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  • QuickLime

    Guidelines and Etiquette for Chatting and Rping In CanterChat

    By QuickLime

    Hello and Welcome to QL'S Guide! I know I already posted earlier today on how to Register your nickname on Canterchat! Link to it is here! But for now I want to talk to you about how one should act, and roleplay in the new and improved Canterlot IRC Irc is a bit different than the old chat, this guide will be broken up into 3 parts 1: Name Etiquette 2: Chatting Etiquette 3: Roleplaying Etiquette Name Etiquette It should BE obvious but you should NEVER use a username that is not yours, and when

Bark of the Timberwolf

(Lol, get it? Bark? Tehehe.) This is a story about my OC, Rain Leaf, and his sister, Silvermist. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you will all enjoy it as well. Criticism will be greatly appreciated. I really want to improve my writing. A small critter scurried underneath the soaked leaves at the sound of the approaching hoofsteps. Raindrops slid down the drenched manes of the two grey coated pegasi as they carefully made their way along the trail, the large Everfree trees stood above

Doc Hoof MD

Doc Hoof MD

Sometimes, when I think about Bronys, I feel like I might be dreaming...

So sometimes, I think moreso recently, I've been thinking about the Brony fandom, as a whole. Not just Canterlot.com, but the entire fandom of Bronies. When I first started watching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, I do so for nostalgia's sake. Heck, I even tried to 'convert' my friend... and I'm pretty sure that was before I had even heard of Bronies. I had just planned to watch this show alone, in my room, on YouTube. Not even watch a livestream, just wait for an episode to come out and wat



when i get bored... sometimes i take others with me...

over analysis of pinkie pie song: (does this count as copyrighted material?) song me failing now lets see if this works: My name is pinkie pie, and I am here to say. I’m gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day. An intro, simply claiming that you are inevitably doomed to smile and have your day brightened. No connection is originally given, but that’s not important at all. It doesn’t matter now if you are sad or blue. ‘Cuz cheering up my friends is just what pinkies here to do. Pinki




If you liked that picture of Cadence, Shining Armour and young Twilight humanized, you'll wanna check this video out; it's how I drew it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9sUdGZzIDc



An Explanation

Because you deserve one. Recently, you may have (or may not have) noted my absence from the forum. That's due to a number of reasons. Mostly they're personal ones, but I find I don't have as much free time as I'd like anymore. Life is getting pretty hectic for me at the moment, so I've had to sideline some of my free time to get it all under control. That's why I haven't been on as much as I should be. Actually, if its okay, I'm posting this blog as my announcement of hiatus from the forum. Hone



Underway again.

Well, New Orleans was a blast, and I was loving the time I spent with my family (Whether it was throwing dollar bills at women, or being force-fed liquor by a cute blonde girl), and I was loving the food. But now, the time has come to move on to the next port. I'll only be gone for like 3 or 4 days, this time, and I'll miss you all terribly.



Forever Greatful

We often forget how lucky to have the things we do... We take what we have for granted without noticing over half of the time. I know I've done it so many, many times. Haven't you ever taken what you have for granted? But a few moments of thought... Sure I can say that there are those better off from me because both mother and father care about them, unlike me. My mother is out of the picture and she doesn't want to know my existance. I live in a broken family. But there is another side that I o



First Post :)

Hello everypony this is MidnightBard and my blog Brony Meets World. Its a blog chronicling my life (did I spell that right? lol) So I guess I should begin with today and an introduction. Well I'm kind of the school nerd. Into stuff like 40K, D&D, assorted card games and I adore ponies but have always kept it hidden because of the haters at school and my friends. Today was kind of a weird day. On a normal day I lay around and sleep through class and write fan fics (or try to atleast) and ne



What did I do wrong?

so at school today, I was talking with a bunch of friends of mine, I think we were talking about warhammer and Lost planet 3, although irrelevant, I also talked too this kid outta my class who randomly jumped into the conversation himself, when he randomly says ''you really gotta stop talking too me like like that or I'm going too beat you up'' my tone too him was no different then it was toward my friends, which gave him the curious look as well. Knowing myself, threatening me is a bad idea.



