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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. Dusty's eyes lit up when AJ asked him about his family and his raising. “Some of both ah do think, don’t know the mare that put me in this world or the stallion that helped but don’t go thinking it’s all sad. Na, ah got the best ma one can ask for. Mule like me, she found me laying outside her tent. Just a young mare with a mark on her flank not to old at all. Young mare like that has no call to raise a foal but she did. Took me in as if ah was her blood. Raised me up good she did with plenty of workin my hooves to ah was sweating than milk to cool off. But given my size ah do think my dad or mom that made me must have been big ones as well. Young and scared maybe? Well ah don’t feel no hard feelings on em. They picked a good mare to raise me up and ah only hope the best. Ma told me to never think bad of em or others.” He talked with utter love and passion for his adopted mom, it was clear as the sun in the sky he did mean everything he was saying. He loved her fully and enjoyed his life growing up. But bits needed to come up so he digs in to his duster and pulls out a heavy sack of bits that hit the table with a deep thud. He opens it up and pulls out five bits and scoots them over to AJ. He thinks for a moment than speaks. “Granny smith apple. Think they are plenty tasty and make real nice pie as well. Shame others don’t like the taste all to much, too much bite for em or something.” He grins at her happily, Dusty was plenty joyfull to meet AJ face to face! She was so nice, even if this was just a drive to get sells or something. He knew she was not one to lie so she must mean her good will. Speaking of that he looked over at Apple Bloom. “Hay filly, you like souvenirs? Not one to judge ya just on age, but most ya age do enjoy such things.” He asked with a heartfelt smile, even if it was not the best looking one thanks to a few missing teeth.
  2. Dusty watched with a raised eyebrow at how Chipper reacted to getting a kiss. It was… Something. He had better words for it but held such crude words to himself as the odd ball went on to try and kiss everypony around them. Well the crows were plenty distracting a pony running about kissing everything was more so and Chipper ended up planting a kiss on a rather dusty hoof as the grizzled ex-outlaw just blinks. “Sorry lad, about six shots low to puting my muzzle on a pony this friendly with… them things.” He mutters glancing at the crows with a look of utter contempt before lowering his hoof. After that was done the worst part happend. At least for Dusty. Watching the crows all dive in on the appels and rip them up in a feast made the giant mule go white, gag than rush off behind a bush faster than a colt trying to hide from a flank whooping. He did not peak look out from behind the bush until AJ herself called out for the next pony. That will be him. So after drinking some more whiskey to relax he peeks out from his hiding spot. “They all gone?” He asked looking for some crows… Seeing that they have moved on he creeps out and shakes like a wet dog. “Ah swear on my ma’s bones ah never want to see something like that again.” He says with shake of his head and trotting up to AJ. Standing taller than even Big Mac he towered over the mare as he looked down at her. “Well, uh… That's something. Well, nice meeting ya face to face Applejack. Good in well to put the real face to all them stories I hear out west from others of ya family! Some of them are rather outspoken on ya and will rant about ya for ages in the bar. All good things, even back in the day some of the lads working for me saw you as some hero. Not that ya an’t a hero. Saving the world in all that. Gonna have to go back and brag to some of my old gang about getting to kiss ya. None of em will believe it ah bet. Oh gosh ,where be my manners?” He takes his hat off and bows his head. “Names Dusty S Hooves Ma’am, washed up bad blood just wondering around now days. Feel plenty guilty even getting food from ya, let alone a kiss being the mare of truth and honesty. This mule has been lacking them by the train most his life.”
  3. Tempest noded as they got ready to gather up the hogs. “Well, this is going to be something.” She says looking at them all as she rares up on the fencing, she looked like a bird of prey ready to strike every last pig. “Shame they can’t talk like cows. Makes it much more easy to make them do something. Did that for a few weeks out west… Well, in truth I like that they can’t. Makes it less… weird. Some cows get too much in to milking and in truth i’d rather not have heard some of the things they told me.” She mutters more to herself than AJ. The countdown was done and she leaps over the fencing in to the mud. It seems she was fine getting muddy as she runs after hogs and gets swinging with her lasso. Well she did not have the aim of AJ she was making up for it in speed and willingness to get caked in mud and dirt if it means snagging up a hog and in no time has one hogtied tied and pulled over to Big Mac. “One!” she calls out happily looking over at AJ.
