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Staff Emeritus
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Status Replies posted by Dio

  1. Apple Horse > Fashion Horse > Nature Horse > Racing Horse > Magic Horse > Party Horse

  2. "TEST BLOCK PLEASE IGNORE" Don't tell me what to do! YOU'RE NOT MY MOM! *stomps away from computer*

  3. I see you there, test sidebar. NO FORUM ELEMENT SHALL ESCAPE MY BALEFUL GAZE

  4. Bow before the metal! I may not have even created my guitarist yet, but "Orbital Firefly" sounds like a fun name for the band's first single.

  5. Might write up a metal guitarist character today for CC.

  6. What hats do you guys wear?

  7. Yaaaay, roleplaaaaiiiiz~!

  8. Wht's with all the "people hate me" messages here? Trust me when I say there are very few things in life that I hate.

  9. What is with all the status messages claiming the users here hate them? That's not true at all :(

  10. ...What if we implemented a language filter that changed 'hate' to, say, 'ferris wheel'?

  11. Had very limited internet the past few days, but it shouldn't be much longer now. By the end of the week I imagine I'll be back in full and RPing with you ponies. ;)

  12. I'm very confused on my best pony stance. It's either Applejack, Rarity, Luna or Cadence. The struggle is real.

  13. am i hated here do you guys just want me gone if so then ill leave

  14. Magical Girls are born from wishes. Witches are born from curses!

  15. First session with my sister's boyfriend's band. Surprisingly, they play some delightfully heavy stuff. Time to grow callouses again.

  16. I realized that as few characters I have, none of them is a villain. Let's fix this up, shall we?

  17. i just got banned from world of equestria :/

  18. Dont hate because Im so fabulous! >w<

  19. I would once again like to request suggestions for the Frequently Asked Questions list in the Questions board. Let me know if there's anything you think I should add!

  20. Sunshine and rainbows and sugar and puppies!

  21. *takkatakkaing intensifies*

  22. canterlot doesnt seem very active today..... thats weird....

  23. I am a Gundam. You're a Gundam. EVERYONE is a Gundam!

  24. My new record: from app start to approved in 2 hours flat.

  25. Signature length restriction has been increased from 3 lines to 6 lines for board members that have passed the 3 post threshold!

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