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Everything posted by BaconofChaos

  1. ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY!~ Everyone deserves ponies and cake on their birthday, so here's yours!
  2. Dunno what that is, but it sounds cool! PS:T was a pretty awesome game. Strangely, I hated it on my first play, didn't even get out of Sigil. I think I was playing it wrong though (was expecting a more hack 'n' slash game). I gave it another try later on and was hooked. I later bought a few of the Planescape campagin books. Such a well written setting. Y'know what? I may just take you up on that offer. Perhaps not right now. I've got a couple of other RPs I'd like to try and finish first, but that sounds like fun. Just bare in mind that I only really understand the rules for D&D 3.5e. 2e and 4e both confuse me. Yeah, I read one of the books, but never finished the series. It was good, but I don't remember much about it though.
  3. Ah why not? Another 1 minute drawing. Sweetie Belle on her cloud, from the Hush Now, Quiet Now scene.
  4. That background is so good! I am jelly. Rally is pretty cool too. Her outfit is great, and I like how you've done her tail. Is that Trixie in the background?
  5. I can't say I was on the edge of my seat, but I do remember the look on Rarity's face just before the magic envelops her completely. It's a look that simply says "...umm." I think the problem was that Rainbow Dash was worried about her image. She wanted to be seen performing this spectacular stunt, not failing miserably. She believed that the Wonderbolts would never let her join if they saw her fail her stunt. For some reason, she never thought far enough ahead to realise that maybe she should try something safer, instead of risking everything on a move she knew she'd have a hard time doing. Saying that, Rainbow doesn't really seem like the kind to think ahead, does she? Ahaha, I never noticed that before! I imagine a pony wearing those would be very unbalanced (but not really a problem for a pony who moves mostly by flight, eh?) Here's something I never noticed before. When we first see the Cloudsdale stadium, there is actually a huge cloud statue of Princess Celestia above the royal box. It's in the same style as Twilight's picture book from episode 1. Also in the same scene, happy bouncing Lyra on the far left! Did anyone else think that Rarity looks really creepy with lipstick? I don't like heavy lipstick at the best of times, but on a pony... it's just weird. That's very good for just one minute! Such simplicity, yet you can tell exactly what it is. three pictures there. really great, right? :U That's really good Angie! Also that Apple bloom in the third picture is so adorable! Hee hee! That's cute!
  6. It's still alive, people. Appliance's picture is done, she just needs to get to a scanner.
  7. Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it. I spent a lot of time on it.
  8. I just realised... with a slightly different hat, she could be inspector gadget. "Go Go Gadget HANDS!" I wonder if that crossover has been done yet.
  9. I'm sorry to see you two go. CN, I remember you joined about the same time I did. I always enjoyed seeing your artwork on the site. Lime, you were always fun to chat with, and I guess I'll see you in the RP threads (assuming they keep going). Come back soon, y'hear? This. So much.
  10. Lyra's mind was elsewhere, in a world full of big blue lips and passionate kisses, but Doctor Whooves' voice helped to snap her out of her reverie. She shook her head to try and bring herself back into the real world. "So we're going then? We're going to... do the thing with the... uh... magic... uh." Lyra tried to remember what her part in all this was. Something about lay lines and magic. Something about her sound magic in particular. "Okay, remind me exactly what I'm going to be doing." she asked with a nervous grin on her face. (ooc: sorry for the short post, mind is kinda blank on this one)
  11. From the album: Diego's Art

    Lyra in disguise as "Incognito" from the Applejack kissing thread. Completely forgot to upload it here.

    © Diego Havoc 2012

  12. One minute draw challenge: Scootaloo on her scooter, from Show Stoppers. Actually my second attempt. My first attempt didn't even get past the basic outline. Only getting a minute really makes you rethink how you draw
  13. From the album: Diego's Art

    The picture I did for Mane's birthday. Just figured I'd upload it to my gallery. Probably one of the best pictures I have ever done, and the third that I've ever done with an actual background.

