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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

Your Titan is ready to fall.

Greetings Denizens of Canterlot! It has been a while since I've wrote anything towards you all. As you may know, I'm still going forth as a rper, both one that joins in the story and one that creates stories. Yet as of late, I have been on a stand still towards my own stories, and sadly Skyward Pirates had to of been stopped without warning. With work being in the way along with other matters, I could no longer continue with bringing in new elements to the rp, and thus could no longer keep my ow



Derpy Reviews: "Maud Pie"

Hey guys, today, I'm gonna... review an episode of My Little Pony? Yup, today I'm gonna review Season 4, Episode 18, also known as "Maud Pie" Let's begin. I'm a huge fan of Pinkie episodes, and when I saw a thread about this episode, I was pretty exited that Hasbro FINNALY made a Pinkie episode after some time. The episode is great all around, Pinkie has a third sister, everyone is now discovering it, not to mention... I have nothing else to mention! Actually I have plenty things to mention. So



My First Day

Today is my first day on this site The other people around the site seem like really nice people and I can't wait to roleplay with Pyro Nomad on here! Although he can be a handful at times... I'm not referring to myself of course I'll probably do a post for the others to learn more about Pyro Nomad. Who knows? Maybe I'll let him type it... Or maybe not xD



Entry 4: Batman: Arkham City ~ Blood of the Demon

THIS ENTRY CONTAINS SPOILERS ABOUT BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY. READ AT YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY,(unless you happen to be Batman that is.) Welcome again. First of all, I have to apologize for lack of entry yesterday. I can't promise such things will not repeat, but I assure you it will happen only on special occasions. What can I write about Batman: Arkham City that weren't already written? Released in October 18, 2011, and scoring numerous awards (most noticeably: Game of the Year, Best Action



sewing machine follies...

Today I picked up my first sewing machine, being in a budget it was either an old machine or a cheapo Chinese one... I did go for a 'Singer' manufactured on the 50's, it wasn't neither old enough to be valued or 'collectible' , but was new enough to be expected to work/find some spares (like the leather belt I snapped trying to unfold the machine). Well, It's quite appealing, it all folds nicely in a nightstand format, got all sorts of regulations, all it needs is a good oiling... Point two, ins



Meet: Charm!

Hey guys, how's it going? I'd like to announce, two things actually. One: I have changed my plans about the "Bottom of the Well", Chapter 1 of it was turned to a prologue for being so darn short and chapter one is going to be the entire darn story! Two: I've made a new OC, her name is Charm (Finally, an OC by me who isn't named after a canon character)I'll make a picture of her later.



Entry 3: Dune 2000 ~ Enter the Ordos

WARNING! TODAY ENTRY CONTAINS NO SPOILERS AT ALL! SO ENJOY. Welcome again for the blog third entry! Let's get straight to the point shall we? Dune 2000 released in September 1998 was a game that had to deal with big expectations. After all it was a sequel/remake of Dune II, one of first real time strategy games and the very one that given a genre it's current form and it gave it a large legacy to follow. Not only that, aside of gameplay it was also meant to unfold the atmosphere present in th



RP: Discord of the Multiverse

"So, I may of messed up big time, but it was all in good fun... for me at least. Though apparently, Fluttershy's friends didn't like the idea of having to find the pieces of her and putting her back together. At least she's still alive. Heheheh. Aw well, fun is fun while it last, but I was to be banished; instead of being turned to stone, I found myself in quiet a twisted universe. I had no idea that this place even existed, and to be honest, I don't think Celestia, Luna, and Twilight had planne



Entry 2: Sonic 3 ~ Ice Cap Zone Act 1

THE ENTRY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR SONIC 3 AND SONIC ADVENTURE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Blitzing with a speed of certain blue hedgehog, here comes entry number 2. And while this is our second entry, the theme I will present will come from the third one of the certain series. Released in February 2, 1994 Sonic 3 was not a complete game. Originally both Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles were meant to be one title but certain constrains (read: time and money) made it so they were released separ



It's Update Time!

