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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

A Fun Day

Well today was interesting. Well first I am going on a school trip to see The Hunger Games for FREE!Which is pretty cool considering I'm just starting the third book Mockingjay.So yea neat. I'll probably be posting a entry everyday unless I'm busy.But whatever. Any way me and my friend where figuring out names for everyone in our friend group here's a silly list of them. Twiggy or Twigs(He's very skinny)-Josh Wubs or Wubstep-Caleb(A.K.A Me!) Chips or Chipasuarus-Dylan Chubs or Chubstep-Matt Chum



Greatest Conversation EVER!

The following is a real life conversation between Deep Bass, and his friend, and musical collaborator, Trik Beatz. Time: 3:14 A.M. Location: Johnny's Diner Waitress offers Bass a refill on coffee, to which he humbly refuses. Beatz: "You aren't a real sailor." Bass: "Shut up." TB: "Don't you know the Navy runs on coffee?" DB: "Well, I know that everything basically runs on steam." TB: "Even the nuclear reactors are ran on coffee." DB: "Correction. Nuclear reactors are run by Twilight Sparkle." TB



Walmart:A Brony Adventure

Hello fellow Bronies and Pegasisters.This is my first entry and well I want to just talk about my very brony day at walmart. Well first I went in to retrive a family member because she just got off work.Anyway so I went in and she noted that a co-worker was in fact a brony like muah.We Brohoofed and parted ways to keep going.Then I found a chocolate Pony (Equestrian version of easter bunny.).It was fun.Yeah so um thats it.I just needed something for my first entry.See you awesome gentlemen and l



My Rainbow Dash Moment

Well, I was sitting on the pier, bored all day, because the sea state at our port was rediculous. The bumpers between the ship and pier were rocking like crazy. Well, at first they refused to let us lower the boat so we could paint because of the sea state, but somehow, we managed to convince them otherwise. Well, upon getting in the boat, we realized just how crazy it was. Not only myself, but also my fellow punt crewman also fell into the nasty crapwater. Unfortunately, they made us take the b




Woof woof!! Exams are over and now this wuffy can play!! Hooray! That is until, summer classes start... woof.. wuffy no like summer classes....



Hanging on "Dragonborn style"

It's been almost a month since I had my internet connection cut. Hopefully, with the help of my brother, I might be getting it back up before April. I've been hanging in there so far. A few people would go crazy without it for a day, imagine a whole month. So far, while waiting for my passport to get processed, I'm stuck play Skyrim. I've tried every sort of character, every sort of race and finished the game twice already. I still love the game and I really can't get tired of it. Anyway... hope



Second Post

I don't know if anybrony is reading. Frankly, I don't care. I had a good time in Shearwater. I've learned a little more. And I've been accepted for the "Military Band- Advanced Musician" course at CSTC Greenwood. This means I'll be gone for six weeks in the summer. I'll be sure to catch up again, but I don't leave for a few months yet. Anyway, as some of you know, I hail from the Pit of Voles- fanfiction.net. It's got other, more obscene names, too. It's known mostly for Badfic among the PPC, an



Omg.. Exams.....

Blurgh.. finals next week, wuffy will be studying wolf butt off. That's just a figure of speech. Not literally. Wuffy no wants to loose butt... wuffy likes his butt... how else can wuffy sit?



Hello and Welcome to my Blog

Hello, hello, hello, how are you? Welcome to my new blog where I will try my best to post as often as I can. I'll get right to the point on what I plan to do with this blog and my reason for making it. Point 1: Open opinions on the show and the Brony community. Now what I mean by this is that I will tell my side of what I think on the way that the story goes on the MLP:FiM show or on what's been going on in the Brony community that I find either agreeable or just strange. I am happy for any and



Anime Conji

So Conji is this Thursday and I have already spotted my Saturday activity Only down side is missing Dragon Quest - Spike episode oh well Now I have that to look forward to and artist ally swag ((in other wards, look for any pony that's selling pony swag 8D))



So much to do... SO MUCH!!!

