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Status Replies posted by SteelEagle

  1. All your Changeling lore and beliefs are about it get blown out of the water!  That's all I'm gonna say.

  2. Watch out! They're showing new episodes in the UK very early, so beware of spoilers.

  3. I need more threads with you.

  4. I need more threads with you.

  5. I need more threads with you.

  6. I need more threads with you.

  7. Am I needed in any threads? I feel like I am.

  8. Am I needed in any threads? I feel like I am.

  9. Just throwing it out there: Rarity was dressed as Rose in Applejack's flashback. And the love interest in that movie was named Jack. Just saying...

  10. Bah! Where has my creativity gone? I can barely write, draw or RP lately! Sorry all for my lack of creativity.

  11. I am now officially one year older! Yay me!

  12. As a word of advice for all roleplayers: Always write your posts on an offsite word program of some kind. Not just for here, but any roleplay post anywhere.

  13. So your Twilight is against dark/combat/chaos magic, correct? 

  14. Say, when Shadow Scribe is approved mind if he meets your members of the Elements of Harmony? 

  15. Hmm? Today's TOTALLY not my birthday... I swear... *whistles innocently*



  16. Guess what? I have cancer. Not joking. It's what my surgeon said. But apparently it's 'low grade' which is why a previous test I had didn't detect it. So take that however you want. Still though. IT'S FREAKING CANCER.

  17. So peeps, how much did the episode mess with your Changeling headcanon?

  18. Just a reminder that the GGG Event ends Thursday night. So don't delay; post today! XD

  19. hopefully my schedule dies off and i can post today

  20. how long until the ring leaders of this circus recognize how great I am and bestow upon me the title of "Objectively the Best"


  22. Aye, did you mean to place that Ballroom post somewhere else with either Sigrun or the Empress?

  23. The Luna/ Celestia thread is off to a good start! Can't wait to see what will happen next. 

  24. Do the comic arcs count as AU?  Tempted to set up a Nightmarity or Reflections AU if I'm allowed.

  25. Hm. I'm quite tempted to use this new fancy AU section to set up Starfall properly, but I have a question first. Does it count as an Alternate Universe if it's in the future?

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