  4. Dusty moved closer to the going’ons as he glanced at the crows, they made his fur stand on end. It was as much fear as raw unchanged hatred for the flying monsters that he felt was fully justified. They started this war with him after all and it took a very long time for the scars to heal and even longer for the mental ones. With a rather aggressive snort from his nostrils he looked away from them and at the weird pony. He heard the tail end of it. Did he call a kiss a fruit? What was he, a colt fresh from filly school? It got a cold chuckle from the Big Mac+ sized mule as he shakes his head and rolls his shoulders. “Ya ain't ever got a kiss before?” He asked doing his best to ignore the birds looking at him. “Let alone know what it is? By the time ah was half ya size ah was making the mares at the bar blush more red than the appels this fine mare is selling!” He bursts out in to a deep thundering laughter that ends in a coughing fit that leaves Dusty weezing as he wipes his muzzle before pulling a whiskey flask from his duster jacket that had ‘Born to be free’ engraved on it. He takes a long swig than tucks it away. “Well, don’t keep her a’waitin.” He smirks.
  5. Ponyville, Dusty never did understand the name. It seemed pointless and redundant. A town of ponies. That is what the name means or so he was told. But way name it like that? Far as he knows there was no Zebra town or Giffin Den as they are silly names. So why did ponies feel the need to say ‘welcome to pony town!’ as if that was a rare or new thing. A more fitting name for the town is Strangeville, no other town was as weird as this one and he’s seen plenty of towns and cities in his life. But here he was, making the long walk on hoof to the strangest town he knew. He was passing the towns farmland now, home of the well known appleJack, he’s never seen or spoke to the mare but had his fair share of run in with her big family. Hard not to. So he’s heard all about her. Saving the world, being a haro. Yet she just runs a farm and works hard, not letting fame walk her to an easy life. He liked that in her. Fame and the easy road it can give a pony makes them weak. It was better to work hard and give one’s self strife so you never forget the real joys in life. Dusty stops walking as he reaches the top of a small hill in the road and looks over the farm and small gathering of ponys. Something was going on, but it seems friendly. A unicorn with a lot of pet birds… Birds… Seeing them sends a chill down his spine. He hates birds. A filly, AJ’s sister most likely. Than AJ herself, easy to spot when you hear so many stories. Her family took a lot of pride in that mare. Some others were around as well, less weird than the pony with one to many pet flying monsters. But a fine time as ever to meet this AJ for himself and see if she lives up to countless stories he heard. So he makes down the road, head held tall even as he limps on his back left leg. Maybe if he saw a real doctor when he broke it he’d not be stuck with that infernal limp, but it was just another cut of the pie he played for the live he lived and lives. He was a tall pony, standing half a head taller than well known giant of a pony big Mac. Most of his body was hidden underneath some very western clothing, telling a story in one look as to where he was from. The next page of the story painted on his body was the scars not out of view. A long gash over an eye, to well shaped to be from some ascendant and looking more like a mark of ownership. Part of an ear was missing, bitten off by some beast on his long none-pony like ears, the length of them matching that of a donkey. Covered by his dyed mane, only seen if the wind blows it away was the stump of a unicorns horn. For Dusty was an unicorn mule, the unicorn part long removed by his past and like the stump left, hidden from view. Mix in his limping walk and he looked like one grizzled mid aged pony that has seen far to much in his life yet holds himself tall, unbeaten and moving onward. “Howdy y’all, what in the blazing sun did ah walk on in to here?” He asked with his thick western accent that has a faint hint of stalliongrad somewhere deep inside of it. Deep, gritty yet charming as a radio voice, it was fiting of some anti hero from a western film that makes all the saloon mares blush.
  6. Tempest Shadow Rp's :Runing: Holidays of Adventure Hearts of Ice :Hiatus: Tempest's Shadow :finished: An Apple Layover relationships Sunset Shimmer: friend Feng Yinhaitao: friend
  7. Calder Stormur Carrson Rp's :Runing: The first seeds of a new life Lost by one, found by another :Hiatus: :finished: relationships
  8. Big mac was not wrong in his judgement, Tempest lost no sleep over what happened to canterlot or the ponies in it. She lost sleep over failing to get her horn… or not betrying the worthless ‘king’ first. But her head was clear of all things as she watched AJ explain how to do it. Can she do it with magic? Easly. Will the pigs be safe? That was the unclare part of that and why she stuck to being more of an earth pony than a unicorn. If she was not helping AJ she’d not care if harm came to them. They were pigs. But for the sake of things she must not hurt them. “I understand.” She says with a nod of her head and did a slow walk around big mac, her eyes darting over him as if was a textbook. Well she did she gets the the rope ready. “I have done a hogtie before, but I will try my best to be… gentle.” She added with a wink before she starts spinning the lasso about than slings it over Macs head. “Ah, not bad for you sitting about.” She walked up and removed it and moved away more this time. She started repeating this, moving back more every time she hit her mark and talking to AJ on tips to help her aim.
  9. Marry Crassmess! And happy Hearth's Warming.

