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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

So, Yesterday at Morning Muster...

Ok, so yesterday, at morning muster, we had a new petty officer, who recently checked onboard like... last week. Well, there's a pattern that all new PO's fall into when they get onboard into Deck Department: 1.Observation period. (Normally a few days) 2.Notices how disorganized the department is. 3.Tries to change the department to make life better for the seamen, and get things done more efficiently. 4.Realizes that all his efforts are for naught (mostly because the department heads just don't



How I Became a Brony

Well, since I'm so happy that my character App got approved, I'm going to share with all of you the story of how I came to be a Brony. It was around early September 2011, and I was in school to become a Submarine Electronics Technician, Navigation Specialist. I had gotten in trouble the first day of A-school, for reasons that I thought were stupid. Turns out it was destiny. Utter, and complete destiny. About 2 weeks into A-school, I was assigned to Manditory night study, and the fitness enhancem



I'm bored.

Hey there, everypony. I'm not sure what to write about, but I figured I may as well make use of the Blog feature since my profile is pretty blankflank enough as it is. I'm totally new to this site, but I'm hoping to make some new friends and perhaps even get somewhere with writing stories and things about ponies. I'm still struggling with writer's block, but I'm hoping that with some inspiration from other pony fanfics I read, I'll someday get the right motivation to write more. So far, I've re



Woof Woof Woof!

Woof! Finally! Wuffy has infiltrated Canterlot.com! Woof Woof! For too long those ponies have had all the good stuff, fans, fictions, arts and games! Wuffy can no longer stand it!! So wuffy decides to join the ponies and ponies here are very very nice! Wuffy likes them! Hope they give treats! Now Wuffy needs to wait for Character to be approved and then Wuffy can Roleplay with ponies! Wuffy is excited! Can't wait!! Woof Woof! *PAW PRINT HERE*



Share this with everypony you know, please...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4hBPU4uwnM This is a video I made in response to Derpy's unfair censoring. It is important to me, and I'd like for you fellow bronies to please check it out, comment on it, favorite it, and share it with everyone you know - brony or not. I want everyone to learn that what's happening to Derpy is completely uncalled for. Please, if you love Derpy as much as I do, let everyone know... Please, help me save her. Also, please look at this as well: http://softfang.devia



Western vs Eastern Animation

So, a little background for this. Someone, on another forum, basically said that he didn't like MLP, or any other Western animation, because Anime (Eastern Animation) was better. And so, I wrote a quick reason to him as to why I think he is mistaken in his assertions. So, since this is a MLP forum, I felt this was the best place for me to post my thoughts on the subject. But let me preface this by saying that I am a fan of BOTH mediums for entirely different reasons. However, this will be writte



Learning Process

Learning on the job has its ups and downs. On the plus side, it makes me love learning again. I feel like I'm getting things done and making magic happen. On the other hand, I hate looking like an idiot, especially when someone asks me to improvise a solution or try something they falsely assume I know how to do just because of my degree. I've been slowly picking up the ropes of proper web development while working for my alma mater and once again, I've discovered that, like creative writing,



OP#4: Modes of Transportaion

OP#4: Modes of Transportation So, we either walk to school, get our parents to drive us, ride our bike, or take the stinky bus to school. So... why couldn't we get shot out a cannon... too dangerous... parachute to school? We need a helicopter. Speaking of the helicopter, why would anyone invent something that's like a shredder? It's kind of dangerous if you ask me... but helicopters are fun. I've never been in one before and it sounds like fun! Modes of Transportation, from our feet to the rock



And in case it got missed before, here’s Satchel and...

And in case it got missed before, here’s Satchel and AquaDrop. Aren’t they adorable? questionthekudas: kudalyn: Valentines drawing for Skye! My Aqua and his Satchel are a pair, don’cha know? —————————————- Story goes: Satchel has a wandering soul - he can’t stay in one place for too long. He has to explore, to see new places. Aqua is perfectly okay with that - her species is naturally migratory. Only problem is - she can’t accompany him whereever he goes. She can’t be on land for a lon



I totally love how these guys turned out. Satchel and AquaDrop...

I totally love how these guys turned out. Satchel and AquaDrop make the best of couples, he being an Earth Pony and she being a Hippocamp, the two of them are unlikely yet two peas in a pod! Their offspring are no different! kudalyn: One dual set of baby ponies, done *dies* Skye Bluedeer (owner of Satchel) and I worked out these widdle doods. Driftwood is the oldest, firstborn. He looks like his daddy with accents from his mom in certain places. He’s fairly calm for a foal, and has a restless



A Wild Ask Blog Appeared!

I have created an ask blog for everypony's favourite scientist! Some answers will be written, others drawn, mostly depending on how much answering time I have. I'll be mostly using it as an excuse to practice my art abilities. So, get on over there and ask some questions!



Be advised...