Hey guys, how's it going? I'm just going to announce that as soon as Chapter 2 of my story's done, I'll post it here. (Correction, as soon as I stop procrastinating and TYPE the Celestia darn thing, I'll post it here, lol)



Entry 1: Final Fantasy IX ~ Terra

WARNING! ENTRY CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR FINAL FANTASY IX. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Final Fantasy IX was released in July 7, 2000 in Japan as the final installment of the series on the original Play Station and in opinion of some - myself included - the best one of the series. Returning to the classical fantasy themed feeling in contrast of previous two installments, this 4 Disc game is stuffed with shout-out and nostalgia from series previous games, and yet manages to create it's own unique feeling.




Hello everyone, everypony and every-other-species too. This is first wagon of the new train but luckily, there is no need for a ticket. So come aboard! Maybe you like it here. What is this about? Well video games of course! In our time and age, this youngest form of entertainment unifies fans all around the globe Previously ridiculed and and being accused of all sins of the world, now days video games are serious businesses branch, rivaling even move industry, and no one serious calls them tool



Oh, Gods....

So, Tuesday morning, my other half went off for work to a place 6 hrs away to help that branch of his job. Needless to say, I'm rather sleep deprived. After three years of sharing a bed and sleeping comfortably together, sleeping apart has become rather...difficult to say the least. Now, I have come close to passing out from the sheer exhaustion that is hanging on me but my beloved son pulled that away. Not that I'm mad at him, just at myself for the rather horrid timing of the desire to pas



The Nightmare Universe: Rules and helpful links!

Celestia has fallen, Eternal night reins now, what will happen to Equestria? Is this poor universe doomed to be consumed by the inky, blackness that is NightMare Moon's magic? We'll find out! This idea is to help encourage more roleplaying in Free For All and to show off some of it's potential! It's more than a place to frolic with Alicorns, or do yet ANOTHER "Elements of Harmony" Roleplay where new ponies get the elements! It's about universe expansion, alternate scenarios! And that is what we




hello everypony i would like to know what ponys you ship and they can be any way of gender (if you dont know what shipping i....shipping=a couple that you like together) i will even give you some chose...you can pick more than just the pics i put on



Story: Kill Count

[(Coming Soon)] Cast Members(As of now): Power Drive(Star Gazer) Mercie Mayfield Ether Dawnstrider ShadowMare NightMare IronClash WindCatch StormRider Volt Cloud-Strife Vector Runner Alpha Omega The ShAdows and more...



I got a story idea

Hello everypony. Today I'm gonna tell you about my latest story idea. The story's gonna be called "The Bottom of The Well", it's where Pinkie accidently falls into a well, but this is no ordinary well, it's an entrance to a big CAVE ! How will she make it out? WILL she make it out? We'll (or, more like you'll) find out later! (This isn't the weekly update, I just wanted to tell you guys because I would EXPLODE if I waited any longer.)



So you want to Critic an Application?

So I'm sure you'v seen the RPH around and have thought to yourself.. "HEY ! I can do that! " Well you'd be right! In fact helping other people with their applications is how a lot of the RPH that are in work today have THEIR jobs, I myself started out helping out with applications, with the sheer desire to help this site's users expand their work, and to do the very best that they can. However one should be sure to do this job for the right reason, if you get some glee out of tearing someone's a



New Pony in town... or more like forest.

Meet NightMare Gender: Mare Race: Earth(?)pony Alignment: Neutral Personality: Quiet, stays to herself mostly, is very mysterious even in her ways. Accessories/Extra Features: Her coat sparkles in the night when she is near those that are sleeping. The sparkles are her essence seeping out of her and entering the sleeping ponies. Bio: Not much is known about NightMare or her race. She seems to be that of an Earthpony, except for her coat that sparkles at night. Only



First Birthday!

It's hard to believe that Johnathan is a year old! He began walking about a week ago, taking tentative steps every day. He still prefers to crawl. He has demonstrated his cleverness, too...after cleaning his room and rearranging it (for the fourth or fifth time this year) my Mommy alarm went off...and I found him climbed on top of his dresser. He had moved a rocking chair foot rest over to the dresser and climbed up it. Now, onto his birthday party! He dislikes frosting, but loves cake. How



Hey guys!

You didn't think I'd forget the weekly updates, did you? lol. I've been thinking of ideas of stories, I may write them and post them on my page (heck, if there are a lot of them, I'll just make another blog for them) So stay tuned for that.



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