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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

About Time....I mean R.I.P.

Before anyone asks, I didn't lose a family member. I have been on-and-off due to the recent death of my beloved DINOSAUR computer. It was made when Windows 2000 was the main Operating System and it had been running Windows XP for some time. I have owned it for four years, and prior to that it was an ex's for--he never said. He received it from his father whom had received it from his boss. It was a loyal, dedicated computer, albeit slow as frozen molasses in December. My son now has a new



More Than Rainbow Eyes

Everypony has taken note of the "rainbow eyes" in the epidodes Rarity Takes Manehattan and Rainbow Falls, but I feel like nopony has taken note of the similarities in the frame work of these episodes. So here I am to share my observations in the hopes of sparking conversation. In list form, here's the framework the episodes are built around, which I'm posting seperate from the episodes themselves to make it easier to come back to later. 1. Failed Virtue: The main character finds her virtue (that



English and RP

Since 1989, under the spotlight of Barcelona 92, I studied English in school first,and then by myself, that makes it 25 years... Well, recently I found I'm fully capable to hold converstions with natives, Now I feel I'm capable to roleplay... Must check if I have a character ready...



Song reviews threes a crowd

i can't get caught up on the past episodes and i'm not going to try right now with school and all. okay? okay. now this time i'm gonna try to do a video review ((sorta)) and so i don't give anything away to ponies who havn't watched it yet.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaQQwtcF6uQ there. camera: on chargeL 100 first of all..... I LOVE THE SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like, allot. and i love the harry potter reference of "magic spell to cure dise



Ack ack

Ack ack ack, ack ack. Ack ack ack ack, ack ack ack ack Luna ack ack ack! Ack ack ack ack ack.



mah new blog/critiques/showcase

hey guys i recently decided to make a new blog to share my opinions, showcase my work and critique others work so feel free to send me a fanfic, piece of artwork, video, song or anything else for that matter to receive a critique from me and get some feedback on how you can make it even better sometimes i may present some of my artwork here and ask for a criteque from you so dont hold back on me and thats all i've got to say my usual posting schedule is friday night-sunday night so thats when yo



Song Reviews #3 Daring Don't

sorry for being so late on this. it's finals season for me. anyway welcome to another Song Review! i liked this episode. i liked seeing RD acting like that. it was pretty funny. and i know what it's like to be the bait for someone else to get hurt (emotionally) .... so yeah..... anyway.... this was a pretty good episode. well timed. good story line. and i love the idea the Daring Do is real. but my main problem with it is that if all Daring's stories are true then why doesn't anypony know? surel



Down With Molestia and such

I just... Really need to let this out of my system somehow. I consider myself a feminist. I ****ing hate rape apologists (I'd say "you know who you are", except most of you probably don't) and would love to see trigger warnings become an everyday gesture of common courtesy. But I am appalled by the idea of trying to outright destroy *fiction*, even if it's stupid tasteless **** that I'm personally triggered by. Hence, I am appalled by all these people *celebrating* over Ask Princess Molestia



Bats! ~ Episode Review

Candiey's Sweet Reviews ~!~ Warning - Spoilers ahead (if you haven't seen the episode yet)! ~!~ Onward with the review: Hmm.. Bats, bats, bats.. To be honest, I was a little confused. Let's go from the beginning, now. Apple Jack get's up nice and early to buck the apples in the trees, and is terribly excited. After bucking the tree, a cascade of beautiful apples fall around her.. but oh wait. The juiciness is sucked out dry.. by the fruit bats. THE VAMPIRE FRUIT BATS. Flutte



*Tap Tap* Oh? What's this?

Well, hey there.. you can stop tapping now. Hey! Eh? You don't know who I am? Ha, don't worry. I'll go right on to tell you. I'm Candiey, a spread roleplayer. I'm associated with many roleplays such as Harry Potter/Hogwarts, Adventure Time, Fallout and of course, the wonderful (and awfully fabulous) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Well then, what else do I do? As well as roleplaying (which I am always available and free to do) I work on Fan Art, collages, and My Little Pony related



Rainbow Falls Review

So, apparently I'm one of the few that didn't like this episode. So I have decided to write down my thoughts about this episode. It started out OK enough, but nothing I found particularly funny. Bulk Biceps just seemed, from the start, like they were trying too hard with the "YEAH" personality thing, instead of trying to think of new ways to make him entertaining. But really there was a bigger problem with his character... Why couldn't he fly? He was in the Wonderbolts Academy, and flew pretty p



My theories "Ignorephilia" and "the equalizers"

