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Everything posted by BaconofChaos

  1. Eh, I kinda like them all equally. They all had really good moments. So I just voted for the first three.
  2. Diamond Tiara was fuming with rage. She was seeing red. That cat ruined everything! These ponies were no help! The world was out to get her! Until Reno came up to her a hugged her. "It's okay Tiara we'll get your tiara back for you I promise" he said, then pecked her on the cheek. The pink filly suddenly found herself blushing. Why? He was just some blank flank! Not even that handsome! But... he was being kinda nice to her. Never mind. She turned away from the young colt to make sure he didn't see her smiling. "Yeah, well, thanks for that, uh... Hey what is your name anyway?" She looked off in the direction her tiara had rolled. She couldn't see it anymore, but she last saw it moving towards some small cottages at the edge of Ponyville. Cottages that were awfully close to... the Everfree Forest.
  3. "Pony saddles the wagon" is the best thing I have ever read on a toy box.
  4. I thought the fandom had already gotten tired of this pointless debate.
  5. ~HAPPY BIRTHDAY!~ If it's one thing that everyone deserves on their birthday, it's ponies and cake (alright, two things).
  6. Dude, what? I don't know what's going on, but I'd like to let you know that I'm sure that there are far more people here that consider you a friend than an enemy. I really hope that you'll come back soon. Throat tumor sounds nasty. I'm glad to hear you are doing better. Get well soon!
  7. "Say..." Lyra froze in place as the stallion ahead of her began scrutinizing her. Just her luck that she would run into somepony she knew. A bead of sweat formed on her brow. "Excuse me, but you look awfully familiar from somewhere... Have we met? Sorry, I don't usually forget a face, or for that matter, I don't usually realize I forgot a face. Actually, how would a pony know they forgot something if they forgot it in the first place? Or for that matter..." Shoot, shoot, shoot! Of course this was going to happen. Ponyville wasn't that large of a town. She was bound to meet somepony who would recognise her. "Ah, well, um, I do not think that we have met before." she spoke, with a quickly made-up accent that sounded vaguely Stalliongrad-ish. "You must be-" she went to continue, only to see that Klondike appeared to be staring at a point somewhere in the distance behind her head, his eyes unfocused. "-not listening to me." she finished, lamely. "Well, I doubt pears would sell as good but that is aside the point... Hi! Sorry, name's Klondike and you look awfully familiar." Whatever train of thought had gone on in the blue stallion's head was inscrutible to Lyra, but it seemed that it may have distracted him long enough for her disguise to work. Well... maybe. It was hard to ignore the fact that the ever deceitful Flim Flam Brothers had tried to infiltrate the apple orchard in disguise, though to what end, Lyra had no idea. The pair had already been unmasked and humiliated in front of the growing line of ponies. And the fashion pony that had been making her bridesmaid dress for the big Canterlot wedding had just arrived too. Another drop of sweat dripped down the side of the aquamarine unicorn's neck. "Ah, yes, is pleasure to meet you." she said, trying to mask her voice by making it deeper. "I am Incognito, pony from Stalliongrad. We have not met before. I am here to buy Ponyville apples." said continued. Her eyes darted back and forth beneath her sunglasses, and she pulled the largest grin she could. Please fall for it! she thought to herself.
  8. Yeah, no TF2 threads here. Well, except for the one we already had. Anyway, I haven't played this game in months. I probably won't play again until there's another big update. Still looking forward to Meet The Pyro though. I'm not too good at spelling things phonetically but... Leh - tron - jeh With a very soft 'N' and a french J. If that makes sense.
  9. It's a pretty dress! Her socks look a little baggy though.
  10. RAINBOW DASH WITH GLASSES! RAINBOW DASH WITH GLASSES! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Of course that's normal. I'd love to be an adorable geeky girl. This is somewhat hampered by the fact that I am neither adorable, nor a girl, but 1/3 ain't bad.
  11. I really don't know what to think here, but we'll have to arrest someone eventually, or the changlings will rule this town without having faced any resistance at all. Holding my vote for now.
  12. Wedding, Sweet & Elite, Ponyville Confidential. Wedding because duh. Ponyville Confidential, mostly for Diamond Tiara, but overall I thought the whole episode was fun. The last place was either Sweet & Elite or It's About Time. I like S&E for the song, but I have watched it several times, and It's About Time only once, so that may change later. MDW was okay and hurricane Fluttershy was pretty good too.
  13. She doesn't rhyme in Bridal Gossip at one point. "Treasures of the native land where I am from! This one speaks 'hello' and this: 'welcome." Edit: Disregard that. For some reason I don't hear from and welcome as rhyming.
  14. Ah, a cipher. Each letter is replacing the one before it in the alphabet. In this case, your message was... Hmm, uh, okay. Retype the following sentence so that we can see what's being changed in your text: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. [Edit: ^^^ LOL --Dessa]
  15. It was a perfect day. there wasn't a cloud in the sky (some pegasus was doing her job well) and the Sun was shining brightly. Too brightly. Underneath the heavy trenchcoat and fedora, Lyra was beginning to sweat. No! Not Lyra! Today she was Incognito. She couldn't let anypony know she was here. She pulled out the flyer from her pocket and looked at it again. "Sweet Apple Acres First Annual Apple Kiss". Buy a bushel of apples and get a kiss from Applejack. It was an exciting prospect, one she couldn't let Bon Bon know about. Bon Bon would murder her. She wouldn't understand. Lyr Incognito put the flyer back and sighed. She had gotten up early and found the flyer in the letter box. The idea of it was... exciting! She had hidden the flyer very carefully, and when Bon Bon awoke, Lyra had offered to do the day's grocery shopping for a change. Just so that she could be here. She didn't even want the apples, really. Just one kiss. Lyra had only ever kissed one pony. Well, two if she counted the peck on the cheek from Trixie. She loved Bon Bon dearly but... she wanted to just... just to try something different. Someone different. And a Ponyville celebrity to boot. That was okay, wasn't it? Everypony had fantasies about kissing celebrities, right? If she explained to Bon Bon... no, she wouldn't understand. But maybe it was better to be truthful, be upfront about it. If she lied and Bon Bon found out- No! She wouldn't find out! The disguise would surely help. She shifted uncomfortably under the coat, and adjusted her sunglasses to make sure they hid her eyes. Just one kiss. That was okay, wasn't it? She pulled out the flyer once more at looked at the crudely drawn picture. Applejack was an attractive pony. Not as pretty as Bon Bon, but still... she had a certain charm to her. Just one kiss. ... Maybe two, if they allowed it. ... Bon Bon was going to murder her.
  16. Well, I woke up this morning with no Fatigued status, my AC and Saves are fine, and Detect Magic turns up nothing. Unless my Spot Checks deceive me, I'm in the clear! And now I must link to Royal Tongue Pinkie Pie. Take 1d4 WIS damage: ._. Curse?
  17. Heh heh, she is looking very Rarity-ish here. There's an AJ kissing booth thread!? This I gotta see!
  18. *snerk* Yeah, I recognise them too. I like these two. :3
  19. I remember absolutely adoring Mississippi Mud Cake and Death by Chocolate, ages ago. Haven't had them in a while. More recently, I had a Plum and Pistachio tart, served warm, with vanilla icecream. Delicious!
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