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Status Updates posted by Zealot

  1. I won't be joining in the event this time, nope. I don't want another 'surprise' and I don't care much for exploring site lore. Still, have fun guys.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Zealot


      Hey I was asked for my opinion and I gave it. I'm not trying to upset anyone, I'm just telling it how I see it. To be fair, I know a lot of different people worked on it and to be fair again, some of it is quite good. I don't know which parts you worked on specifically Quick, so I can't really comment specifically. You have to remember though, like Rose said, I'm one person. That's not to say your writing isn't good, just that I didn't like it and that's no...

    3. Zealot


      not taking into account the fact I'm very hard to please with writing. I said I mostly don't like it because I don't like being told what to think when none of it is confirmed in the show, it's fanon, and I stand my that. I'm a dirty purist after all. Hehe. It was a while ago that I read it, and then I didn't read it in depth, perhaps I missed something. I don't know, I would probably need to read it again and in depth before I can really give any kind of construct...

    4. Zealot


      constructive feedback. That was my impression that I remember when I skimmed it last and I don't remember it saying who wrote which sections. I dunno, if you want me to clear this up then I wouldn't mind reading through it again if you can tell me which parts of the lore you wrote. I didn't want to hurt feelings like I did. I'm sorry.

  2. I'm lacking any inspiration for a scene I'm writing. I know exactly how it'll go down and how to write it, I just can't find the inspiration to write it...

    1. Blueblood


      Might have something to do with having all planned out beforehand; the actual writing is just busywork, as opposed to creative effort.

    2. Zealot


      Hmm a fair point. Maybe I should try and do more spontaneous story writing next time around. Hmm...

  3. I've noticed more than a few people come to me asking for advice on writing, both here and on FIMfiction. I wonder if it's worth starting a blog to help newer roleplayers learn good writing technique as well as good roleplay etiquette. I don't know if anyone would be interested in that.

    1. Avery


      It'd be good to at least help someone that wouldn't know what to do if they were starting out. Who knows? Maybe it'll be good in the long run.

    2. Zealot


      Yeah, I mean canterlot has a short help page already, but it's not extensive. I was thinking more on teaching the grammar side of it to assist post quality as well as etiquette to help newbies who might be unsure of what to do. Show people how to build posts and all that.

  4. Isn't it awkward when people don't quite get that hint that you're annoyed with them? Ahh well...

    1. QuickLime


      Maybe instead of hinting, you should be direct.

  5. Lots of work to do still, plus I'm not feeling too great about things. It's not a fun combination.

  6. Mashed potato with garlic butter, this cooking thing is easier than I thought.

  7. Nothing to do but wait for git to install and paint miniature GIs. On a side note, I'm glad I switched to Bolt Action over Warhammer, much more satisfying to paint.

  8. Oh dear... well, like I said. Valentines day is the worst day on the calender anyway, might as well make it worse. Hmm... wonder if there some setting or another to disable the banner... :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zealot


      It's not a big deal, hehe. I'm just teasing really. Sorry for the confusion. Just thought it would make someone chuckle.

    3. Lyipheoryia
    4. Zealot
  9. Right, one exam done. One to go, in a few weeks. Apologies if I've been a bit slow with responses these past few days, like I said, exam. Should be free for a while though.

    1. Shadowbolt0


      Soldier on! You can do it!

    2. Zealot


      Yep, that's what I'm doing. Hehe. Thanks.

  10. Right, work is done. Roleplay post marathon will commence. Heh. Thanks everyone for your patience.

    1. Avery


      I always have patience for a friend!

    2. Zealot


      Yay, heh. Well, I'm just glad I could get some posting done today. Eager to get on with some plotlines.

  11. So much spinning!

  12. Sombra invades the crystal faire... Called it. Now, what to do with a complete non-combatant?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Zealot


      With everyone acting like they are, I doubt it. Hehe. Ahh well, think I can write her out of this one. A scheme comes to mind... Though knowing my luck it will horribly backfire.

    3. DreamySunday


      Lol. Good luck to you! :D

    4. Zealot


      Oh I'll need it. Hopefully there isn't too much convenience in that sequence of events. Still, I can put it down to her inherent luck I guess... I just hope the dice gods are kind. Hehe.

  13. Status update: Disillusioned and downcast.

    1. SteelEagle


      If anything is wrong and you wanna talk, send me a message.

    2. XanXeto


      I hope you feel better. :(

    3. Zealot


      Oh, sorry. Hehe. Didn't want to cause a fuss just letting folks know I'm not too great right now. I'm fine, just a little unhappy recently is all.

  14. Status update: Meh, I'm ok I guess. Feeling a little better than I was. But hey...

  15. Status update: Okie dokie lokie!

  16. Stick and move, stick and move...

  17. Thanks to Canvas' generously given art of my OC Glimmer, I'm now getting the urge to play my unicorn actress again. Hehe.

  18. That moment when you sit down to make a monster hunter / mercenary character, and then you realise you basically just made Geralt of Rivia. Ugh... here come the tweaks.

  19. They appear to be bringing back Robot Wars. I hope they don't screw up my nostalgia. That show was awesome...

  20. Was nice and sunny today, decided to go out and read a little in the sunshine. Soon as I stepped out the door it started raining, heavily. It was like a bad comedy.

    1. AlextheAngel


      Same thing happened to me and a friend. We were walking outside working on a story, then it suddenly started storming... thirty seconds before, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky.

  21. Well I'm stumped, any new roleplays going on in CC or WOE I might have interest in?

  22. Well, Starstone is away. You can still join a little late if you wanted to. Other than that, not much is going on. Modifying a nerf gun and making a roleplay game.

  23. Well... Let's see where the dice fall, eh?

  24. Well... Ok. Since my plan was quite spectacularly derailed I have decided not to continue with the event. Have fun without me guys. No comments please, I don't want to make a big thing about this or stir trouble or whatnot.

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