This was supposed to be comment on Sexism in the MLP fandom but I realized that this one would do better as a topic on its own. As the 'true neutral' person I am; I guess I should step in with a couple of thoughts for the first time. Just note that I really haven't read the essay, I'm just adding some thoughts about the subject in general. Thus you don't have to go and read that essay; if you don't really want to do it of course. I have divided my thoughts into two opinion-provoking staples and



Mlp season 4 episode 10 rainbow falls

You know, about two reviews ago I mentioned the fact that the rainbow thread that Rarity got in Rarity takes Manehatten, and now that I've seen this episode, my theory feels to have proven even farther. Not only that, but now I think I understand what the meaning of the objects are, which not only includes the virtue that the mane 6 represents, but also their has to do with their goals as a character. I do more on that later, but for now; let's get to reviewing. So there is one thing that I thin




So, yesterday, during my carved out chunk of time with my sweet son, I tried to get him to say Mama. Nope, not him. Our exchange: Me: Say Mama. Him: *looks at me and smiles* Dada. Me: No, I'm not Dada...I'm Mama. Him: Dada! Me: Mama. Him: Hi, Dad. Me: *giggling* No, say Mama. Him: Hi, Dad. Me: *trying not to fall over from laughter* Mom. Him: Dada. Me: Oh, I give up. I'm Mama and one day you'll say it. Him: Hi, Dad! Dada! He then proceeded to play with his toys and fling them EVERYWHERE. So,



MLP season 4 episode 9 Pinkie apple pie

(Warning Spoilers!) Yay...an apple pie episode. I'm so excited for this...whohoo...actually once you get passed that part, this episode gets much better, so much better. In fact, the momentum from Rarity takes Manehatten is still here. Things are going excellent for the season so far. So then let's begin this episode of Neo reviews! So the fact that Pinkie Pie may be an apple family member is actually a good question. I mean when there is a chance that any main character is related to another



Song Reviews; Bats

oh sweet Celestia im tired.... welcome to another song review! woo hoo. sorry its almost midnight here. sorry i didn't get to this sooner but i missed them episodes and didn't even think to look for the episodes on youtube until now. this was pretty good but it made a suggestion of there being vampires in the show (at least in lore) that actually eat ponies. for the younger viewers i would think this might disturb them but besides that it was pretty good! if you havn't seen it.... well im not p



Skype Requests

Recently, I've received numerous Skype contact requests from people I have not spoken with on there before. I'm not certain who they are and because of the wonky way Skype works, I'm having trouble speaking to them without accepting these requests. I'm inclined to think most of the requests I've gotten are from people on Canterlot, but I'm not certain. Regardless, as this is the most popular site I've put my Skype details on, I thought I'd put this here: if you want me to add you as a contact on



MLP season 4 episode 8 Rarity takes Manehatten

There were a lot of great things in this episode. We got to see an old rival of Rarity's, we got to see a city that we've heard a lot about, and we got Rarity to get tested on her generosity, plus she got that spindle of rainbow thread that I believe may be a key to the lockbox from the season premiere, that or it just shimmers oddly. So we're going to start off by looking at the song since it was near the beginning and I want to talk about it. The song was pretty good, both the reprise and the



Rarity takes Manehattan: A NYer's Review

Hey! I haven't done one of these in a while, I'll try and keep this thing short... Now, I'm not going to say this episode was perfect, but it is easily one of the best episodes overall of all seasons thus far. So... We open with Rarity being manipulative and Pinkie Pie being annoying. Neither of these are bad, but it is a very expected way for the episode to open... What was unexpected? Instead of making something up for a reason to head to Manehattan, they used an ACTUAL EVENT THAT EXISTS! Fash



Mlp season 4 episode 7

*Notices people doing reviews on canterlot.* Oh...I guess I'd better write my review. After all I am the king of reviews! (Only because I had no competition when I first started...) So; bats! Not only did this start a brand new meme for the fan base, but now we also have a new "species" that some new RPers might actually try to put in World of Equestria, even though that won't fly...no pun intended. Now I said in my power ponies review that the momentum for season 4 finally stopped, and this epi



please explain why people suck!

so i'm 24 and a pretty decent guitarist and had a talk with a couple of guys that looking to fill a guitarist spot in there band and went and had a meeting with them for like an hour talked and jammed on some little riffs and such and then went our separate ways to wait and hear back from them so earlier this morning i texted the guy's and they where like "well sorry your not what we are looking for, hope everything goes well with trying to find your own band mates " and..thats it NO WHY OR HOW



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