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Status Updates posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. I'm back from my month-long on-and-off activity!

  2. I'm just doin' my thing...helpin' people...like always :)

  3. If I could, I would grant you the title of Official Canterlot Welcomer. But-I can't.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToothpasteThy


      But I thank you very much-- it is very honoring that you would even think that~ <3 ^.^

    3. Lyipheoryia


      :) If Canterlot ever decides to make a welcoming committee: I think that would be one of the best jobs on site!
    4. ToothpasteThy


      I can't disagree xD

  4. If the Earth is round, I wonder what shape Equestria-planet is...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dunder


      Equestria is actually in the kirby universe

    3. Lyipheoryia


      Or...maybe it exists in a solar system. Where each planet is shaped like an element of harmony!

    4. Rosewind


      Shaped like a hot dog.

  5. Is it possible for me to upload images from Deviantart onto a post? Found some good Luna pics from there.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blueblood


      If you right-click on each picture on DA, the pop-up menu will allow you to copy the image URL. No need to use a third hosting site.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      It says I'm not allowed to use the image within the community.

    4. SunsetSombra


      Its about the image type, not the image itself...sometimes you have to use a different file type, such as .jpg or .gif, but there are other reasons it can happen too.

  6. It is strange that I'm supporting everyone's discussion lore thread?

    1. TheFinestSorcerer


      Still waiting on you, Lyi deary

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Yikes, sorry! I didn't get a notification that you replied. I'll get to it ASAP!

  7. Just doin' what I do~absolutely nothing~

  8. Just feel like it. Posting. A lot.

  9. Last chance to enter!!!

  10. Life............................occasionally sucks.

  11. Might not be any updates for this week and the next for rp's. There's this horrible thing called "finals".

  12. Must. Get. Post. Number. To. 500...

  13. My bff joined her, first rp!!! Can't believe I dragged her back into the fandom! :)

    1. sehyehetun


      thanks for dragging me back in the fandom (sarcasm). And yes, I am the bff she mentioned (for real).

    2. Lyipheoryia


      I do hope you'll stay longer in the fandom this time, Rin. <3's to every pony!

    3. Dio


      You're not the CS:GO ace tentacle therapist Rin I know... are you? :I

  14. My default acer/windows internet explorer suddenly...changed...into normal internet explorer :( Anyone know how to fix?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Then how am I supposed to get on here? lol

    3. tacobob


      I thought they ditched Internet Explorer for Microsoft Edge..

    4. Solana


      I'm not familiar with your specific kind of laptop, but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that there is a way to get Firefox, Opera, or some other browser on it. Couldn't be much more difficult than installing a different OS on a phone. (My android isn't an android anymore. =P)

  15. My goal: To someday complete an rp! I shall rejoice when that day comes!

    1. RainbowDaringDash


      Its a REALLY good feeling, iv managed to finish two. Like, actually finished. :P

    2. DerpRavener


      In that case, my advice is to try some smaller RPs (less chance of someone dropping out and less people who need to be badgered to keep going) and have a sense of where you want to end it. Of the threads I've finished so far, the only ones that weren't like that were in events.

  16. My patience is wearing thin...life can get so annoying when someone doesn't get the oh-so-many hints you drop them. *Sigh*, life

    1. QuickLime


      Be direct instead of dropping hints, it works MIRACLES

    2. Lyipheoryia


      I think I tried that...thanks for the advise, though :)

  17. No replies from me for a little bit-wifi's a bit wonkie.

  18. Now that I know how to upload pics onto the site, how do I resize them? I do beliee the images I would like to upload are ginormous...

    1. Halide


      You're probably better off resizing them on your computer. Bandwidth costs the site money, if you use too much of it!

    2. Smartbrony


      I've been having to resize the pictures myself, then upload them somewhere. It's tedious, but it definitely looks good.

    3. Lyipheoryia


      Smartbrony-mind pm-ing me some more info and help? Kindof hard tying to make a Luna lore thread without proper Luna pictures.

  19. On and off site today, sorry.

  20. Pirates or ninjas? The age-old question yet still without an answer.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Would be great if you guys could post on that, too!

    3. Solana


      I already done did that stuff you sayin to mee.

    4. tacobob


      Generally dragons work against knights. Pirates would give them coins and rum and then they'd be BEST FRIENDS forever. And they'd kick everyone's hinders.

  21. Pm clean up. If I accidentally deleted a pm we were actively participating in, please reply.

    1. Lyipheoryia


      All pm's with no reply for over a month shall be deleted.

  22. Ponies with Elite Canterlot-Canterlite-OC's...would ya'll like a group rp?

    1. Blueblood


      I've got one, what did you have in mind?

    2. Lyipheoryia


      Not much yet, but we could have a social if there are enough members.

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