  10. Tempest did wish that big red hunk of pony talked more, he seems like he’d be a lot of fun. AJ didn't even need to say he was strong, he looked it! But being so soft spoken was bothersome and off puting, she found just speaking her mind worked best in life. If you don’t that means you hide things and he must be hiding a hole lot of things in his head. She moved to follow AJ and red out the door. “Well, glad to pay off my past sins.” She says with a soft smile, knowing AJ was just playing around as they walked along outside. As they did Mac felt the need to speak up and ask something she’d rather he did not. She chews it over in her head, than speaks. “I was betrayed. I gave him everything he wanted and more. I was his flawless commandeer and pride of his army. I WAS what made it so much more than it was… It was deadly before me, after me it was unstoppable. And he tossed it all way. In truth I saw it coming, I just did not want to see it in my desperation.” She says in a cold tone, stating it all as fact without much feelings on it. “And now I am here, acting more in kindness as a favor of what AJ’s friend did for me. I am alive do to her and for that I am thankful and so I pass that on to her friends. If not for her and them i’d be dead or some new garden decor for the sisters.”
  11. Tempest had mixed feelings about all of this, well it was going to be a good outlet and way to distract herself from the many things going around in her head she can only be so enthusiastic about learning more about applesauce than most unicorns will learn in their whole lifetimes. It may just maybe, be more boring than learning how legstics work. To add to the matter was Big Reds rather useless reply to what she asked. This got an eyeroll out of Tempest as she gets up to join them for the walk to the pigs. “Honestly if spoke less I’d believe you were mute or deaf.” She says too Mac, it was not much of a rude tone more of her just being frustrated by how silent he was. But pushing on she looked too AJ. “So, here is a story Mis AJ. This is not my first time here. When I was Filly passed there this farm. Even ate an apple or two, was homeless at the time so hope you don’t frown on it.” She says with soft grin.
  12. Tempest did not want to sit down some more, she wanted to do something, anything and stay busy. But talking will have to do for fow so she sits back down with the clatter of her plated armor, glancing at the foal as it mutters and makers sounds as she reminded herself she was like that onces. “Ah yes, restraint.” She says in reply to Apple Jack's comment about not hurting the pigs. “I shall try my best to be gentle. If I feel a growing need to slam something against a table a few times I shall ask to be released on appels.” She says with a cold chuckle as if she made a joke, but her tone made it rather unclear if she was. “That is how one makes applesauce and jam is it?” She added pondering on it a moment. “You just smash them in to a jar. I have never done something like that so forgive me not knowing. You may need too show me when we get there.” Looking at Big Mac as he spoke a few words. She arched an eyebrow as if trying to decode it before just asking. “I do believe you can stand too add a few more words. Practice in what? Pigs? Applesauce? Jam? Or are you picking up my offer to do some sparring with me?” She asked.
  13. Tempest was about done with her food as AJ walked in, she heard the mare approaching long before she spoke up. The flapping of small wings as well… She was ever alert and can’t help it sometimes. Years of being alone made one have ears on a swivel and picking out every tiny detail around you. “Yes thank you.” She says between bites as she thinks about what big red offered her. ‘Hog tyin’ as he put it. His way of speaking was humoring, short and blunt but with a flair all to himself. She swallowed her last bite and finly looked at the foal in the room. She did not know what to do or how to act to the small… Thing. “Hi.” Was all she can say to the thing before looking back to Big Mac. “I have never tied up a hog before, but it can’t be that hard. Had to chase down much smarter pray before and more well armed.” She gets up from the table and picks the dish up, walking to the sink she places it in it before looking back at the three of them. “Well, may as well get myself working around here to help repay this act of kindness. Where are the hogs? How many do you need tied up?” She asked flatly with a small grin. Running down some pigs may be some fun and a nice outlet for her energy. “And what other work do you wish me to do before the sun is down? I can work in the dark if needed.” She added, overselling it maybe but she wanted to be useful for her stay and staying busy was good.
  14. Tempest let out a soft chuckle as she sits down at the table, he really was a pony of few words and softer than fresh bread. It was cute in a way, he will make a mare happy someday to have someone…. Somepony as sweet as him. “It is fine if you do not want to. But don’t fear hurting me, I have played with far bigger than you and broke their teeth against tables… Walls… the floor.” She says with a soft smile as if the memories of doing such was pleasant to her. “But I will not push it.” she waved a hoof in dismissal and looked at the big sandwich. She leans her head side to side as she studyed the sandwich, it was a heck of a meal. Looking up at Big Mac inhaling his food she shrugged and followed him in turn. Well she can’t take as big a bite as him, she was not beaten by the large meal as she starts cutting it down to size bite by bite like a starving dog that got some food tossed to it with no care to being messy. She was not a refined mare nor did she care if she looked messy when eating. She was hungry and if somepony had a problem with that she will break their jaw for speaking up about it.
