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Status Updates posted by Lux

  1. Starting Book 2 of Trilogy.

  2. Stay tuned for some new threads with my characters!

  3. Strange. I submitted two pictures yesterday, but I only see the second one added to the gallery.

  4. Sweet Surprise plays Candy Crush Saga!

  5. Thanks all for my birthday wishes! This is actually an anniversary for me too as it was around this date in 2011 that I discovered Friendship is Magic.

  6. Thanks to all who participated in Nightmare Night. It was a blast!

  7. Thanks to Rainbow Rocks, there is confirmation that the is a library in the Castle of Friendship! Lore Weaver's place of employment is now canon!

  8. That picture as your avatar - so Squee!

  9. That was a fun Gala. Thanks all who RPd with me!

  10. That's odd. I can't seem to change my background art for my Profile page. It kkeeps reverting to the current one no matter which art I try.

    1. Rosewind


      Did you try refreshing your cache? Ctrl+F5.

    2. Lux


      It's fixed now. I'll try that refresh trick if it ever happens again. Thanks!

  11. The more I know, the more I realize how much I don't know.

  12. The Mysterious Box in the Everfree Forest contains... BEEEEESSS!

    1. CaptainMcDerp
    2. SteelEagle


      They're in my eyes!

    3. ShadowWalking18


      BEEEES!*grab and tosses it into a transporter*

  13. The Mystery Box in the Everfree Forest coniains... another box! Then another, another, another...

  14. The only way to describe getting a certain cast app: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpgy21r_dRE

    1. RainbowFoxxy


      Yes yes yes!!!! Congrats :)

    2. SunsetSombra


      Good Job, man - enjoy the role...and the special title Rosewind gave you in congratulations! ;3

  15. The Pony Tossing event has been banned from the Equestria Games by order of Princess Cadence!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pretzelparty


      Whoa nice distance!

    3. Duskfall


      I guess you can say we TOSSED OUT the event!

    4. DreamySunday


      No it aint! *tosses self!*

  16. The wait is almost over. One more week until Season 4.

    1. tacobob


      Saw the new preview...Guh. One week is too long for me! ><

  17. Thinking about my next earth pony OC. All I really know is that he will be a dappled grey pony. That's about it until I can add more about him.

    1. tacobob


      You must call him Doctor Pringles, The Fancy Prancy Pony.

  18. Thinking about trying my hand (or is it hoof?) at drawing MLP comics. Let's see what happens.

    1. kinkamina


      No DONT!The consequences could be DIRE!

    2. kinkamina


      Just kidding. Go for it

  19. Thinking of a couple of projects to do here. I definitely want to create a few new threads, including one for my new pony Diamond Cut.

  20. Thinking of readjusting Guiding Light's personality. Thoughts?

  21. This week's going to be busy, but I'll try to respod to threads when I can.

  22. To the fellow artists out there: How can I make my lines more fluid and less fractured? I find this is one of my biggest issues drawing digitally.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lyipheoryia


      Hmm...then I'm out of ideas. Especially since you've done the whole "practice makes perfect" scenario already with your experience.

    3. Rosewind


      Draw "through" when sketching out your art. Even if the subject is wearing clothes, draw their bodies underneath lightly to give you an idea of body structure and anatomy.

    4. YourLittleBrony


      In my personal opinion having a tablet is a must for drawing smoother lines. Takes some used to, but its helpful. Mine is a Wacom.

  23. Today I learned that you can open multiple pictures up with GIMP. This will help greatly with selecting the correct colours for my characters.

  24. Today is the second anniversary of the airing of Friendship is Magic!

    1. StarStorm


      How very rocking!!

  25. Today marks my one year anniversary here at Canterlot.com. During this year, I created 8 OCs and 1 Cast pony, participated in tons of exciting RP enconters, became a Helpstaff member, and made many new friends. So thank you all for welcoming me here, and here's to more years of fun!

    1. weesh


      happy canterlot-aversary!

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