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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. Wishing everypony a happy New Year!

  2. Wishing everypony a safe and happy holidays and a happy New Year!

  3. Wishing everypony a safe and happy holidays and New Year!

  4. Wishing everypony a safe and happy New Year!

  5. Wishing everypony in the USA a safe and happy Memorial Day!

  6. With the new changes to the site, everyone keep calm and pony on!

  7. Working retail this season my posting will be sporadic but I promise I'll still be as active as I can.

    1. Ciraxis


      Which would be still head above shoulders over the most ^^.

  8. Writing a novel, fan fiction, and role playing. So many words!

  9. Yay! I finished the first draft of my novel!

    1. RedCedar


      Wow! No small feat. Well done!

    2. Blueblood


      Huzzah! Now comes the painful part of reading what you wrote (speaks as one who hates revising his own work)

    3. Lux


      Yeah, and with over 500 pages it will be a trick but I'll do fine as I listed some thing I need to change as I went through the draft phase.

  10. (Sigh) Aside from MLP, all the shows I watch on TV have either ended or had their season finales including Gotham, the Middle, and Modern Family. #showhole

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PyroBlaze


      I can attest that The Flash and Arrow are good.

    3. Lux


      Tried to get into The Flash and Arrow, but I'm not much of a DC fan other than Batman. Same with Supergirl. 

    4. PyroBlaze


      Fair enough. How about the Agents of SHIELD? That's a good one too. 

  11. (Sigh) Looks like Duo Cartoonist (one of my favorite video creators of the fandom) has decided not to continue with making pony videos, even going as far as to stop production of their current pony video. The reason for this is that fanart is stiffing their need to grow. Sad time, but I understand. 

    1. Rudan


      Seeing this saddens me, a lot. I was very eager to watch their finished animations, it had so much potential. Oh well, can't blame them since they have good reasons for it. I hope for the best for them.

  12. (Sigh) So, I heard two MLP conventions are celebrating their final cons: EQLA and Nightmare Night: Dallas. Shame when the conventions start to go away. Hopefully this isn't a continuing trend. 

    1. tacobob


      Hopefully new cons will arise from the ashes of the old ones.

  13. A new FNAF game! (Squee!) 

  14. Attempting to draw something difficult: King Sombra. 

  15. Back from the convention I was at. Apparently, I was given today as an extra day off from work. Posts will resume shortly as it will take some time to sort through things. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lux


      Well, I got a commission for a badge of Snow Dancer.

    3. tacobob


      Oooh! By who? And let's see it.

    4. Lux


      Err... the artists haven't posted these badges yet on their site, but the Scootaloo pre-made badge was by Ryuu1ch1 and the Snow Dancer commission was by Jen Kiwi whom I got other badges/ stuff from in past cons she was at. 

  16. Bah! Where has my creativity gone? I can barely write, draw or RP lately! Sorry all for my lack of creativity.

    1. tacobob


      Knows how you feel ><

    2. Bellosh


      *pat-pats Lux*


      Anywho, when your creativity comes back, Park of the Palace can use a post from you. :)

    3. SteelEagle


      When you come back you'll be glorious as always, Lux.

  17. Blah, Blah Blah... life is busy. Blah, Blah, Blah... will post soon on threads! 

    1. IceStorm


      We know the feeling on this.

    2. tacobob


      Blah? ZOINKS! Lux has been turned into a vampire!

    3. Lux




      Couldn't help it! 

  18. Credit of my new Icon goes to Chickenhawk!

  19. Dear Princess Celestia... I learned reading the prompt for a thread is very important. Also, posting on a smart phone isn't very smart. 

  20. Did a little house cleaning to my threads that were dead as of last year. 

    1. tacobob


      I just read that as 'horse cleaning'. Which is always a good thing to be doing...Gotta clean your horses!

    2. Lux
  21. Drawing Queen Chrysalis for the first time? Nailed it! <3

  22. Going to be delayed posting until Monday due to a busy weekend. Sorry about the delay.

  23. Going to the MLP movie with my best friends. I'll let you know how it was soon! 

  24. Good News Everypony! I upgraded my computer to Windows 10, and things seem to be working! 

  25. Happy Birthday!

    1. Pretzelparty


      *Hugs* Thanks, Lux!

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