  15. Tempest looked around the room that belonged to a ‘Granny Smith’. She felt unsure about using someone's bedroom with them not around but so long as she leaves it looking as good as she was given it no harm will come. she hopes. “Thank you.” She says looking around. So AJ was a mom and her foal… Rainbow Dash? Saying her name when speaking about the foal implies they were doing this together. She’s seen two mares do that before with one or both taking up being a mother with the help of a doctor or sometimes a trusted friend. But it made here thankfully nothing bad came to Dash or AJ, raising a foal alone is never easy. She looked to AJ to hear what she was about to say when the mother had to bail to deal with the foal. “It’s fine.” She says back to AJ as the mare leaves. Looking to Big Mac she studys him. He seemed to not know what to do with her and he did not respond to her asking of sparring… She did not blame him. She was… Something. And now she was left alone for him to deal with. His brain must be doing back flips. “I can go for some food, been doing a lot of walking and not much eating. That apple is all i had today.” She responded to him as she walked closer and looked up at him. She was not much shorter than him. “Well, lead the way, but I do want to spare with you at least one time before I leave. Not every day I meet a pony bigger than me... And maybe even stonger. We will see. Don't worry, I will not lay you out to hard."
  16. Tempest munched on the apple as she awaited AJ’s answer and to her relief, it was good. She we allowed to stay and work it seems, at least for now. Done with her apple she slings it over her shoulder and gets up to follow AJ as she explains the big red pony was in fact her brother. She looked back at him as the big hunk of stallion starts to walk along with them, she hated to say it but AJ had one… Handsome brother. Ponies taller than her were very rare and one that looked like he is stronger as well? Well that never happened. But there he was, doing both. She’d have to see just how strong he was later. “So, Big Mac? Well you are big. Maybe we can do some sparring later?” She asked with a smirk as she looked up at the large male before pulling her gaze back to AJ, speeding up her trot to stay alongside the farming mare. “And thank you for allowing me to stay. I know it can’t be easy to take me in on such a short call out of the blue… Most of all considering what I did not even a week ago.” She looked around the farmland as they walked to wherever AJ was leading them. It was a nice spot of the land they had, close to town but just removed enough to give the same open feel as liveing out nowhere. She found it relaxing and maybe something to think about later in life. Someday she is going to have to settle down and maybe a small farm was what she needed? Hard work to vent on with some peace and calm air as needed? Maybe. But now was not the time to think about such a change in life as she had many more paths to look down first. Looking back to AJ something was itching at the back of Tempests mind as if she overlooked something. ‘post-pregnancy energy blues’. It rolled around in her mind for a moment as her brain seemed confused as to what was spoken. Than it clicked as Tempest stopped walking, froze in a stride. “She… Is a mother.” She spoke in a soft whisper aimed at only herself as she slowly blinked. She truly did not know how to even respond to this development and started moving again as her eyes moved to the grass and dirt they walked over. This news was more troubling than it needed to be. Maybe it was the fear of hurting a foal? A mother? Something about that made her uneasy and pulled her back to her foal years. Her family, her friends. How horrible it all ended and how it made her… HER. No foal deserves that fate. But for AJ to be so welcoming means no ill must have happened to the young one but Tempest was sure AJ must be worried. Tempest was dangerous, just a few days ago she was hunting them down and tookover canterlot. Now she is on the same farm as AJ's family and foal. “If you wish I am fine sleeping in the barn or a shed. All i need is somewhere dry. I do not wish to intrude on your home. It must be plenty full already with the young one and family about.” She offered, hoping it help make things more easy on AJ. As much as Tempest missed her bed on board her airship she spent more of life sleeping on dirt so the change back to sleeping on whatever looked soft was hardly difficult. So if AJ needed that space Tempest can give it. So long as she got to sleep and work to buy what she needed to make it to the next town she was fine with whatever AJ gave her.
  17. Tempest was relieved to see Applejack pulling up in top view, that confirmed this was her farm, but judging from the cart full of apples AJ was pulling along she showed up when AJ was working. At least the farm pony did not seem bothered about this interruption of work. “Hello Applejack, sorry to show up with you working.” She says back as AJ tossed an apple her way. For most unicorns all they’d have to do is think about grabbing it with magic, than bam, eat the floating appel. Tempest never had it that easy. With a leap into the air she grabs the apple in her muzzle with a backflip then lands on her hooves. With a wet crunch she takes a bite, sitting down to hold the apple between her front hooves. “Thank you, was getting rather hungry… I hate to do this but I came here wanting to ask a favor. May I crash here for a day or two? I can stay out of the way, heck I can sleep outside even. But if you will allow it i’d like to work as well. Just for the stay and make a few bits to help me on road. Need to buy food and water after all.” As she explained herself, she saw a rather large male make his way over from the apple trees… Tempest was a tall pony and few are close to standing eye to eye with her but that hunk of pony? Well he may even be taller than her and was built like a bull!. "hello. You work here?” She asked him as she spoted the apples on his flank. “Are you related? If AJ has not told you, names Tempest… Just call me that.” She says looking the stallion up and down before pulling her gaze back to Applejack to avoid staring too long at what very well may be the mares brother.
  18. Holy cow, MLP FIM is seven years old! Seven! I can't belive it's been so long, man I remember when ep-5 was new. How time flys and how I loved all of it. So heres to more of it and to more good times, friendship and more! 

