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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

Why am I so empty recently?

Ok, so this is a serious Blog, please no humor or cracking jokes, I'm looking for some advice, thanks So recently, like for about a week now, nothing sparks my interest, I feel lack luster in my RP's and feel I'm going to close them down if I don't feel a spark. I have been in no mood to play any other game, well except Dark Souls, but even that grows me wry. I feel a bit slow and groggy and just want to be left alone but also want to have some one close. Any advice guys, I really have no idea w



Neo Reviews: Snowdrop

Let's begin the marathon of hatred, 4 pieces of fan content , 4 reviews, 1 Neo...joy... I know I said we'd be doing Button mash this week, but I really wanna hurry, due to the review I have planned after this, so with that in mind, let's tear this idea a new one, what's worse, this thing is personal... Snowdrop is absolutely awful. It's about an terrible filly, with a stereotypical archtype, and is just...bad. Let's start with the easy part, the good. The animation isn't too shabby here, and the



RP: MLP: Mares of Tomorrow

As some of you might have seen on my personal blog, I have yet another rp ideal rushing around in my head. Here is the premises: The day had started just like any other, the denizens of Ponyville have begun their day just like they always do. Starting up the shops, going to school, making and going through with their plans, and hanging out with their friends. Twilight had begun her day as well with a new spell book, and a new project. Of course, Spike was by her side and aiding her with the proj



getting ready to record a demo cd

so after years of crafting and light gigging at bars and such i'm finally boiling down to record a studio 6 track demo of my strongest songs so i can get out there in the scene and make some noise and as of right now i've saved $70 of the $200 needed for the demo and i'm getting more and more excited about it the closer i get this is actually going to happen!! finally!!



Rarity: "Ideeeeaaaaaal~"

Dear denizens of Canterlot.com, As the title suggest, I have yet another ideal for a new rp. This one came to me when I was searching for pics on google. Here's how the ideal came to be: While working on the new post for Skyward Pirates rp (Which is still accepting new members btw), I went to my profile to play the music I have saved on there for inspiration. Of course I was greeted by the background gif image of Rainbow Factory: Rainbow Dash. It's a good image, crudely drawn, but still good; ho



Which character to do next?

I had just finished my Princess Celestia figural trinket/jewelry box a couple days ago and now I'm trying to think of which character I want to do next. I was thinking of doing Princess Luna. For the figural boxes I plan to only do the Mane 6, the 2 princesses and Spike. So I will leave it up to all of you to vote. Out of the character's I listed, who would you guys like to see next? I will check all of the responses by Friday, February 26 and start that character on the weekend. Those that have



Neo Reviews: My Little Portal Episodes 1 & 2

Warning: Spoilers My little portal is a very charming web crossover series, crossing the worlds of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and the world of Portal. (No half life jokes please.) Due to it being a series, I'll be starting by reviewing every episode in a pair of two episodes. My Little Portal is done pretty well, with good animation that seems to capture elements from both it's parent's series, and has an interesting protagonist(s) but we're not their yet. The first episode features Cr



random pony stuff

........hello everrypony.......i would like to talk to anypony about anything or answer questions ~love:derpy~



Weekly Updates

Hey guys, just gonna let you know I'm gonna update my blog every week. Specifically every Saturday (if I can)



Happy Hearts and Hooves Day!

Just as the title says, Happy Hearts and Hooves Day everypony! I do hope that for the ones that are able to enjoy this day with their significant other. It's a great time of the year where love and caring spreads through the air from the ones that spend the day with their loved ones. It's also a day where many will confess their love to that special someone, hoping to win their heart, yet not realizing that they had that one's heart all along. I do hope that you all find joy, comfort, and love t



RP: Lyra's Wish

A new rp idea that I've been having bounce around my mind: Lyra's one true wish has always been to meet a real human ever since she 'thought them up' when she was a young filly. Others have called her weird and crazy for imagining such things, even her closest friend, Sweetie Drop aka BonBon, has seldom said so as well. She never lost faith, but only wished that the others would believe her. Throughout her filly years, she would continue to think about how it would be to meet a human; what the



