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Status Replies posted by tacobob

  1. I've made the worst mistake ever......

  2. Stormy got me hooked on pokemon white -_- now i cant. stop. playing. I hope your happy! (cuz i am ^^)

  3. Feeling much better nao ^^

  4. I just might actually be doing a real RP for once. Never thought I'd do it.

  5. My mum got me a RD Build-a-Bear! :D It hasn't been stuffed yet so I get to do the honors! Hopefully I get the Gala dress, so awesome /)^3^(\

  6. m slowly losing the motivation to do anything, and i just don't know why.....

  7. Has finally made a fimfiction account!

  8. I demand Chrysalis return in the 4th season!

  9. Oh my Gosh,so I was searching up My little pony pictures on the internet,and I found this beautiful looking Derpy! I fell in love with it,I call it,''insta love'' XD

  10. I demand Chrysalis return in the 4th season!

  11. Computer is still in the computer hospital. ><

  12. Got a new hat today! Hats.

  13. Digging the Blue Angels cuz they're just like the Wonderbolts in the real world. :P

  14. How can a children's story book put me at the verge of tears?

  15. Gah! Curse the Tetris game with its earworm of a catchy tune! I can' stop humming it!



  18. Super excited! Regal's app got accepted.

  19. Unable to roleplay currently; Laptop fail.

  20. I wish the FCC bans pan-scanning forever. It sucks because you lose a lot of picture on the side. And few people don't have HD. @Galileo908

  21. Well, looks like everyone on my project at work may be let go. Client doesnt like that we cant handle more work when they wont let us hire more people. Stressful times.

  22. Mulligatawny soup, or Carrot and Mascarpone soup?... #decisionsdecisions!

  23. Today is three of my friends birthdays @.@

  24. R.I.P. LucasArts. Made some great games in their times. :(

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