    1. tacobob


      Wow. And to think, if my TV wasn't in the shop and I didn't have to watch my shows via streaming one day on my computer, I would have never watched FIM. I kept wondering why FIM kept popping up on the streaming sites. That was some dumb show made to sell cheap toys! Why would I want to watch that? Why was it EVERYWHERE. So I watched an episode and then another and then another......

  19. Roads, Tempest has seen plenty of them in her life and walked far too many alone in her youth. Yet here she was walking a road she took many years ago to a town she last saw as a runaway in passing. She did not remember ponyville with much clarity do to how long it has been and her age at the time but what few things she did remember were hardly the same. The town has changed a lot in that time… Some more tall and ugly than others but Twilight's dreadful taste in homes was not her place to judge… But if she lived here she may have to plant a tree or two to cover that eyesore up. But regardless of that atrocity she needed to rest. Maybe not in the form of laying around but more mentally. Being alone left her… Alone with her thoughts and after a few days of that she concluded that was NOT a good idea for her at the moment with the turmoil raging inside of her. How will others feel if they knew the truth? Yes in many ways she was lied to and lead astray… But in other ways she did much of it willingly and even enjoyed it. Reflecting on this was troubling as her time alone gave her plenty of time to dig deep into herself and what she was learning was only making it more… unpleasant. She enjoyed, no, she loved the power she had. With a sigh she pushed her dark thoughts away as best she can and looked to the town she was passing… around. She did not feel ready to just walk in to it, it was far too close to Canterlot. They all must have known what she did and will ask to many things she does not wish to be asked about yet as deep down she did not know how to answer them. Guiding her eyes to the countryside she saw the clear layout of a farm. She remembered that farm, she stole apples from it way back when… Apples… That one with the hat, Applejack was it? She said something about living in ponyville. Was this her farm? Maybe it can giver her the shelter she needed and offer some work as well. Farmers were ever in need of an extra pair of hooves after all and many were not tro shy to take on passing ponies for short bost to pony power. So maybe this Applejack will help. She was a friend of Twilights and seeing as Twilight insisted that she and her were friends… Well, friend of a friend helps a friend? That was how that saying worked… maybe. Whatever it may be She made her way to the farm with the midday sun glittering on the black steel of her armor and undersuit. She has… been hesitant to remove it. She can’t explain why but she felt very vulnerable for now and it supplied her some feeling of familiarity, comfort… Pride. Approaching the gate that marking the entryway to the farm she stopped and looked over the home and farmland before her… Forgotten memories glimmer before her like broken glass on the floor. Hiding, rain, stealing an apple to eat before pushing on. She flicked her ears and closed her eyes as remembered her life as a filly. So young and alone, what if she just… stayed here? Maybe they’d have adopted her? It was pointless to think about yet it lasted longer than she wanted it to. With a frustrated snort of anger she opens her eyes and walked past the gate and into the farm itself. “HELLO!? Eanypony around!?” She yelled out, hoping they were not busy and she was not being to bothersome.
  20. well i just got older. I sware i can feel the gray hair allready. 

    1. tacobob



      Eh. Don't worry. I had grey hair before I was legally allowed to drink. Must run in the family.

  21. Dusty

    Rat v5

    i will hug and love him much to free him yes
  22. Dusty

    Rat v5

    i want to hug the bug
  23. now that is a hunk of a handsome dad.
  24. thanks! I love it as well, was done by my close friend Draco, one of my fave refs I have ever gotten.
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