(music review) vicious lies by d.notive (tombstone remix)

I really enjoy this song with its portrayial of celestia and nightmare moon. The concept of nightmare moon being a lie is a very interesting view on it. I loved this song so much I used the concept in one of my more recent rps. So here's my score for it. Instrumentals: 8/10 Lyrics: 10/10 Concept: 10/10 Overall enjoyment: 15/20 So that'll be it for my first review (I only picked this becuase it was playing on my iPod at the time)



There's going to be some changes around here

I've been waiting to announce this for the longest time. It is with deepest apologies and sincerest regret that I announce that I will no longer be reviewing episodes of My little pony Friendship is magic. Now this doesn't mean that this blog is going to be thrown into the garbage can, far from it, in fact there's going to be a lot more of it around! Something that I really enjoyed, was reviewing turnabout storm, and I never felt anything like it when I reviewed the official episodes. However, t



First ever blog entry

Please bare with me as I have never done a blog before and wanted to try it out. So after reading this and you have a couple of tips for me, please share. The subject is video's. Or, at least making one. I was thinking of filming the process I use in order to make my projects, whether it be a plaque, model or trinket/jewelry box. Or amybe all of them (although the process is VERY similar on all of them). I think it would be neat for some ponies to see what all is entailed in such craftsmanship.



First Entry

So, this is my first blog entry. This blog should be fun, and lighthearted. I hope. So... Just put your comments below what you yourself think this should be about.



You don't have to read this

I'm sorry everypony but I really wanted to share this. That previous entry's girl broke up with me. Now I'm going to have a lonely Heart's and Hooves' Day. (Go figure) Now I have this really good friend who is also like a brother to me. Well we talked bout me moving in but then he forgot he had made another promise to someone else. I didn't mind that really. Then iadmitted instarted having feelings for him and he shrugs it off by saying a whole lot of ponies fall for him. Read this or don't, I d



Update time!

Hello denizens of Canterlot.com, Well I'm finally over the sickness that I was struck with last Friday, at least the bad part of it. *Sniff* Hate my nose right now. Anyways, here is what's going on right now: I was unable to get the second interview out yesterday due to work/oversleeping/internet issues. So I'll try my best to get it out tomorrow before I head to college. Skyward Pirates is going on quiet nicely still, and I think it's just about set to begin the Omega Saga. This saga will have



day out of work

currently, I have the day out of work because of the heavy snow affecting the upper east coast of the US. how I'm going to spend the day is another matter.



getting out there and just having fun

so i just have started taking bass more seriously i'm a bass player in training at my church as a well as i tried out for a band that needed a bass player so i jammed with them for a good but like a week or so and enjoyed it till i was let go by them because i i'm not strictly a bassist, i'm a guitarist and piano player, as well as singer, song writer and i play drums as well. and want my own band and that is the main reason they let me go, i want my own band at some pointand have been trying w



Sick day...

Hello denizens of Canterlot.com, This new blog will serve as my 'What's going on in my world' kind of thing, so without any long and drawn out explanation, let's begin. So, today started out like any other; I woke up, got ready for work, played some TF2, then all of the sudden at around 2 p.m., I begin to feel dizzy and nauseous, and then sick to my stomach. Yeah, needless to say I was unable to come to work today, and I've laid down for nearly 8 hours today, just now getting around to feeling l



Let's talk about new starts.

Hello there everyone, happy start of February! Or, to another extent, happy very very late January! (Time zones and such). So I've wanted to start a blog like this for a while now, and given how I've been on Canterlot for quite a while I guess you could say I feel more comfortable in doing this as opposed to other ways to blog, for now anyway. If you didn't take the time to read the mountain of a description for this blog, (And I seriously do not blame you) then I'll quickly explain that this bl

Conor Colton

Conor Colton

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