... intel inbound. You may have seen my latest fanfiction project, Paladin, on both FiMFiction.net and Canterlot.com's fanfiction section. Now I know what you're thinking; not ANOTHER human in Equestria story! Not ANOTHER blatantly obvious, poorly-written self-insert! Stigma is always a problem, but I assure you that's not my intent. Paladin is meant to be a continuation of an epic I've been intending to write for MLP since before FiM was a thing. The adventure will span two worlds and invol



Grani Character Summary

In her early years, Grani had never met another pony since she lived in Talonpolis. Her mother, Glass Slipper, was nine months pregnant with her before having to move due to a business decision with the trading company that she and her husband, Gram, worked at. She was an elegant, white-coated earth pony, who could always be seen wearing beautiful silk dresses, giving her an ethereal look as the fabric lagged behind every controlled step that she took. She had been on extended leave due to her p



OP#3: Valentine's Day

OP#3: Valentines Day Hello, and welcome to a special Occasional Pondering. Today we're going to ponder what Valentines Day is. But first.... why do people hate it so much!? I will love and tolerate you just the same if you don't like it though :3. Well, the research shows that Valentine's Day is... over-commercialized. Special sales, people going out for dinner, ect, ect, insert reason here. I like it a lot, but I'm sort of 50-50 on this one. For one thing, I'm single, so I'm never going to get



my friend started a MLP FiM rpg game a few weeks ago and in it I am playing an alicorn from a place I call Elemental Valley. I was wondering is playing an alicorn here is allowed I did not see alicorns listed as aeither a playable or nonplayable char

<p>[i’m assuming this question is for Canterlot.com’s Mane Roleplay Area]</p> <p>Sorry, Alicorns aren’t allowed to be played by regular members. The specific characters can be applied for as they appear in the show until we establish they are more common and frequent in Equestria, but as it appears right now, the only alicorns in Equestria are the two Princesses. However, we do know that more may appear later in the show, so we’ll see what happens then! They’re just too powerfu



Random fic/headcanon ideas

Arion (http://c0lt.co/rion) Race -- Play on the German 'Master Race'. Possibly sea ponies, since the mythological horse was sired by Poseidon. Wind Horse (http://c0lt.co/indorse) -- Tibetan idea of the soul. Something could be taken from that at a more in-depth examination.




I think I'm starting to get a hang of multiple RPs. I'm still careful though not to get over myself though, but I guess I'm just happy that I was able to app The Mayor. I've got a couple of RPs in Stalliongrad as well and they're all progressing nicely. I also managed to app a new member for the GoLucky family and I think I still have another in the works. I think I'll just have one more app then just stop. I don't have a Pegasus OC yet, so that would be my last one. I promise?!



Do you have any hobbies or other things you like to do in your spare time on a regular basis?

I certainly do have hobbies! Though I don’t really have much space for knicknacks, I occasionally manage to carve small shapes out of discarded bits of wood that happen to intrigue me. In addition, I also pony watch quite a bit - you can learn a lot by observation. Granted, I tend to be at an elevation over the Whitetail Wood where I can’t usually be seen which makes it a little more difficult to know exactly what is going on, it’s still nice to see everyone passing by below. Otherwise, much of



OP#2: Fun

OP#2: Fun (and ways it can be done) Everyone views fun in ways several different ways. For some people, its just running around the room, getting all crazy. For others, it's a good book. How is fun really expressed though? And did fun exist way back when? How do others view other peoples fun? Ponies (if your looking My Little Pony) view fun in gardening, trying on outfits and parties. But to some people, that's not really fun. To some, it may make them thing "They like doing THAT? How immature."



OP#1: Um... Welcome?

OP (Occasional Pondering) #1: Welcome? Well... what does Welcome mean anyway? It's a way we greet people all over the world. In Pig Latin we say elcome-wa. Welcome to my blog, where I will occasionally ponder (hopefully, without offending anyone, but I have a feeling I will ) Maybe we could create a new language and it will be awesome! It will be called... Brony Latin! XD Yeah. What would you do with Brony Latin though? We could speak it all the time, but how would it work? What are the rules? T



To the world of blogging! Hyah!

Welcome to my humble corner of the internet. Here I can talk about whatever I want, right? Excellent! I have a Tumblr now! Come and ask me a question. I'll draw a picture to answer it! http://askthezeal.tumblr.com/ (Coincidentally, art requests may be very much made through this medium as well) Also, I hate seaweed. Stay away from me, you seaponies! Especially you! You know who you are.



Kudalyn's Corner: Hey guys, I need help

Kudalyn's Corner: Hey guys, I need help: kudalyn: Like… please reblog this. Or something If you follow me you might have seen me opening up some specific commissions…. turns out I really need those things to be filled. Like, I need commissions. Donations. Things. ———————— As it stands……… I don’t have much money. I work one part-time job, but I… Source



Questions open! Two new ask blogs!

ANYPONY.....I...mean....ANYWAY! http://askhollydash.tumblr.com/ Bam. Holly Dash tumblr. Enjoy it. Ask me a friggin' queshion. .... also, Fleur tumblr: http://askmadamfleur.tumblr.com/ :3 NEED ME SOME LOVIN'. NSFW WARNING FOR FUTURE CONTENT. NOTHING NSFW NOW, THOUGH. SAFE.



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