Everyone has a bad day sometimes...

It seems as though today was one for me. I had everything in place for college today. But I put on the wrong coat. It was a problem for me because my bus pass was in my other coat and not the one I was wearing. I knew without the pass I wouldn't be allowed on the bus, so I ran back home to get the bus pass. By the time I got to the bus station, my bus had left without me. Its a contracted bus company, so it only picks up students from my town at one specific time. No one in my family can drive e



Vlog #8 - Cheese Balls!

Check it out, new video! This time me and my friend are shovelling cheese balls into our mouths! How did we do? You'll just have to watch and find out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb4gV0rr06E



Going out!

Okay... I got up at four because I'm going away for the day with my family and I won't be back until tomorrow. I still don't like the idea of no internet. But it is only a day... Perhaps I'll have my photo taken. I'll be wearing my Snoopy t-shirt. Anyway I sure will miss the internet.



Where did I put my ask blog?

Hello everypony It's me, Conor Colton, making my first blog post on Canterlot...because of this. http://askconor-colton.tumblr.com/ I've started up an RP ask blog for myself and my OC, Colton Cloudkicker. Feel free to drop by and ask a question or two, it'd be much appreciated Thank you everypony, Conor Colton signing off for now

Conor Colton

Conor Colton

Guild wars 2

for all of you interested, I've gotten my hands on the pre-purchase edition of gw 2, which means I can play all beta events, I intend too stream them, so people who have mixed feelings about the game can get a peek or if you just want too join in on the fun when I get released into Tyria for my first time ever! xD (the game is no longer on NDA and I will be allowed too stream my butt off.) just fyi the pre-purchase event will continue too near release, so dont worry about being late, you'll only




To those who may have been wondering why I was so scarce today/yesterday, I apologize. I was feeling an immeasurable amount of depression and regret and beating-self-up today, which happens sometimes. Hopefully I'll be back up to speed tomorrow, and I'll get around to replying to posts and such.



A reward for the wait

Well, my package has finally arrived. If you were wondering what I even ordered, I have a confession to make... I love Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. When they stopped airing it on Cartoon Network, I began to miss it. Until... I saw the complete first season on DVD on Ebay. That's what I was waiting for and the best part about it is, it's here. But I am not going to watch it until I get to the hotel... You'll find out more about the hotel, on Saturday morning. But you can't say I haven't w




All of this week I have been getting up at seven in the morning. I am expecting a package to come through the post. Only, every time I order something I seem to keep missing the delivery man. Like the time I went to the toilet and then the door bell rang. By the time I got to the door he was gone! Then I missed a delivery man three times because he delivered the package when I was eating my lunch at my grandparents house (I am a walking health hazard in the kitchen. I nearly set fire to the toas



Time laughs in the face of the light sleeper...

I am tired and I won't deny it. But I have my reasons. I am a light sleeper and last night the wind was howling at my bed room window. The rain was bouncing off the windows noisily and the whether seemed to make my animals restless. The guinea pigs in my room were sounding off with their petty power struggles, which they normally didn't do at night. Then when I changed direction all I could hear was the ticking of my clock. I picked up my alarm clock and pushed the screen so the light turned on.



Vlog #6

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFqAh4Jg5oQ Thankyou everyone, your viewership means a lot to me :3



Underway! (Explaining my Absence)

Alright. This sucks. I'm going to be underway for 5 days in transit to a port. I'll be there for a week, then off to another port for a week, then eventually back home. This is going to be almost a span of a month. Which really sucks. The good news is that while in port, I'll be able to RP whether I'm on duty or not. Bad news... I'm on the watch bill. >.< Good news (For my readers) I'm going to be writing the entire time I'm not on watch. (Or I'll be playing Devil May Cry 3... All possibil



Headache. Why.

I'll probably be scarce tonight and possibly tomorrow, depending on how long this headache persists. I have them chronically and they tend to spring up more often as the warmer seasons come along. What a pain in my patoot. >:T



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