscent of moonlight. Further down the tunnel, the pale light bleeds into the tunnel, from a more intense source.

Upon entering the Hall proper, you can see there are crystals of all shapes and sizes jutting from the walls, floor and ceiling. There is a single granite pillar near the entrance. In the center of the hall is a lake, with a small island in the center of it. On this island is a gigantic crystal, at least 30 feet tall, and ten feet across. It pulses with a slow, irregular rhythm. Almost too quiet to hear, a low hum permeates the air.

The lake surrounding the crystal is perfectly clear, and is as clean as can be. It seems to be fed from an aquifer, but the lake is to deep to tell, it fades to black, rendering the bottom invisible.

The Pit of Doom: The pit is a section of tunnel in the south area of the cavern, accessible from the hub. The room itself is dotted with columns, stalagmites, and stalactites, and is mostly limestone, with streaks of iron and other metals

Various side tunnels: There are a number of side tunnels, most of them are only partially mapped, and branch out into further tunnels. Two of them are dead ends, though one is due to a cave-in. While some of the tunnels seem to have formed from erosion, most of the tunnels deeper in seem to have formed when the rock contracted, splitting along fissure lines and weak points.

Disclaimer: Pierce is not liable for any injury sustained on this venture. All information provided is subjet to change. Only applicable in specific regions. Not valid after 11/4/2063.

Edited by DrMaxwell
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I was gonna ask about my dragon too... :?: But even if you do allow them, you probably don't want too many, and I have ponies could maybe use for this too. :blush:

Just so I know which to use, are the ponies being paid to help out with this, or are they just doing this for fun?

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I'm not sure how well the dragons would fit inside the tunnels, they're not gigantic. If the dragon is only like 2-3 times the size, the could probably fit. And the ponies arent being hired, its more like a tour they pay a few bits for, as a day of fun kind of thing.

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Well, Jade is a teenage Earth Dragon, so she should only be around two to three times the size of a pony. And also, Earth Dragon. Caverns and living stone are supposed to be their natural element. But, either way, I'll leave the final decision up to you, DrMaxwell.

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I'm not sure how well the dragons would fit inside the tunnels, they're not gigantic. If the dragon is only like 2-3 times the size, the could probably fit. And the ponies arent being hired, its more like a tour they pay a few bits for, as a day of fun kind of thing.

Ah, I see. I get what your going for. Not so much a serious adventure exploring something previously unexplored, but rather simply a day's fun?

In that case, I'm still interested; probably with either Serendipity or Cloudchaser.

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I'll gladly let Insight join here and be a spelunker. He's an egghead though. More of a research pony who's interested in searching for long lost magical artifacts.

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ugh! Wish I'd seen this earlier, Pip would have loved to tag along :oops: Oh well, sounds great, if you do a sequel maybe I'll be able to hop in :)

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Welp, I'm just about ready to get this underway, just need to finish up a few tidbits on cave details, and get confirmation from phil and thunder about which of their ponies are attending.

I'll probably go with Cloudchaser as I'm less sure what to do with her at the moment. She's also local to Ponyville, so it makes a little more sense for her to be out there. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

i can use Yuki for this right?

I see you already made your post in our CLOSED thread. Didn't you see that it was CLOSED? :-|

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