    © Diego Havoc 2012

  14. I know that feeling! I was so nervous when I signed up (and don't get me started on the first time I tried the IRC!) but most people here are really nice and helpful. Glad to hear you like it!
  15. I forgot to mention it before, but Ginger's caption for the first picture was hilarious! Anyway, I certainly noticed less activity in the previous thread, and I think that perhaps cutting down these topics to just one episode a week might be worthwhile. I should point out that I'm not actually rewatching any of these. I just don't really feel the need to; I've seen most of them at least three times each. Maybe when we get to season 2 I'll start watching again. Oh, um, Rosewind? The synopsis for Show Stoppers is looking very similar to the one for Stare Master One minute to draw a picture. I don't know if I can something that quick, since I usually spend about a minute per line I draw XD I'll give it a shot though. I usually spend at least 15 minutes drawing a day, so this will give me a nice break.
  16. I briefly had an idea for doing a sci-fi RP based on Bucky O'Hare, or maybe Starfox (or maybe both). I can't really think of how to make it work, but it would be a nice little experiment. Maybe I'll give fanfic writing a go someday. I'll also had ideas for D&D crossovers based in the Eberron, Planescape or Dragonmech settings. This would be somewhat hampered by the fact that I've never played D&D (outside of the video games) and have next to no experience DMing. Again, perhaps something I can save for fanfic.
  17. *beginning of trailer* Eh, I'm not sure I really care- *Bowser, Zangief, Kano and Robotnik appear* .... I hope Robotnik and Bowser get at least one line each. Does anyone recognise the demon guy who was sitting next to Ralph? He looks familiar. Also Bowser doing a spit-take with fireballs was great! I don't really care if the movie sucks or not, I gotta see it!
  18. Eh, I pause it to give me time to steel myself for what's coming next. If I were watching it on TV, then yeah I'd probably just walk out for a bit, but when I'm watching it on youtube, I hate to just skip forward or leave it running. I'd hate to miss something, no matter how bad it might be. Of course, now that I've watched those bits, they no longer bother me. Though I still watch the CMC theme song with the volume on low.
  19. Lyra's hoof continued to bob up and down for a few moments after Klondike's enthusiastic shaking, but she eventually managed to stop herself with her other hoof. “So tell me Miss Incognito, how are you liking Ponyville? How did you hear about Miss Applejack’s apples?” "Ah, yes, Ponyville is most wonderful. Many friendly ponies. The apples...?" quick Lyra! Think of something! "I hear about them from... my cousin! She comes from Ponyville, says Apple family apples are very good! I come to try them!" Whew! That should work. As the line moved forward and Klondike went to take his turn. She found herself shuffling her hooves and flicking her tail back and forth, partially from nerves, and partially from the uncomfortable heat. What she wouldn't give to be able to simply ditch the coat and fan herself with her hat. But that was too risky. Should her disguise fail... well, think of the scandal. She began quietly humming to herself. Humming an old tune she called "She'll be sliding down the mountain..."
  20. I wish I'd had this when I was drawing my pic. That cutie mark was tough to draw XD
  21. I must admit, I knew this was coming and was looking forward to it. Was not disappointed :3
  22. I was the same way actually. Kept pausing in order to cringe. Same thing with the CMC theme song and Spike's "dastardly" plan.
  23. "Do you expect me to talk?" "No Ms. Pie, I expect you to die!" Extended version: "Guys, I think she's crashed! Help me find the reboot button! I know it's here somewhere!" In other news, up until Art of the Dress, Rarity was my least favourite of the mane 6. Afterwards she was my favourite, and remained so for quite some time (nowadays my favourite pony rotates on a roughly weekly basis). This episode was great for making me see everything that was special about her. And the song was fantastic. When I first watched Pinkie Keen, the whole thing made me feel uncomfortable. The combo of Pinkie gaining precognition out of nowhere (which I knew would never be mentioned again (and I was right, for season 1 at least )), Twilight being kind of aggravating, the overuse of slapstick comedy, and the moral at the end made me dislike the episode. After a while I went back and rewatched, trying to just enjoy it for what it was, and I realised that it was actually a pretty good episode. I still think the slapstick was a bit much, but really, it's a genuinely fun episode.
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