So much work to do over the past weeks and the coming weeks. SO MUCH!! Coursework, practical deadlines, tutorial essays. I'm not forgetting my master plan to blow the fanodms colective mind with my amazig 16-bit game, but It's taking a backseat at the moment. But I shall get back on track over easter I hope

The Unexpected

It's just one of those days that great unexpected things occur. It's days like these that I just thank God that he watches over me. First off, I was doing some window shopping in one of the malls earlier when I noticed that there was a job caravan going on. I wasn't in my casual attire so I thought I wouldn't fit in, but to my surprise, one of the HR people of a certain company approached me and asked if I had any experience in tech support. I immediately said yes, but I told them that I didn't



Moving Day

Hello, this is my first entry. I am SilverSwirl and I apologize if this isn't well written but I am extremely tired. I spent another afternoon helping my grandparent's move more of their belongings into their new place. Instead of living in a 2 story house they now live in a one floor condo. I had to set up the computer again after we assembled the new computer desk. This took quite a bit of time as the cords didn't like being placed behind the desk. Also, my grandpa wanted the PC the way it was



The First Entry

Suddenly, a wild blog post appeared! Had to get that out of my system. So, this is the first blog post from your friendly local crazy guy. I've learned a lot of things from a lot of places. Tetris taught me that successes vanish while errors pile up. Drill class taught me that self control is important. Shooting taught me that things work out better if you calm down and take the time to get it done right. The mess at CSTC Greenwood taught me that powdered eggs make one gassy. My room mates taugh



The pains of critics

Dear ((whomever)) Today I learned that sometimes the work you do, just isn't good enough in some ponies eyes and though they can have there own oppinion....it still hurts in the end. Its sad when you try your best at something that you know your not strong at and still get critics finding your weak spot and exposing it...




For a while now, I hav been without a job. I quit my last job right around December because the stress was literally killing me and I no longer found the motivation to continue. I resigned confident that I would find others quite easily. A few people from the chat knew I was aiming big, as I told them that I was applying for a big gaming company as a community representative for an online game that they currently run. I applied for the position but I was put on the waiting list because it seems



YAY! Finally became a Roleplayer

Source: Ice Cream Surprise [Final] YAY! Finally I was transfered to the Roleplayers group from the Members group and now I'm offically an RP player. Well it'll be a good challange since I have no any experiances in RP especcially in this kind of forum RP. Well I wanted to join once to a My little pony Tales RP but unfortunetly it had been died out for a while when I found it. Ok now my first job will be to mae my RP Log and start looking for a housmate for Ice Cream Surprise in Ponyville. T

Bright Glow

Bright Glow

What to do with this power....

So, it turns out I can draw ponies. And that's all. Hounestly, every time I try to draw something non pony-related, it looks like I dipped a spider in ink and let it have it's way across the page. But, I CAN do ponies (rather well?) Below is something I drew a little while ago. Anyway, so I can do this, what do I do? Do I ship? Do I take commissions? Start a blog? Draw on the computer? Illustrate fanfiction? Make adult art and then question my sexuality? WHAT.



Better later than never report from the least HunBrony meeting

Well I haven't wrote here for a long while again. I guess I should start to write here more regullary anyway the last HunBrony Meeting was on the 28th of February and I was there too. The organizer of the meeting was Fallingstar (I only mentionthe most important members of the group and I use only their nickname) and his helper and the meeting's cashier was Inchay but the group's founder Enormous Machintosh was there too. Our meetings' first programme afther the gathering was the ice skating on

Bright Glow

Bright Glow


Okay, so I'm in agonizing pain right now. While working the side, we have a chemical that we use to clean rust off after we strip the paint, and it's called OSPHO. I don't know the legit name for it, but I know that it burns like crazy when it hits skin (or your eyes, as I've learned). Well, one of my PO's just threw a bottle of it down to me, so I could spray it. Well, I've got a nervous tick that causes me to pick at any dead skin on my hands, and our spray bottles suck. You see where I'm goin



Pony Songs and Sewage Water

Well, here I am, sitting on the side of my ship in a small boat, surrounded by CHT water. CHT is all the sewage waste from the ship. Yes, that's right. Poop. Well, i'm going to be down here all day, supervising the people who were late, cuz I'm the BA of my Division apparently. It's awesome cuz all I do is sit here, smoke, and listen to my awesome pony playlist. Yep. I'm the captain of a small boat. I even named it, and beat the side with a plastic water bottle. It is named the USS Disco Pony. W



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