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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I am going to be at bronycon from the 10th to the 14th!

    So I will not post for that time, hope I can meet some of you their! 

  2. I am going to be at bronycon from the 10th to the 14th! So I will not post for that time, hope I can meet some of you their!
  3. Have you ever found something you never knew you needed, but when found you know deep inside it was? I had that moment. 

  4. Woo! Calder can be used. So pumped!

  5. I swear i need to make some more ocs on here to RP more. just need to stop being so lazy. 

  6. Dusty

    Satawa's Pose

    ehhh! A giraffe! I love seeing giraffes in MLP. I love her already, vary nice looking oc!
  7. oh boy! the Hoss is back! <3

  8. I am alive! After weeks of my PC being broken and 300$ in repairs I'm back. After I get everything back up and ruining I will get to work on some posts ASAP! Sorry it took so long mates. 

  9. Yes, lets not make it too cluttered. At lest at the start, be odd if every one just rolls in at the same time. So I say he'd be fine to show up after the two guests showing up first get some time to talk to her and let her feel like they are not trying to jump the poor mare in her home. After that I's on your call for him to show up or not.
  10. Feel free too, I feel it will be fine for him to tag along and meet her too.
  11. Yes, that sounds like a lot of fun! And with how some things have been going down in real life... Well, I think I use some fun!
  12. At lest my BF broke up with me before my birthday and not on it. 

  13. My newest jam: 

    Never knew of Celtic metal but now I need more of it in my life. 

    1. starswirlthebearded


      Celtic metal is awesome. I'm super into genre crossing lately. It is almost interesting.

    2. SymphonicFire


      This is cool! The closest I've been to this was probably "Hot Chilli Pipers" XD

  14. The poor mare will have an heart attack if they show up at her door! Most of all if her mom or hubby is around... But it sounds fun.
  15. I like it! Will give her something to feel good about with how bad the rest of her outing has gone, and odds are she will hear him out on ruining now. she got a small win in, time to tuck tail and run for it before they all team up on her.
  16. And Derp is not wrong, she's just somewhat moody over how bad things are going. let's start with things she's failed to do. Steal something, hurt a hero, get a hostage, get away with something. On top of that she was been hurt, frozen and got a nice face-full of sidewalk just to have the heroes hang out around her and start talking to one another. Sadly Machina's words were just the last straw for Ember and she blew her top. I even did a dice roll to see just how angry she'd get and hit a nice net 20, poor things going to pull something.
  17. I'm fine with you trying out a supporting character, this is a first go with things for some of us so may as well test out new things eh? As for posts tend to give someone two days to post before I skip them and move on to keep things moving. so long as you can get one post every two days it's cool with me.
  18. I don't know, I don't want her poor tail to get kicked too hard too soon, the mare needs time to get going before some Spirit of Punishment comes along to make the poor mare wet her self.
  19. ok got it up, I do believe I did everything right but if not, let me know.
  20. Nice, and I think Tehengu will be good as he has a nice counters to Tartarus without sounding like he can wipe the floor with her. Makes it feel like they can have some nice bath and forth fighting. sounds good to me! Well, I will cook up some post for this, seeing as it will need me to start as Tartarus needs to start wrecking somethings for heroes to show up.
  21. oh nice! Well I'd love to unleash some Tartarus. So one or two of y'all want do something with Harbinger of Tartarus? Be her first time doing Supervillain things under that name and a test bed to work out how to best play her. So if some low level hero wants to battle a low level Supervillain here's a shot at that. XD
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